英语 中的 dinner 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 dinner 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 dinner 的说明。

英语 中的dinner 表示晚餐 wǎn cān, 午餐 wǔ cān, 晚宴 wǎn yàn, 餐后的, 庆生宴,生日餐,生日宴, 圣诞晚餐, 晚餐电影, 就餐铃(声) jiù cān líng ( shēng ), 餐叉 cān chā, 男子小礼服, 餐刀 cān dāo, 食堂女服务员, 监管学生用餐的女性, 宴会 yàn huì, 晚宴聚会的, 西餐用大盘 xī cān yòng dà pán, 成套的餐具 chéng tào de cān jù, 餐桌 cān zhuō, 大杂烩 dà zá huì, 吃晚饭 chī wǎn fàn, 宴会 yàn huì, 慈善宴会 cí shàn yàn huì, 吃晚饭 chī wǎn fàn, 自带食物的聚会 zì dài shí wù de jù huì, 婚礼彩排晚宴, 烧烤大餐, 学生餐, 正餐,正式宴会 zhèng cān, 影响胃口,破坏食欲, 冷冻快餐。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 dinner 的含义

晚餐 wǎn cān

noun (evening meal)

What's for dinner tonight?

午餐 wǔ cān

noun (UK (midday meal)

I prefer my daughter to have a hot dinner rather than take a packed lunch to school.

晚宴 wǎn yàn

noun (banquet)

They're holding a dinner in honour of the company's president.


adjective (speech, etc.: following dinner) (致辞、演讲等)


noun (meal to celebrate birthday)

All the family turned up for our mother's birthday dinner.


noun (festive meal)


noun (informal, US (entertainment: meal and cinema)

Our first date was very traditional -- dinner and a movie.

就餐铃(声) jiù cān líng ( shēng )

noun (signal: dinnertime)

The maid rang the dinner bell to summon the guests to the dining room.

餐叉 cān chā

noun (eating utensil)

Dinner forks are always bigger than dessert forks.


noun (man's evening jacket)

Henry was wearing a dinner jacket and tie.

餐刀 cān dāo

noun (eating utensil)

My sister holds her dinner knife in her left hand.


noun (informal (woman who serves school food) (学校)


noun (UK, informal (female: midday supervisor)

The dinner ladies at school never smiled.

宴会 yàn huì

noun (social gathering over evening meal)

Hyacinth has invited the vicar and his wife to a dinner party.


noun as adjective (relating to social dining event)

She is an expert at polite dinner-party conversation.

西餐用大盘 xī cān yòng dà pán

noun (large plate for main course)

Salad is served on a salad plate and the main course on a dinner plate.

成套的餐具 chéng tào de cān jù

noun (set of crockery and cutlery)

The wedding gifts included a dinner service for twelve.

餐桌 cān zhuō

noun (table where meals are eaten)

My mother always told me not to scratch myself at the dinner table.

大杂烩 dà zá huì

noun (UK, figurative, slang (mess, failure)

吃晚饭 chī wǎn fàn

verbal expression (have evening meal)

We usually eat dinner around 7 pm.

宴会 yàn huì

noun (banquet, sophisticated meal)

慈善宴会 cí shàn yàn huì

noun (charity banquet)

I need to sell as many tickets as possible for the charity's fundraising dinner.

吃晚饭 chī wǎn fàn

(eat evening meal)

I think the whole family should have dinner together at least once a week.

自带食物的聚会 zì dài shí wù de jù huì

noun (US (meal: guests bring food)

Joe brought grilled hotdogs to the potluck party, and I brought dessert.


noun (US (celebratory pre-wedding meal)

They held the rehearsal dinner at the bridegroom's family home.


noun (meal of roasted meat and vegetables) (烤肉和烤蔬菜)


noun (meal served at educational institution)

正餐,正式宴会 zhèng cān

noun (formal meal)


transitive verb (appetite: ruin by eating [sth] else)

Don't let the children eat candy this afternoon; they'll spoil their dinner.


noun (dated (ready meal)

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。