英语 中的 trip 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 trip 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 trip 的说明。

英语 中的trip 表示旅程 lǚ chéng, 绊倒 bàn dǎo, 绊 bàn, 使跌倒 shǐ diē dǎo, 迷幻体验,幻觉 huàn jué, 错误 cuò wù, 轻快地跳舞 qīng kuài de tiào wǔ, 轻快地移动 qīng kuài de yí dòng, 旅游 lǚ yóu, 产生幻觉 chǎn shēng huàn jué, 跳闸, 松开以开动, 触发开关, 打开 dǎ kāi, 绊倒,使摔倒 bàn dǎo ,shǐ shuāi dǎo, 绊倒,使摔倒 bàn dǎo ,shǐ shuāi dǎo, 绊倒,使摔倒 bàn dǎo ,shǐ shuāi dǎo, 使…犯错, 使…露出马脚, 乘船旅行 chéng chuán lǚ xíng, 商务旅行 shāng wù lǚ xíng, 一日游 yí rì yóu, 一日游 yí rì yóu, 去...一日游, 从...开始一日游, 自我陶醉 zì wǒ táo zuì, 实地考察 shí dì kǎo chá, 钓鱼之旅,垂钓之旅, 去短途旅行 qù duǎn tú lǚ xíng, 去旅行 qù lǚ xíng, 罪恶感,感到愧疚, 使…感到愧疚,使…自责, 使…感到愧疚,使…自责, 祝你旅途愉快, 祝你一路平安, 旅途愉快 lǚ tú yú kuài, 蜜月旅行, 旅途还顺利吗?, 狩猎之旅 shòu liè zhī lǚ, 旅行 lǚ xíng, 去一趟, 宣教之旅,短宣, 游览 yóu lǎn, 炫耀权力, 公路旅行 gōng lù lǚ xíng, 往返旅行 wǎng fǎn lǚ xíng, 往返 wǎng fǎn, 往返票 wǎng fǎn piào, 一路平安 yí lù píng ān, 学校组织的旅行 xué xiào zǔ zhī de lǚ xíng, 购物出行, 滑雪之旅, 研究访问,研究之旅, 旅行 lǚ xíng, 乘火车旅行 chéng huǒ chē lǚ xíng, 绊倒,跌倒 bàn dǎo ,diē dǎo, 被…绊倒 bèi bàn dǎo。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 trip 的含义

旅程 lǚ chéng

noun (journey)

I had fun on my trip.

绊倒 bàn dǎo

noun (stumble)

Julia's sprained ankle was due to a trip.

绊 bàn

intransitive verb (stumble)

The old man tripped as he stepped back onto the pavement.

使跌倒 shǐ diē dǎo

transitive verb (make stumble)

A bully tripped me in the hall.

迷幻体验,幻觉 huàn jué

noun (slang (drug experience) (吸毒后产生的)

Jerry is recovering from a bad trip.

错误 cuò wù

noun (US (error, blunder)

I made a bad trip at work, but I hope I can put it right.

轻快地跳舞 qīng kuài de tiào wǔ

intransitive verb (skip or dance)

The children tripped down the lane.

轻快地移动 qīng kuài de yí dòng

intransitive verb (move with a light step)

The dancer tripped merrily across the stage.

旅游 lǚ yóu

intransitive verb (US (journey)

My cousins are going to trip to the seaside.

产生幻觉 chǎn shēng huàn jué

intransitive verb (slang, figurative (be stoned) (吸毒后)

Fred is tripping on acid.


intransitive verb (power: disconnect due to overload)

When I flipped the light switch, the electricity tripped.

松开以开动, 触发开关

transitive verb (release: a catch) (机械等的部件)

The burglar tripped the sensor.

打开 dǎ kāi

transitive verb (start: a machine) (机器)

The blown fuse tripped the emergency generator.

绊倒,使摔倒 bàn dǎo ,shǐ shuāi dǎo

phrasal verb, intransitive (stumble, fall)

Sheila tripped up and injured her hip while running to catch a bus.

绊倒,使摔倒 bàn dǎo ,shǐ shuāi dǎo

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative, informal (make a mistake)

Many foreign students of English trip up on prepositions.

