英语 中的 letting 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 letting 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 letting 的说明。

英语 中的letting 表示允许某人做某事 yǔn xǔ mǒu rén zuò mǒu shì, 允许…过去, 擦网球 cā wǎng qiú, 出租...给, 使某人失望, 把…逐渐往下放 bǎ zhú jiàn wǎng xià fàng, 放长, 放气 fàng qì, 把...嵌入, 无罪释放 wú zuì shì fàng, 放过..., 允许某人不用做某事, 开,开火 kāi,kāi huǒ, 泄露,透露 xiè lù ,tòu lù, 放出去 fàng chū qù, 释放 shì fàng, 加大,加宽 jiā dà, 放出,释放 fàng chū,shì fàng, 泄露 xiè lù, 结束 jié shù, 无意中说出…,无意中透露…, 减轻 jiǎn qīng, 停止 tíng zhǐ, 更不要说,更不要提 gèng bú yào shuō, 不打扰,不干扰 bù dǎ rǎo, 不打扰…,随…去, 使…保持原状, 让…过去,让…通过, 过去的事就让它过去吧 guò qù de shì jiù ràng tā guò qù bɑ, 失望的 shī wàng de, 因...而失望, 暗示 àn shì, 透露 tòu lù, 松开 sōng kāi, 松开 sōng kāi, 放走 fàng zǒu, 解雇 jiě gù, 停止进行…, 放…进来 fàng jìn lái, 告诉某人某事,向某人透露某事, 让...进入, 别管它 bié guǎn tā, 不加计较,让过去的事过去, 告诉 gào sù, 告知,通告 gào zhī ,tōng gào, 放开 fàng kāi, 让某人随便用某物, 告诉我 gào sù wǒ, 轻易放过, 宣泄情感,宣泄怒气 xuān xiè qíng gǎn,xuān xiè nù qì, 发泄感情 fā xiè gǎn qíng, 放过某人, 解开...的枷锁,解开...的束缚, 放屁 fàng pì, 出租 chū zū, 不计较,不对…做出反应 bú jì jiào, 失控,失去控制 shī kòng,shī qù kòng zhì, 放肆地说, 别自找麻烦,别惹麻烦, 对…放之任之, 对...放任自流, 对...听之任之, 秘密泄露,真相大白 mì mì xiè lù,zhēn xiàng dà bái, 不顾后果, 允许通行, 停止 tíng zhǐ, 对…宽松, 停止谈论, 减弱 jiǎn ruò, 放轻松,放松 fàng qīng sōng,fàng sōng, 释放自我, 不修边幅, 令人失望的事物 lìng rén shī wàng de shì wù, 泌乳 mì rǔ, 漏铜,空子 kòng zi, 裁成斜条后缝合的, 让我们… ràng wǒ men …, 我们就这么做 wǒ mén jiù zhè me zuò, 我们走吧 wǒ mén zǒu ba, 假设 jiǎ shè, 中止,停止,减缓 zhōng zhǐ,tíng zhǐ,jiǎn huǎn, 自己活也要让别人活 zì jǐ huó yě yào ràng bié rén huó, 紧握 jǐn wò, 抓住…不放 zhuā zhù bú fàng。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 letting 的含义

允许某人做某事 yǔn xǔ mǒu rén zuò mǒu shì

transitive verb (allow)

My wife let me go out with the guys last night.


transitive verb (allow to pass)

Let the waiter through.

擦网球 cā wǎng qiú

noun (tennis serve) (网球)

His first serve was a let.


transitive verb (UK (lease, rent)

He let the apartment for $1000 per month.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (disappoint, fail)

You had better get straight A's in school -- don't let me down!

把…逐渐往下放 bǎ zhú jiàn wǎng xià fàng

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (lower gradually)

The girl let down a rope and her boyfriend climbed up into her room.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (clothing: lengthen at hem) (衣服褶边)

The seamstress let down the skirt so that it fell to just below Sally's knee.

