英语 中的 wire 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 wire 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 wire 的说明。

英语 中的wire 表示金属丝 jīn shǔ sī, 电线 diàn xiàn, 安装电线 ān zhuāng diàn xiàn, 电汇 diàn huì, 终点线 zhōng diǎn xiàn, 电讯,电信 diàn xùn,diàn xìn, 电报 diàn bào, 窃听器 qiè tīng qì, 给…接通电源 gěi jiē tōng diàn yuán, 给...安窃听器, 给...接线,给...连线, 倒刺铁丝网, 倒钩铁丝 dào gōu tiě sī, 用倒钩铁丝围起来的, 六角形网, 铜线, 最后关头 zuì hòu guān tóu, 电线 diàn xiàn, 线接, 灌输...给某人, 钢丝 gāng sī, 短路点火, 电线 diàn xiàn, 精力充沛的人,活跃的人 jīng lì chōng pèi de rén,huó yuè de rén, 带刺铁丝, 刚好在最后期限前,恰好来得及, 钢丝刷 gāng sī shuā, 剪线钳 jiǎn xiàn qián, 金属丝网, 金属衣架, 金属丝网, 电汇款项 diàn huì kuǎn xiàng, 新闻通讯社, 电汇 diàn huì, 钢丝绒 gāng sī róng, (刷子)硬毛的 shuā zi yìng máo de, 硬毛狗, 高空滑索。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 wire 的含义

金属丝 jīn shǔ sī

noun (metal strand)

The fence was attached to the posts with wire.

电线 diàn xiàn

noun (cable)

We can run the wires under the carpet.

安装电线 ān zhuāng diàn xiàn

transitive verb (equip with electrical wiring)

They wired the house themselves.

电汇 diàn huì

transitive verb (transfer or send money) (汇钱)

Can you wire me two hundred dollars by next Tuesday?

终点线 zhōng diǎn xiàn

noun (finish line) (赛跑)

He cheered as the horse he had bet on reached the wire first.

电讯,电信 diàn xùn,diàn xìn

noun (figurative (telecommunications)

The news came over the wire.

电报 diàn bào

noun (telegram)

He received a wire from his son in Australia.

窃听器 qiè tīng qì

noun (bug: listening device)

He infiltrated the group wearing a wire.

给…接通电源 gěi jiē tōng diàn yuán

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (connect to cables)

I didn't know how to wire up the speakers.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (attach a listening device to)

The police wired up their undercover officer before his meeting with the drug dealer.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (connect: equipment) (机器或设备等)


noun (metal security fence)

倒钩铁丝 dào gōu tiě sī

noun (spiked wire)

The farmer has put up barbed wire round his field to deter trespassers.


noun as adjective (made of spiked wire)

The prisoners were held inside a barbwire enclosure.


noun (hexagonal mesh used as fence)


noun (red-brown metal filament)

最后关头 zuì hòu guān tóu

expression (figurative (close to the deadline)

电线 diàn xiàn

noun (cable carrying electric current)


transitive verb (circuit: connect directly)


(figurative, often passive (inculcate)

钢丝 gāng sī

noun (high tightrope)


transitive verb (start a car without key) (汽车)

电线 diàn xiàn

noun (cable carrying electricity)

CAUTION: LIVE WIRES OVERHEAD. Always assume that a fallen wire is a live wire.

精力充沛的人,活跃的人 jīng lì chōng pèi de rén,huó yuè de rén

noun (figurative (lively, outgoing person)

That kid is such a live wire! He never stays still!


(barbed tape)


expression (US, figurative, informal (barely in time)

I managed to get my book report in under the wire.

钢丝刷 gāng sī shuā

noun (tool with steel bristles)

Use a wire brush to remove any corrosion.

剪线钳 jiǎn xiàn qián

plural noun (tool: pliers)

I used wire cutters to remove the ring from my swollen finger.


noun (mesh fabric made of wire)


noun (clotheshanger made of wire)


noun (metal netting material)

电汇款项 diàn huì kuǎn xiàng

verbal expression (send a money order)

Many of the foreign workers wire money home to their families.


noun (agency that sends news stories)

电汇 diàn huì

noun (bank-to-bank money transfer)

When my sister lost all her money, I sent her a wire transfer so she could get home.

钢丝绒 gāng sī róng

noun (abrasive steel-fibre material)

For tough scrubbing, try using wire wool on your dirty plates and bowls.

(刷子)硬毛的 shuā zi yìng máo de

adjective (dog: having wiry, coarse coat)


noun (wirehair dog)


noun (rope slide)

I've always wanted to ride a zip-line high up in the trees.

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wire 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。