ReadyStock🥄Urbani Tartufi Italia White Truffle Flavored Olive-Oil 意大利白松露油 250ml (1)
ReadyStock🥄Urbani Tartufi Italia White Truffle Flavored Olive-Oil 意大利白松露油 250ml (2)
ReadyStock🥄Urbani Tartufi Italia White Truffle Flavored Olive-Oil 意大利白松露油 250ml (3)
ReadyStock🥄Urbani Tartufi Italia White Truffle Flavored Olive-Oil 意大利白松露油 250ml (4)
ReadyStock🥄Urbani Tartufi Italia White Truffle Flavored Olive-Oil 意大利白松露油 250ml (5)
ReadyStock🥄Urbani Tartufi Italia White Truffle Flavored Olive-Oil 意大利白松露油 250ml (6)
ReadyStock🥄Urbani Tartufi Italia White Truffle Flavored Olive-Oil 意大利白松露油 250ml (7)

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MYR 89.99
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Product Description

ReadyStock❗Urbani Tartufi White Truffle Flavored Olive-Oil Urbani Tartufi Gocce Di Tartufo Bianco 250ml 一勺白松露油可为从奶油意大利面和意大利调味饭到轻度烧烤的白肉和鱼类等任何事物带来微妙的美味变化。鸡蛋基菜肴也可用几滴就可以很美味。这种松露油最适合搭配精致,温和菜肴。为了搭配白葡萄酒和松露油餐,您可以品尝一杯果味浓郁的Arneis,霞多丽或Verdelho。对于红葡萄酒,我们建议您浓郁地搭配Barolo,Barbaresco或Piedmontese Nebbiolo。如果您想庆祝,那就喝一杯明亮的阿斯蒂(Asti)或香槟不会出错——就像我们的Duval-Leroy Fleur de Champagne Brut Premier Cru一样。 Urbani Tartufi以其松露产品的高品质而自豪。他们的白松露油在装瓶前先注入真正的白松露屑,以确保其细腻的风味和香气不会随时间流逝。 策展人的品尝笔记 阿尔巴白松露是意大利珍贵的宝石之一,带有不同于黑色的松露,更像麝香的葱或大蒜,而不是土和可可。它们在皮埃蒙特,托斯卡纳和翁布里亚的部分地区的橡树,榛树,树和柳树上发现,它们释放出令人愉悦的木质气味,并通过Urbani获得专利的输液系统将其带入橄榄油。 松露菌因其稀缺性和难于定位而在高级美食中占据一席之地。松露孢子的成熟可能需要数十年的时间(如果它们完全出现!)觅食者使用受过专门训练的狗和猪来发现这些稀有真菌标本中的少数。他们的训练包括使用松露油作为诱饵。自1756年以来,在意大利一直使用strufion(用这种稀有油香熏的碎布)。 储存方法:储存在阴凉,干燥的地方。 注:倘若此商品在運送過程中有一切的損壞或壓扁,本店一律不負責,概由運輸公司負責! Urbani Tartu­fi prides itself on the high qual­i­ty of their truf­fle prod­ucts. Their white truf­fle oil is infused with real white truf­fle shav­ings before bot­tling, ensur­ing the del­i­cate fla­vors and aro­mas will not be lost over time. TAST­ING NOTES FROM THE CURATOR The Alba white truf­fle, one of Italy’s prized gems, car­ries notes dif­fer­ent from its black coun­ter­parts, more like musky shal­lots or gar­lic than earth and cocoa. Found on oak, hazel, lin­den, and wil­low trees in parts of Pied­mont, Tus­cany, and Umbria, they release a pleas­ant woodsy smell that car­ries over into the olive oil through Urbani’s patent­ed infu­sion system. PAIR­INGS A spoon­ful of white truf­fle oil adds a sub­tle earthy over­tone to any­thing from creamy pas­tas and risot­tos to light­ly grilled white meats and fish. Egg-based dish­es will also ben­e­fit from a few drops. This type of truf­fle oil goes best with the more del­i­cate, mild fla­vored dish­es. To com­ple­ment your truf­fle-oiled meal with white wine, savor a glass of a fruity Arneis, light Chardon­nay, or Verdel­ho. For reds, we rec­om­mend going full-bod­ied with a Baro­lo, Bar­baresco, or Pied­mon­tese Neb­bi­o­lo. If you’re feel­ing cel­e­bra­to­ry, you won’t go wrong with a bright Asti or Cham­pagne — like our Duval-Leroy Fleur de Cham­pagne Brut Pre­mier Cru. TRUF­FLES TO FIND TRUFFLES Truf­fles earned their place in haute cui­sine because of their scarci­ty and the dif­fi­cul­ty of locat­ing them. It can take decades for truf­fle spores to mature — if they appear at all! For­agers use spe­cial­ly trained dogs and pigs in order to find just a hand­ful of these rare fun­gus spec­i­mens. Their train­ing involves using truf­fle oil as bait. In Italy, the stru­fion (a rag scent­ed with this pre­cious oil) has been used since 1756. STORAGE INSTRUCTIONS Store in a cool dry place. Noted: If the product damaged and dented during transportation, we will not be responsible, the damage will bare by the transportation company.

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