放气 fàng qì

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (UK (release air from: tire, etc) (轮胎等)

When Jim's car would not start, he discovered that someone had let down his front tyres.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (put [sth] flush into a surface)

无罪释放 wú zuì shì fàng

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (find [sb] not guilty)

The man was charged with assault, but the judge let him off due to insufficient evidence.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (forgive, not punish)

Alfie forgot to do his homework, but the teacher let him off.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (excuse [sb] from a duty, job)

Ian's boss let him off for a couple of hours to visit his mother in hospital.

开,开火 kāi,kāi huǒ

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (fire: explosive, gun, etc.) (枪炮)

It is against the law to let off fireworks in the street.

泄露,透露 xiè lù ,tòu lù

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (reveal or indicate) (非正式用语)

John tried his best not to let on about Jane's surprise party. I was upset, but did not let on.

放出去 fàng chū qù

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (allow to exit)

Don't forget to let the cat out before you lock up for the night!

释放 shì fàng

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (free from captivity)

The government finally let out the political prisoners.

加大,加宽 jiā dà

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (clothing: make larger) (衣物)

Could you let out the waistband of these trousers, please? I seem to have put on some weight since I last wore them.

放出,释放 fàng chū,shì fàng

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (emit, utter) (水,空气等)

Anna let out a scream when the cat jumped onto her out of nowhere.

泄露 xiè lù

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (reveal accidentally)

I'll get in trouble if you let out the secret.

结束 jié shù

phrasal verb, intransitive (US (school, etc.: allow to leave) (学校等允许离开)

School lets out at 3 o'clock.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (tell a secret)

减轻 jiǎn qīng

phrasal verb, intransitive (ease off, lessen)

The heavy rain let up after four hours of incessant downpour.

停止 tíng zhǐ

phrasal verb, intransitive (stop, cease)

Emily is always moaning about her boyfriend—she never lets up!

更不要说,更不要提 gèng bú yào shuō

conjunction (much less)

I can't even fit into the medium size, let alone the small size.

不打扰,不干扰 bù dǎ rǎo

(not bother [sb])

Let your sister alone; can't you see she's trying to do her homework!


verbal expression (not bother, leave alone) (某人)


verbal expression (leave undisturbed) (某物)


(allow [sb/sth] to pass)

过去的事就让它过去吧 guò qù de shì jiù ràng tā guò qù bɑ

verbal expression (disregard past differences)

We decided to let bygones be bygones and forget about our past differences.

失望的 shī wàng de

adjective (disappointed, failed)

She felt let down when no one came to her party.


expression (disappointed, failed)

Alicia feels let down by her best friend, who always says she's too busy to spend time with her.

暗示 àn shì

verbal expression (with clause: hint) (接从句)

Maria let drop that she wanted a new phone for her birthday.

透露 tòu lù

verbal expression (with object: mention)

She let drop the fact that she was single.

松开 sōng kāi

verbal expression (release hold)

I could hold the rope no longer and had to let go.

松开 sōng kāi

verbal expression (release hold on)

Let go of me, you bully!

放走 fàng zǒu

verbal expression (free)

They agreed to let all the hostages go.

解雇 jiě gù

verbal expression (informal (dismiss from job)

The boss had no choice but to let ten of his employees go.


verbal expression (informal, figurative (stop pursuing [sth])

We've decided to let the matter go.

放…进来 fàng jìn lái

(allow to enter)

There's someone at the door asking for you - should I let him in?


verbal expression (share secret)


(allow [sb] to enter)

别管它 bié guǎn tā

interjection (don't try to change it)

You shouldn't get involved in their quarrel - just let it be.


verbal expression (informal (disregard past differences)

I know Martin insulted you, but you should let it go.

告诉 gào sù

verbal expression (inform)

We'll let you know our decision after the meeting.

告知,通告 gào zhī ,tōng gào

verbal expression (notify, warn)

Please let me know when you are going to the market, so I can send my brother along to help you.

放开 fàng kāi

(set free, release)

He let his dogs loose on my lawn and they made such a mess!


verbal expression (informal (allow to use freely)

We should never have let the kids loose on the computer!

告诉我 gào sù wǒ

interjection (tell me)

Can you come to my party? Let me know!
告诉我, 你能不能来参加我的聚会?


verbal expression (informal (not punish severely)

The police caught Alfie tagging a wall, but let him off with a stern warning.

