英语 中的 closer 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 closer 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 closer 的说明。

英语 中的closer 表示更近的 gèng jìn de, 更临近的, 更亲密的, 更接近的, 更靠近, 更临近, 挨近 āi jìn, 靠近的 kào jìn de, 挨着 āi zhe, 近亲的 jìn qīn de, 亲近的,亲密的,要好的 qīn jìn de ,qīn mì de, 和…亲近的, 密切相关的 mì qiè xiāng guān de, 关上 guān shàng, 关闭 guān bì, 相近的,接近的 xiāng jìn de,jiē jìn de, 相像的 xiāng xiàng de, 亲密的 qīn mì de, 紧密的 jǐn mì de, 严丝合缝的 yán sī hé féng de, 刮到接近根部的 guā dào jiē jìn gēn bù de, 围绕主题的 wéi rào zhǔ tí de, 细致的 xì zhì de, 闷的 mēn de, 激烈的,实力相当的 jī liè de ,shí lì xiāng dāng de, 绝密的 jué mì de, 严密监禁的 yán mì jiān jìn de, 接近的 jiē jìn de, 歇业 xiē yè, 结束 jié shù, 四方院 sì fāng yuàn, 闭合 bì hé, 终止 zhōng zhǐ, 停业 tíng yè, 关门,打烊,不营业 guān mén ,dǎ yàng ,bù yíng yè, 停演 tíng yǎn, 收盘 shōu pán, 填上 tián shàng, 结束 jié shù, 封锁 fēng suǒ, 使…闭合 shǐ bì hé, 结束, 完成, 终结, 达成 dá chéng, 停止 tíng zhǐ, (船)接近(岸边),靠(岸) chuán jiē jìn àn biān,kào àn, 使更为亲近 shǐ gèng wéi qīn jìn, 仔细审视, 仔细审视…, 靠得更拢 kào dé gèng lǒng, 成交员, 决定交易的因素, 闭门器, 更近,逼近 gèng jìn,bī jìn, 走近 zǒu jìn, 靠近 kào jìn, 去离...更近的地方, 经仔细检查地。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 closer 的含义

更近的 gèng jìn de

adjective (comparative: physically nearer)

Julie is closer to the tree than Paul.


adjective (comparative: nearer in time) (时间)

Jeff's wedding is closer than you think, so make sure you buy him a gift.


adjective (figurative (comparative: more intimate)

I feel closer to you than I've ever felt to anyone.


adjective (comparative: nearer in number) (数字)

Wendy is closer to her cousins in age than her brothers.
比起兄弟, 温迪的年龄更接近她的表亲。


adverb (physically nearer)

If you are chilly, sit closer to the radiator.


adverb (nearer in time) (时间)

Christmas is drawing closer.

挨近 āi jìn

adverb (nearby)

Keep your phone close, in case he calls!

靠近的 kào jìn de

adjective (near)

Be careful, the 'edit' and 'delete' buttons are dangerously close!

挨着 āi zhe

preposition (near to)

The bank is close to the post office.

近亲的 jìn qīn de

adjective (relation: near) (亲戚)

The two boys are close cousins.

亲近的,亲密的,要好的 qīn jìn de ,qīn mì de

adjective (people: intimate) (关系)

Jill and I are close friends.


(figurative (intimate with)

Ben has always been close to his sister.

密切相关的 mì qiè xiāng guān de

adjective (closely associated)

Her philosophy is close to that of Roger, who was her teacher and mentor.

关上 guān shàng

transitive verb (shut) (门、窗等)

Please close the window.

关闭 guān bì

intransitive verb (become shut)

The door slowly closed.

相近的,接近的 xiāng jìn de,jiē jìn de

adjective (united) (观点等)

Their views about history are extremely close.

相像的 xiāng xiàng de

adjective (similar)

The twins are close in appearance.

亲密的 qīn mì de

adjective (relationship: intimate)

They have a close, romantic relationship.

