九吉公古方老红糖 100% 全码 九吉公老红糖 Jiu Ji Gong Traditional Brown Sugar with QR code 一盒400g (1)
九吉公古方老红糖 100% 全码 九吉公老红糖 Jiu Ji Gong Traditional Brown Sugar with QR code 一盒400g (2)
九吉公古方老红糖 100% 全码 九吉公老红糖 Jiu Ji Gong Traditional Brown Sugar with QR code 一盒400g (3)
九吉公古方老红糖 100% 全码 九吉公老红糖 Jiu Ji Gong Traditional Brown Sugar with QR code 一盒400g (4)
九吉公古方老红糖 100% 全码 九吉公老红糖 Jiu Ji Gong Traditional Brown Sugar with QR code 一盒400g (5)
九吉公古方老红糖 100% 全码 九吉公老红糖 Jiu Ji Gong Traditional Brown Sugar with QR code 一盒400g (6)
九吉公古方老红糖 100% 全码 九吉公老红糖 Jiu Ji Gong Traditional Brown Sugar with QR code 一盒400g (7)
九吉公古方老红糖 100% 全码 九吉公老红糖 Jiu Ji Gong Traditional Brown Sugar with QR code 一盒400g (8)
九吉公古方老红糖 100% 全码 九吉公老红糖 Jiu Ji Gong Traditional Brown Sugar with QR code 一盒400g (9)

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Product Description

九吉公老红糖 Jiu Ji Gong Ancient Brown Sugar / Gula Merah HALAL One 1box - 22 - 24 pack (人工水切 , 大小不定) One box 400g 九吉公老红糖作用: ①改善女性寒凉体质,受善体虚所致的痛经,月经不调。 ②对产后子宫收缩,恢复,恶露的有效排出,乳汁的分泌。 ③促进儿童骨骼生长,增加记忆力。 ④对男性有解酒,补益气,养肝护脾,缓解·疲劳。 ⑤改善人体虚弱,贫血,皮肤粗糙,造血功能。 ⑥具有强效抗氧化及修护作用,促进细胞新生 ⑦易于人体吸收,快速补充人体能量,有助恢复体力,祛寒暖胃。 ——————————————————— The effects of jiujigong 九吉公老红糖 (Brown sugar) 1. Improves cold body constitution among females to relieve menstrual cramps and regulate menstrual cycles. 2. Aids in uterus recovery and contraction, discharge of blood clots and breast milk production after child birth. 3. Promotes the growth and development of children’s bones and memory. 4. Helps in alleviating hangover, fatigue as well as strengthening spleen and liver to regulate the flow of qi among men. 5. Ameliorates immune system, anemia and increases blood production. 6. Rich in antioxidants to prevent and repair damage on skin, promotes cell turnover to improve overall skin tone and texture. 7. Easily absorbed hence facilitates metabolism, blood circulation to replenish energy and keep body warm. ———————————————————— 【为什么红糖要喝3个月以上呢】⁉下面为大家介绍一下: 胃细胞七天更新一次;皮肤细胞28天左右更新一次;肝脏细胞在180天更换一次;红血球细胞120天更新一次; 在一年左右的时间,身体98%的细胞都会被重新更新一次;而骨骼细胞更新需要七年。 所以不论你是要排毒、调理气血平衡,还是改善亚健康的问题都需要耐心,给身体足够的时间,才能彻底改变自己的健康状况!愿每位小主都有健康的身体、美丽的容颜 Why do you have to drink brown sugar more than 3 months? Cells lined on the surface of stomach renew every 7 days; skin cells rejuvenate every 28 days; cells in liver renew every 180 days; red blood cells are replaced every 120 days. 98% of the cells in your body are replaced yearly while the replacement of bone cells takes 7 years. The body renews itself at varying paces. Therefore, may it be detoxifying or restoring balance to your body constitution, patience is the key. Your health will only be restored when your body is given enough time to recover. May everyone of you be in good health and shine with beauty. ——————————————————— 九吉公老红糖怎么样?喝了有不良反应吗? 服用红糖会出现的好转反应: 1.月经提前:气虚比较严重。 2:月经退后:血虚比较严重。 3:经色发暗,有血块,肚子疼:体寒血淤。 4:腰酸乏力:气血虚,肾气虚。 5:量突然增多:气虚。或者之前体内寒淤比较厉害。 6:量突然减少:血虚。 这是喝过红糖几个月后可能会发生的情况,不是喝红糖喝坏了,而是在红糖的调理下把你潜在的生理毛病体现出来,所以不用担心 九吉公老红糖有哪些功效,针对症状该怎么喝?九吉公古法老红糖的功效有很多,比如:月经不调,痛经,宫寒,手脚冰凉,皮肤粗糙,色斑,肤色暗沉等等… 九吉公老红糖有哪些功效,针对症状该怎么喝? [1] 痛经:经期来临前一周,每天上午开水冲泡九吉公古法老红糖一包,连喝十天,痛经严重时一天两块,上午一块,晚7点前一块。经期过程中也要持续喝,以达到持续暖宫,预防痛经的作用。 【2】 宫寒:例假来临前2周,每天上午开水冲泡一包九吉公古法老红糖,放3-5片生姜,连喝15天,天气逐渐转凉,建议每天上午一杯九吉公红糖水,身体暖了,一些妇科疾病也会有效的避免。 [3] 经期量多,提前:例假来临前2周,每天上午开水冲泡一杯九吉公红糖水,放3-5颗红枣,连喝15天。 [4]. 经期量少,退后:例假来临前2周,每晚喝红糖小米粥,连喝15天。 九吉公老红糖有哪些功效: [5] 经期忽前忽后,忽多忽少:例假来临前2周,每天上午开水冲泡一杯九吉公红糖水,放7-8颗枸杞,连喝15天。 以上说的都是月经不调的表现,坚持每天喝一杯九吉公红糖水,有助活络气血,益气养血,达到调理的作用。 九吉公老红糖有哪些功效,针对症状该怎么喝? [6]. 手脚冰凉:每天上午开水冲泡一杯红糖水,连喝2月,红糖具有“温而补之,温而通之,温而散之”的功效,每天坚持喝,能有效改善手脚冰凉的问题 九吉公老红糖有哪些功效,针对症状该怎么喝? [7]. 皮肤粗糙,色斑:每天上午开水冲泡一杯九吉公红糖红枣水,连喝1月,红枣搭配红糖,对色斑,皮肤粗糙,面色苍白都能有所缓解

Product Specifications

Shelf Life24 Months
Country of OriginChina
MOH CertifiedNo

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