英语 中的 sick bag 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 sick bag 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 sick bag 的说明。

英语 中的sick bag 表示生病的 shēng bìng de, 恶心的,想吐的 ě xīn de ,xiǎng tù de, 呕吐的 ǒu tù de, 厌倦…的, 厌烦做某事的, 令人作呕的 lìng rén zuò ǒu de, 极为焦虑的, 呕吐物 ǒu tù wù, 病人 bìng rén, 很棒的 hěn bàng de, 原文如此 yuán wén rú cǐ, 命令…攻击, 鼓动…纠缠, 派…攻击, 咬, 上, 请病假, 晕车的 yùn chē de, 临终涂油礼 lín zhōng tú yóu lǐ, 烦透了, 觉得恶心 jué de ě xīn, 生病 shēng bìng, 让某人觉得想吐, 让某人觉得恶心 ràng mǒu rén jué dé ě xīn, 使,,,恶心,使…想吐 shǐ ě xīn,shǐ xiǎng tù, 令某人恶心的, 使…感到厌恶,让…觉得恶心, 厌烦 yàn fán, 厌倦 yàn juàn, 病得很重, 船上的医务室 chuán shàng de yī wù shì, 病假 bìng jià, 病假 bìng jià, 病人名单 bìng rén míng dān, 病态心理 bìng tài xīn lǐ, 病假条, 病假工资 bìng jià gōng zī, 病人 bìng rén, 变态 biàn tài, 得病, 晕车的 yùn chē de, 非常担心 fēi cháng dān xīn, 担心得要命。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 sick bag 的含义

生病的 shēng bìng de

adjective (mainly US (ill)

I can't come in to the office today; I'm sick. Maria took the sick puppy to the vet.

恶心的,想吐的 ě xīn de ,xiǎng tù de

(mainly UK (be nauseous)

I felt sick after eating a whole bag of sweets.

呕吐的 ǒu tù de

(mainly UK (vomit)

Jane is being sick again. She should not have eaten all those cakes.


verbal expression (informal (be weary or bored of [sth/sb])

After all this snow, I am really sick of winter!


verbal expression (informal (be weary of doing [sth])

I'm sick of looking for shoes for you; please pick something out.

令人作呕的 lìng rén zuò ǒu de

adjective (informal (perverted, disgusting)

Eating worms! That's sick!


verbal expression (feel extreme: worry, anxiety, fear)

The boy's mother was sick with worry when he didn't come home.

呕吐物 ǒu tù wù

noun (UK, informal (vomit)

I stepped in a puddle of sick.

病人 bìng rén

plural noun (ill people)

The nurse is taking care of the sick.

很棒的 hěn bàng de

adjective (slang (amazing, cool)

You're getting a brand new car for your birthday? Dude, that's sick!

原文如此 yuán wén rú cǐ

adverb (written thus) (注于引用文字后)

A teacher must pay attention to each child and his (sic) individual needs.


verbal expression (urge dog to attack [sb]) (狗)

If you don't get off my property I'm going to sic the dogs on you.

鼓动…纠缠, 派…攻击

verbal expression (figurative (urge [sb] to pursue [sb])

咬, 上

interjection (command to dog) (对狗的指令)

Sick him, boy!


verbal expression (notify employer you will be off sick)

晕车的 yùn chē de

adjective (nauseous from car travel)

Reading in the car can make some people carsick.

临终涂油礼 lín zhōng tú yóu lǐ

noun (Catholicism: rites for [sb] about to die) (天主教)

Grandmother received the sacrament of Extreme Unction when she was very ill; she received it again just before she died.


verbal expression (figurative, informal (be exasperated by [sth] repeated)

She said angrily that she was fed up to the back teeth of hearing us bicker.

觉得恶心 jué de ě xīn

(feel nauseous)

I was starting to feel sick so I drank a lot of orange juice for vitamin C.

生病 shēng bìng

verbal expression (fall ill, become unwell)

Yesterday I got so sick I couldn't go to work. I hope I don't get sick this winter.


verbal expression (nauseate [sb])

I couldn't stay with him at the hospital because the sight of blood makes me feel sick.

让某人觉得恶心 ràng mǒu rén jué dé ě xīn

verbal expression (disgust or offend [sb])

Hearing about the mass murder made me feel sick.

使,,,恶心,使…想吐 shǐ ě xīn,shǐ xiǎng tù

(cause to vomit or feel nauseous) (本义)

The sight of blood makes him sick.


(figurative (disgust)

That man makes me sick! He is so rude!


(figurative (disgust morally) (比喻)

It makes me sick to hear such racist views.

厌烦 yàn fán

verbal expression (informal (have had enough of)

I'm sick and tired of living in this freezing cold house.

厌倦 yàn juàn

verbal expression (informal (start to be weary, exasperated)

I'm getting sick and tired of that child's whining!


adjective (UK, humorous, dated, slang (very disappointed)

船上的医务室 chuán shàng de yī wù shì

noun (infirmary)

The soldier reported immediately to sick bay.

病假 bìng jià

noun (paid absence)

病假 bìng jià

noun (time off work for illness)

Freddy's teacher has been on sick leave for three weeks or more.

病人名单 bìng rén míng dān

noun (register of staff who are ill)

The company currently has a long sick list because so many people have got the flu.

病态心理 bìng tài xīn lǐ

noun (unhealthy mental state)


noun (UK (proof of illness)

病假工资 bìng jià gōng zī

noun (compensation for absence while ill)

I've already used up all my sick pay for this financial year.

病人 bìng rén

noun (patient, [sb] who is unwell)

It is a nurse's job to look after sick people.

变态 biàn tài

noun (figurative, pejorative, slang (mentally ill or depraved person)


verbal expression (informal (become ill)

She has taken sick after the weekend.

晕车的 yùn chē de

adjective (UK (car sick, motion-sick)

非常担心 fēi cháng dān xīn

adjective (informal (extremely anxious about [sb] or [sth])

Where have you been? You're two hours late - I've been worried sick!


verbal expression (figurative (be anxious)

When I didn't hear from him for a month, I worried myself sick instead of calling him.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。