英语 中的 flow 是什么意思?
英语 中的单词 flow 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 flow 的说明。
英语 中的flow 表示流 liú, 流 liú, 水流 shuǐ liú, 涨潮 zhǎng cháo, 水流 shuǐ liú, (车)流, 丰富,充盈 fēng fù,chōng yíng, 流动 liú dòng, 流畅,顺畅 liú chàng ,shùn chàng, 源自 yuán zì, 飘垂 piāo chuí, (潮)涨 cháo zhǎng, 回流 huí liú, 流出 liú chū, 鱼贯而出, 气流 qì liú, 血循环, 现金流转 xiàn jīn liú zhuǎn, 涨落 zhǎng luò, 盛衰,起落 shèng shuāi ,qǐ luò, 流入 liú rù, 持续流入, 流入 liú rù, 流入 liú rù, 流量 liú liàng, 流速 liú sù, 流程图 liú chéng tú, 程序图, 顺其自然 shùn qí zì rán, 侧向流动检测, 经血 jīng xiě / jīng xuè, 阻止大量涌入, 车流,交通流。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。
单词 flow 的含义
流 liúintransitive verb (move as a liquid) The water flowed out of the bath. 水从浴缸里流了出来。 |
流 liúnoun (liquid movement) The flow of the stream carried the water to the lake. 溪水流动,注入湖泊。 |
水流 shuǐ liúnoun (current) The river has a strong flow and is dangerous. 这条河水流湍急,很危险。 |
涨潮 zhǎng cháonoun (tide) The flow of the tide carried away the beach chairs. 潮水涨了起来,冲走了沙滩椅。 |
水流 shuǐ liúnoun (amount of liquid) The meter measures the flow of water in litres per hour. 该仪表以升/小时为单位测量水流量。 |
(车)流noun (traffic circulation) The project will improve the flow of traffic at this major junction. 这项工程可以改善这个主要十字路口的交通状况。 |
丰富,充盈 fēng fù,chōng yíngintransitive verb (archaic (abundance) (古语) The land flowed with everything that was desired. 这片土地资源丰富,应有尽有。 |
流动 liú dòngintransitive verb (circulate) Traffic flows slowly in this city. 这个城市车流缓慢。 |
流畅,顺畅 liú chàng ,shùn chàngintransitive verb (words: sound natural) (文字) No, that sentence doesn't flow very well. 不,那句话不太顺畅。 |
源自 yuán zìintransitive verb (stem from, be caused by) The whole problem flows from his financial difficulties. 整个问题都源自他经济困难。 |
飘垂 piāo chuíintransitive verb (hair) (头发) Her hair flowed down her back. 她的头发飘垂在背上。 |
(潮)涨 cháo zhǎngintransitive verb (tide) High tide flowed in at around three pm today. 今天下午大约三点时涨的潮。 |
回流 huí liúphrasal verb, intransitive (liquid: move back toward [sth]) |
流出 liú chūphrasal verb, intransitive (water, fluid: emerge in a stream) I turned on the faucet and water flowed out. 我打开水龙头,水就流了出来。 |
鱼贯而出phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (emerge in a stream) People began flowing out of the building. |
气流 qì liúnoun (current, movement of air) The air flow of this oxygen concentrator is 3 liters a minute. |
血循环noun (blood circulation) Blockages in the arteries of the leg can cause low blood flow, and pain while walking. |
现金流转 xiàn jīn liú zhuǎnnoun (income and expenses) Cash flow can be a problem when you are self-employed. |
涨落 zhǎng luònoun (tidal movement) The boats move gently at their moorings in response to the ebb and flow of the tide. |
盛衰,起落 shèng shuāi ,qǐ luònoun (figurative (fluctuations) Consumer spending on such products tends to follow the ebb and flow of the economy. |
流入 liú rù(liquid: enter in a stream) (液体) |
持续流入(figurative (money, ideas, people, etc: come steadily) (人或资金等) |
流入 liú rù(river, liquid) (河流、液体等) Blood flows into the kidneys through the renal artery. |
流入 liú rù(figurative (supply) (比喻) As capital flows into the stock market, the stock price increases. |
流量 liú liàngnoun (amount of liquid flowing) The flow rate depends on the size of the pipe. |
流速 liú sùnoun (output speed of a fluid) |
流程图 liú chéng túnoun (diagram of a process) In the training materials, a flowchart of the standard procedure is included. |
程序图noun (computing: system or procedure diagram) (计算机) Flowcharts can be used to visualize new algorithms. 程序图可使新算法更加具象化。 |
顺其自然 shùn qí zì ránverbal expression (informal, figurative (take a relaxed approach) |
侧向流动检测noun (rapid method of screening for infection) |
经血 jīng xiě / jīng xuènoun (blood lost during a woman's period) A heavy menstrual flow can be very difficult for a woman to deal with. |
阻止大量涌入verbal expression (figurative (prevent [sth] increasing) |
车流,交通流noun (movement of road vehicles) |
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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。