宣泄情感,宣泄怒气 xuān xiè qíng gǎn,xuān xiè nù qì

verbal expression (figurative (vent emotions or anger) (比喻)

I was annoyed and wanted to let off steam. I called my boyfriend and he let me blow off steam for an hour.

发泄感情 fā xiè gǎn qíng

verbal expression (slang, figurative (release energy)

There was a play area where the kids could let off steam.


verbal expression (figurative, informal (free from punishment)

I'm surprised he let you off the hook that easily, given the trouble you've caused.


verbal expression (figurative (release [sb] from restraint, control) (比喻)

When they saw that he could handle the job, they let him off his leash and he quickly moved up to a higher position.

放屁 fàng pì

verbal expression (UK, slang, figurative (pass intestinal gas)

Did you just let one off?

出租 chū zū

(UK (lease, rent)

Anya lets out her house to students during term time.

不计较,不对…做出反应 bú jì jiào

verbal expression (not react to)

Jeremy let Liz's rude comment pass because he did not want to argue with her.

失控,失去控制 shī kòng,shī qù kòng zhì

verbal expression (figurative, slang (do [sth] in an unrestrained way)

Lisa's anger got the better of her and she let rip.


verbal expression (figurative, slang (utter in an unrestrained way)

Tom let rip a stream of obscenities.


verbal expression (figurative (don't provoke an argument)


verbal expression (figurative, informal (neglect)

Since his wife died, he has let things slide, and the house is a mess.

对...放任自流, 对...听之任之

verbal expression (informal, figurative (let pass without correction)

秘密泄露,真相大白 mì mì xiè lù,zhēn xiàng dà bái

verbal expression (figurative, informal (reveal the secret) (非正式用语)

Thanks for letting the cat out of the bag about me being pregnant.


expression (leave it to fate)

I'm going to tell the boss the truth; let the chips fall where they may.


(allow to pass)

The police asked the crowd to let the ambulance through.

停止 tíng zhǐ

verbal expression (stop doing [sth])

The strikers have stated that they will not be letting up on their campaign of action.


verbal expression (stop making difficulties for [sb])

The boss has just given Charlie another pile of work; she never lets up on him.


verbal expression (subject: stop talking about)

Matt was late home on Friday night and his wife still hasn't let up about it.

减弱 jiǎn ruò

noun (easing off, lessening)

There has been no let-up in the rain since yesterday.

放轻松,放松 fàng qīng sōng,fàng sōng

verbal expression (figurative (get comfortable and relax)


verbal expression (be unrestrained, uninhibited)


verbal expression (appearance: deteriorate)

令人失望的事物 lìng rén shī wàng de shì wù

noun (informal (disappointment)

The bad news was a letdown.

泌乳 mì rǔ

noun (release of breast milk)

漏铜,空子 kòng zi

noun (UK (loophole: technicality) (术语)


adjective (fur: processed by cutting) (毛皮)

让我们… ràng wǒ men …

contraction (abbreviation (suggestion: let us) (表示建议)

Let's stay in and just watch a video.

我们就这么做 wǒ mén jiù zhè me zuò

interjection (UK (agreement: OK) (表示同意、赞同)

"Shall we try the new Chinese restaurant?" "Yes, let's!"

我们走吧 wǒ mén zǒu ba

interjection (informal (let us go) (非正式用语)

Let's go to town and do some shopping! Are you ready to leave? Let's go.

假设 jiǎ shè

interjection (informal (supposing that, imagine) (非正式用语)

Let's say we don't make a profit this quarter. What can we change in order to become profitable?

中止,停止,减缓 zhōng zhǐ,tíng zhǐ,jiǎn huǎn

noun (informal (respite, relief) (非正式用语)

It's been raining without letup for weeks.

自己活也要让别人活 zì jǐ huó yě yào ràng bié rén huó

verbal expression (be tolerant of others)

Those two men used to fight a lot, but now they have decided to live and let live.

紧握 jǐn wò

verbal expression (keep a grip on [sth])

抓住…不放 zhuā zhù bú fàng

verbal expression (refuse to release)

If the lobster grabs your finger, it won't let go.

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