英语 中的 pie 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 pie 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 pie 的说明。

英语 中的pie 表示馅饼 xiàn bǐng, 果馅派 guǒ xiàn pài, 乱码 luàn mǎ, 苹果派 píng guǒ pài, 传统美国价值观的, 香蕉太妃, 樱桃派 yīng táo pài, 牛粪 niú fèn, 奶油馅饼 nǎi yóu xiàn bǐng, 蛋奶冻派 dàn nǎi dòng pài, 蛋奶冻派, 奶油馅饼, 甜心 tián xīn, 甜心,小可爱 tián xīn, 简单得很,再简单不过 jiǎn dān de hěn,zài jiǎn dān bú guò, 被迫低声下气地赔罪 bèi pò dī shēng xià qì de péi zuì, 多管闲事 duō guǎn xián shì, 屈辱 qū rǔ, 菜豆派 cài dòu pài, 肉饼 ròu bǐng, 肉馅饼 ròu xiàn bǐng, 泥馅饼 ní xiàn bǐng, 小泥饼,泥团 xiǎo ní bǐng,ní tuán, 招人喜欢的 zhāo rén xǐ huān de, 山核桃派, 饼状图, 馅饼皮, 馅饼皮, 饼馅 bǐng xiàn, 空中楼阁,不太可能实现的愿望 kōng zhōng lóu gé,bú tài kě néng shí xiàn de yuàn wàng, 馅饼烤模, 烂醉如泥的,酩酊大醉的 làn zuì rú ní de,mǐng dǐng dà zuì de, 比萨饼 bǐ sà bǐng, 猪肉馅饼, 平顶帽, 罐烘馅饼, 炖菜带面饺, 南瓜派 nán guā pài, 土豆泥肉馅饼 tǔ dòu ní ròu xiàn bǐng, 牛肉腰子馅饼,牛肉腰子派, 心爱的人 xīn ài de rén。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 pie 的含义

馅饼 xiàn bǐng

noun (food: savory pastry) (食物)

I would like pie, mashed potatoes, and vegetables.

果馅派 guǒ xiàn pài

noun (food: sweet-filled pastry)

Would you like ice cream with your apple pie?

乱码 luàn mǎ

noun (printing: jumble of type)

苹果派 píng guǒ pài

noun (pastry dessert)

They served apple pie with ice cream for dessert.


adjective (US, figurative (traditional American values)


noun (toffee and banana dessert) (太妃糖和香蕉)

樱桃派 yīng táo pài

noun (sweet pastry containing cherries) (一种馅饼)

My mother prefers to use morello cherries in her cherry pies.

牛粪 niú fèn

noun (informal (bovine feces)

When Beverly walked across the cow pasture, she stepped in a huge cow pie!

奶油馅饼 nǎi yóu xiàn bǐng

noun (US (dessert: custard pie)

蛋奶冻派 dàn nǎi dòng pài

noun (food: sweet pastry)

蛋奶冻派, 奶油馅饼

noun (comedy prop) (喜剧片中增加喜剧效果的一种道具)

Most custard pies used for comic effect are actually filled with shaving foam.

甜心 tián xīn

noun (informal (affectionate term) (非正式)

甜心,小可爱 tián xīn

noun (informal (sweet or adorable creature) (非正式)

You are such a cutie pie, I could eat you all up.

简单得很,再简单不过 jiǎn dān de hěn,zài jiǎn dān bú guò

adjective (informal (very easy)

When you've done it a few times, it's easy as pie.

被迫低声下气地赔罪 bèi pò dī shēng xià qì de péi zuì

verbal expression (UK, figurative, informal (be forced to admit error) (比喻)

Well I was wrong, so I guess I'll just have to eat humble pie. The team are making their detractors eat humble pie with a series of impressive wins.

多管闲事 duō guǎn xián shì

verbal expression (figurative (be involved in others' affairs)

屈辱 qū rǔ

noun (figurative (forced humiliation)

Well, after that defeat, I guess humble pie will be on the menu for quite some time.

菜豆派 cài dòu pài

noun (savoury pastry containing kidney)

肉饼 ròu bǐng

noun (pastry containing meat)

I will use the leftovers from the meal to make a meat pie.

肉馅饼 ròu xiàn bǐng

noun (spiced fruit pastry)

Mince pies are traditionally eaten around Christmas.

泥馅饼 ní xiàn bǐng

noun (US (Mississippi mud pie: chocolate dessert) (一种巧克力甜点)

My daughter likes eating mud pie.

小泥饼,泥团 xiǎo ní bǐng,ní tuán

noun (informal, literal (mud that is played with by a child)

Nina decorated her mud pie with lilac flowers and rose petals.

招人喜欢的 zhāo rén xǐ huān de

adjective (person: pleasant, kind)


noun (sweet pastry)


noun (circular graph divided into segments)

Pie charts are an easy way to visualize expenses. Pie graphs help you present your data effectively.


noun (pastry topping) (指覆盖整个馅饼的)


noun (US (pastry lining) (指绕馅饼的边皮)

I have trouble making pie crust from scratch, so I usually buy ready-made pastry.

饼馅 bǐng xiàn

noun ([sth] cooked inside a pie)

This pie filling's a bit wet, Joan – did you forget to drain the fruit?

空中楼阁,不太可能实现的愿望 kōng zhōng lóu gé,bú tài kě néng shí xiàn de yuàn wàng

noun (figurative (wishful thinking, idealism) (比喻)

She thinks her book will be a best-seller, but that's just pie in the sky.


noun (dish for cooking pie)

烂醉如泥的,酩酊大醉的 làn zuì rú ní de,mǐng dǐng dà zuì de

adjective (figurative, informal (drunk)

比萨饼 bǐ sà bǐng

noun (US (pizza)


noun (food: pig meat in pastry)


noun (abbreviation (pork pie hat)


noun (US (pie baked in dish)

Kathy is baking a pot pie.


noun (US (stew with dumplings)

This is a great recipe for pot pie.

南瓜派 nán guā pài

noun (sweet pastry)

We will have pumpkin pie for dessert for our traditional Thanksgiving dinner.

土豆泥肉馅饼 tǔ dòu ní ròu xiàn bǐng

noun (minced lamb topped with potato)

The shepherd's pie was served in a warm bowl.


noun (meat pastry)

心爱的人 xīn ài de rén

noun (slang (endearing person)

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pie 的相关词

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。