英语 中的 played 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 played 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 played 的说明。

英语 中的played 表示玩过的, 玩乐 wán lè, 演奏,弹奏 yǎn zòu,tán zòu, 演奏,弹奏 yǎn zòu,tán zòu, 放,播放 fàng,bō fàng, 踢(球),打(球) tī ( qiú ),dǎ ( qiú ), 演绎(角色) yǎn yì jué sè, 话剧 huà jù, 剧本 jù běn, 休闲 xiū xián, 赌博 dǔ bó, 活动的空间 huó dòng de kōng jiān, 轮到的一次机会 lún dào de yí cì jī huì, 比赛中的表现 bǐ sài zhōng de biǎo xiàn, 光线闪动 guāng xiàn shǎn dòng, 注意力 zhù yì lì, 播放键 bō fàng jiàn, (一)击,(一个)动作, 参与,参加 cān yù ,cān jiā, 赌博 dǔ bó, 开玩笑 kāi wán xiào, 假装 jiǎ zhuāng, 假装 jiǎ zhuāng, 上演 shàng yǎn, 弹奏,演奏 tán zòu,yǎn zòu, 表演 biǎo yǎn, 为…下赌注 wèi xià dǔ zhù, 与...比赛, 假装, 假扮, 使晃动, 使摇曳, 欺骗…,骗… qī piàn, 滥用的 làn yòng de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 played 的含义


adjective (game, sport: used)

The played cards remain face up on the table.

玩乐 wán lè

intransitive verb (do [sth] for amusement)

The children are playing.

演奏,弹奏 yǎn zòu,tán zòu

transitive verb (perform on: a musical instrument) (乐器)

He plays the piano and the guitar.

演奏,弹奏 yǎn zòu,tán zòu

transitive verb (music: perform) (音乐)

Play another Beethoven sonata.

放,播放 fàng,bō fàng

transitive verb (put on, listen to: music, a CD) (光盘、磁带等)

I am playing the new CD on the stereo.
我在(立体声)音响上播放一张新 CD。

踢(球),打(球) tī ( qiú ),dǎ ( qiú )

transitive verb (take part in: a sport or game) (运动)

Who'd like to play tennis? Let's play hide-and-seek!

演绎(角色) yǎn yì jué sè

transitive verb (act the role of)

Who wants to play Lady Macbeth?

话剧 huà jù

noun (performance)

I'd like to see a play for my birthday.

剧本 jù běn

noun (drama)

He wrote the play with specific actors in mind.

休闲 xiū xián

noun (recreational activity)

You have no time for play when you run your own company.

赌博 dǔ bó

noun (dated (gambling)

He acquired a lot of debts at play.

活动的空间 huó dòng de kōng jiān

noun (movement, looseness)

There's too much play between the wheel and the axle.

轮到的一次机会 lún dào de yí cì jī huì

noun (game: turn) (游戏、比赛等中)

It's my play. Can I have the dice, please?

比赛中的表现 bǐ sài zhōng de biǎo xiàn

noun (conduct of a game)

It's a tournament in which you'll see top class play.

光线闪动 guāng xiàn shǎn dòng

noun (movement of light)

They watched the play of the sunlight on the water.

注意力 zhù yì lì

noun (attention)

The double murder got a lot of play on the morning news.

播放键 bō fàng jiàn

noun (button)

Insert the CD and press play.


noun (sport, game: move) (体育运动、比赛)

In a single amazing play, the baseball team got three outs.

参与,参加 cān yù ,cān jiā

intransitive verb (take part) (比赛、游戏等)

We'd like to play, too.

赌博 dǔ bó

intransitive verb (gamble)

Minors are not allowed to play.

开玩笑 kāi wán xiào

intransitive verb (jest)

I didn't mean it. I was only playing.

假装 jiǎ zhuāng

intransitive verb (pretend)

She wasn't really injured; she was just playing.

假装 jiǎ zhuāng

intransitive verb (feign)

He's playing dead.

上演 shàng yǎn

intransitive verb (be performed)

What's playing tonight?

弹奏,演奏 tán zòu,yǎn zòu

intransitive verb (music: perform) (乐器)

He loves the violin. He plays all day.

表演 biǎo yǎn

transitive verb (stage a performance of)

They're playing "Waiting for Godot" all week.

为…下赌注 wèi xià dǔ zhù

transitive verb (bet on)

He likes to play the horses.


transitive verb (compete against)

No one wants to play him because he never loses.

假装, 假扮

transitive verb (pretend) (儿童游戏)

Let's play house.

使晃动, 使摇曳

transitive verb (direct light, water)

He played the spotlight on the entranceway.

欺骗…,骗… qī piàn

transitive verb (informal (deceive)

Kate didn't realize the man she'd met on a dating site was playing her until she'd spent half her savings on him.

滥用的 làn yòng de

adjective (overused)

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。