绊倒,使摔倒 bàn dǎo ,shǐ shuāi dǎo

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (cause to stumble, fall)

He stuck his leg out as I walked past to trip me up.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative, informal (cause to make a mistake)

Double negatives usually trip me up.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative, informal (try to catch out)

The detectives interviewed the husband and wife separately, hoping to trip one of them up on some aspect of their alibi.

乘船旅行 chéng chuán lǚ xíng

noun (excursion on water)

商务旅行 shāng wù lǚ xíng

noun (journey made for work)

My secretary booked the hotels for my upcoming business trip.

一日游 yí rì yóu

noun (outing made in a day)

If you live in New Jersey it's easy to take a day trip to New York City.

一日游 yí rì yóu

intransitive verb (US (make a day trip)


(US (make a day trip to a place)


(US (make a day trip from a place)

We met a couple in Oxford who were day-tripping from London.

自我陶醉 zì wǒ táo zuì

noun (informal ([sth] done to satisfy yourself)

实地考察 shí dì kǎo chá

noun (research outing)

The class went on a field trip to the zoo.


noun (outing to catch fish)

Did you ever ask him why he never caught any fish on his fishing trips?

去短途旅行 qù duǎn tú lǚ xíng

verbal expression (UK (take a short journey)

This weekend we're going on a trip to the seaside.

去旅行 qù lǚ xíng

verbal expression (US (travel)

Last summer I went on a trip to Rome to see the Coliseum.


noun (informal (feeling of shame or responsibility)

After she had such a bad experience, I went on quite a guilt trip for having persuaded her to do it in the first place.


noun (informal (attempt to make [sb] feel guilty)


verbal expression (informal (attempt to make [sb] feel guilty)

He tried to guilt-trip me by saying that it was my fault that he was late for work.


interjection (pleasant holiday)


interjection (safe journey)

旅途愉快 lǚ tú yú kuài

interjection (enjoy your vacation, holiday)

Here are your tickets, Sir. Have a nice trip!


noun (holiday taken by newlyweds)

They can't decide where to go for their honeymoon trip.


expression (question about travels)

"How was your trip?" Andrew asked Julie when he met her at the airport.

狩猎之旅 shòu liè zhī lǚ

noun (expedition to hunt animals)

My brother is going on a hunting trip this weekend, but I hope he doesn't manage to kill any animals.

旅行 lǚ xíng

verbal expression (US (travel)

Richard made a trip to Australia.


verbal expression (UK (go on a short journey)

Liz made a trip to the shops.


noun (travel for charitable religious purpose)

The church youth group went on a mission trip to help build houses on an Indian reservation.

游览 yóu lǎn

noun (holiday, vacation)

I've been overseas a few times this year but my trip to Hawaii was the only pleasure trip.


noun (informal (egotistical use of authority)

公路旅行 gōng lù lǚ xíng

noun (journey in a car, bus, etc.)

We're planning a road trip to Perth this weekend.

往返旅行 wǎng fǎn lǚ xíng

noun (journey to a destination and back)

The round trip only takes four hours by car.

往返 wǎng fǎn

noun as adjective (to a place and back again)

A round-trip ticket is usually cheaper than two one-way tickets.

往返票 wǎng fǎn piào

noun (ticket for going and returning)

一路平安 yí lù píng ān

noun (journey completed without danger)

学校组织的旅行 xué xiào zǔ zhī de lǚ xíng

noun (educational outing)

I'll never forget visiting the United Nations during our school trip to New York.


noun (visit to the shops)

The sisters went on a shopping trip to buy clothes for the upcoming party.


noun (skiing holiday)


noun (visit made for academic research)

旅行 lǚ xíng

verbal expression (go on a journey)

Next spring my husband and I are going to take a trip to New Zealand.

乘火车旅行 chéng huǒ chē lǚ xíng

noun (journey by railway)

Train trips allow you to see more of the countryside than flying.

绊倒,跌倒 bàn dǎo ,diē dǎo

(stumble and fall)

Peggy tripped over in the street and broke her hip.

被…绊倒 bèi bàn dǎo

(fall by stepping on)

The child tripped over the toys on the floor and fell down.

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trip 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。