紧密的 jǐn mì de

adjective (compact, tight)

My sweater has a close weave.

严丝合缝的 yán sī hé féng de

adjective (fitting tightly)

This key is a close fit to the lock.

刮到接近根部的 guā dào jiē jìn gēn bù de

adjective (cut near to the base) (刮胡子等)

I prefer a straight razor because it gives me a close shave.

围绕主题的 wéi rào zhǔ tí de

adjective (on topic)

Please stay close to the question under discussion.

细致的 xì zhì de

adjective (rigorous)

A close examination will reveal that the theory is correct.

闷的 mēn de

adjective (informal (atmosphere: stuffy)

The atmosphere in the room was close.

激烈的,实力相当的 jī liè de ,shí lì xiāng dāng de

adjective (contest: almost even) (比赛、竞赛)

Alan won a close race.

绝密的 jué mì de

adjective (secret: well guarded)

The information was a close secret.

严密监禁的 yán mì jiān jìn de

adjective (confined)

The guards kept the prisoner at close quarters.

接近的 jiē jìn de

(nearly equal, almost)

You and I are close to the same height.

歇业 xiē yè

noun (act of closing)

You have to finish by close of business today.

结束 jié shù

noun (conclusion)

The conference came to a close.

四方院 sì fāng yuàn

noun (UK (cul-de-sac)

We live on a lovely close near the edge of town.

闭合 bì hé

intransitive verb (unite) (电路)

Her hands closed in prayer as she bowed her head.

终止 zhōng zhǐ

intransitive verb (end)

The proceedings closed on time.

停业 tíng yè

intransitive verb (cease to operate)

My favourite restaurant closed.

关门,打烊,不营业 guān mén ,dǎ yàng ,bù yíng yè

intransitive verb (store: cease trading) (商店等)

The store closed at nine pm.

停演 tíng yǎn

intransitive verb (end performances)

The play closes on Monday.

收盘 shōu pán

intransitive verb (financial: market day end) (股市等)

The market closed on a high today.

填上 tián shàng

transitive verb (fill in)

The builders closed the wall with the last brick.

结束 jié shù

transitive verb (conclude)

The final speaker closed the session.

封锁 fēng suǒ

transitive verb (block)

Workers have closed the road.

使…闭合 shǐ bì hé

transitive verb (join, unite)

The people closed the circle by joining hands.

结束, 完成, 终结

transitive verb (finalize)

Let's close the negotiations now.

达成 dá chéng

transitive verb (informal (make a sale) (交易)

The salesman hopes to close the deal today.

停止 tíng zhǐ

transitive verb (cease operations) (营业等)

The company closed the factory on Christmas day.

(船)接近(岸边),靠(岸) chuán jiē jìn àn biān,kào àn

transitive verb (nautical: approach) (航海)

The ship closed land that morning.

使更为亲近 shǐ gèng wéi qīn jìn

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (make more intimate)

She planned a quiet weekend away for the two of them in hopes that it would bring them closer.


noun (more thorough examination)


noun (more thorough examination)

靠得更拢 kào dé gèng lǒng

intransitive verb (approach, get nearer)

If you come closer to the nest, you will be able to hear the birds better.


noun (salesperson: clinches deals)

Thanks to his persuasive negotiating technique, he was promoted to the role of Senior Deal Closer.


noun (informal (factor: clinches a deal)

Ideally, we'd like the house to have an entrance hall, but it's not a deal closer.


noun (device: closes door automatically)

更近,逼近 gèng jìn,bī jìn

intransitive verb (time: approach) (时间)

As the day got closer I began to worry.

走近 zǒu jìn

intransitive verb (move nearer)

As they got closer I could see that they weren't soldiers.

靠近 kào jìn

(get nearer to each other)


verbal expression (relocate to be nearer to [sth], [sb])


adverb (having examined [sth] in more detail)

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。