Milbon Elujuda Emulsion & Oil 120mL (1)
Milbon Elujuda Emulsion & Oil 120mL (2)
Milbon Elujuda Emulsion & Oil 120mL (3)

Sell Milbon Elujuda Emulsion & Oil 120mL best price

MYR 98 - MYR 101
Ships from
Limber Serum
Mellow Serum

Product Description

Milbon ELUJUDA Emulsion and Oil 120g How To Choose: 生命果油系列 創造秀髮柔軟擺動導向之設計基礎髮油。 ●無油膩感的髮油系列,只需藉由手繞吹即可改善造型上的困擾。 ●針對細軟髮帶來膨鬆輕盈質感。(FO) ●針對粗硬髮帶來柔軟&自然捲抑制效果。(MO) 生命果油 (MO) 對應髮芯較硬,擺動困難之毛髮 給予毛髮高柔軟力,調整為較服貼的狀態 Elujuda MO Thicker hair / Oil type * Thick and rough hair * Soft and calm hair styling Improves the quality of hair to make styling easier Baobab oil formulation with excellent hair protection and softening effect 生命果油 (FO) 對應髮芯較弱,擺動較困難之毛髮 給予毛髮適當豐厚感,調整為柔軟狀態 Elujuda FO Thin hair / Oil type * Rough hair with no elasticity * Moisturizes dry hair Improves the quality of hair to make styling easier Baobab oil formulation with excellent hair protection and softening effect 生命輕果油 (Mellow Serum) 【普通~粗硬髮適用】 對應易乾硬擴散的髮質,提高其保濕度, 創造柔滑且高動感的髮流 MILLBON ELUJUDA MELLOW SERUM 120ml [Soft and calm, soft] Usually hair ~ thick hair MELLOW SERUM compliments a flexible hairstyle with a soft rhythm on heavy, stiff hair. 生命輕果油 (Limber Serum) 【細軟髮適用】 對應易扁塌的髮質,提高其彈力度, 創造輕柔且高動感的髮流 MILLBON ELUJUDA LIMBER SERUM 120ml [Soft, light and flexible] Thin hair LIMBER SERUM gives a feeling of motion to thin hair and completes a rich hairstyle. 生命果乳 (E+) 【普通~粗硬髮適用】 「水感膠原蛋白※」使CMC水份量 提高,引導易柔軟毛髮素材。 ※加水分解膠原蛋白:保濕成分 Elujuda Emulsion+ / Normal hair & Coarse Hair - Cream type * Thick and rough hair * Soft and calm hair styling Improves the quality of hair to make styling easier Baobab oil formulation with excellent hair protection and softening effect 生命果乳 (E) 【細軟髮適用】 Elujuda Emulsion / Thin hair - Cream type * Thin hair * Glossy and soft hair Improves the quality of hair to make styling easier Baobab oil formulation with excellent hair protection and softening effect #milbon #elujuda

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