[500G-S] 无硫若疆红枣 | Sulfur Free Ruo Jiang Red Dates Jujube | Kurma Merah (1)

Sell [500G-S] 无硫若疆红枣 | Sulfur Free Ruo Jiang Red Dates Jujube | Kurma Merah best price

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名称:无硫磺若疆红枣(特级) 大小:S 重量:500g Name of Products:Sulphur Free Ruo Jiang Red Dates Size:S Weight:500g 1. Red date wine (maintains blood flow) Red dates soaked in red wine will help to maintain the strong flow of blood through your arteries. During the soaking process, the rich nutrients of the dates will easily dissolve into the wine. 2. Red date soak (liver detoxification) Dates soaked in water help to nourish the liver and detoxify the body. Drinking red date water every day can increase the body’s serum protein levels, which helps to protect the liver and detoxify the body. 3. Red date porridge (soothes the nerves to help sleep) Brewing equal amounts of freshly dried lily flowers, lotus seeds, and red dates in water to serve as a tea will help to alleviate stress. The same benefits can be found when dates are cooked with millet. 4. Jujube steamed fungus (eases sunspots or freckles) Red dates steamed with black fungus can help to maintain your youthfulness and muscle tone. They can even help to reduce facial freckles. Soak approximately 10 red dates in water for two hours before steaming for an hour. Then soak about 15 grams of black fungus in warm water for at least 15 minutes to rehydrate, then cut them into small pieces. Add the pieces to the dates, and then place the ingredients into a pot with water. Bring the water to a boil and then simmer for half an hour. Add sugar for taste. 5. Red date boiled soup (maintains youthfulness) Red dates boiled with eggs can also help to maintain your youthfulness. Boil red dates with longan fruit and brown sugar until the dates and longans are soft. Turn the heat down to a simmer and add one egg to the mixture until it is cooked. 6. Red date ginger tea (soothes the stomach) Red dates boiled with raw ginger can help to soothe the stomach. Combine licorice, cloves, and frankincense together and grind into a powder. Next, add red dates, raw ginger, and salt to taste, and bring the mixture to a boil in water to serve as tea. 红枣又叫大枣、干枣、良枣等,多吃红枣的好处自古就被中医所认可。李时珍认为枣为脾之果,脾病最宜食之。在日常生活中,红枣既是食品,又是强身健体的滋补品,多吃红枣有什么好处?红枣对健康大有裨益,能使许多疾病尽快康复,还可起到延年益寿的作用。 1.红枣含有糖类、有机酸、维生素C、钙等多种营养成分。 2.鲜枣中丰富的维生素C,使体内多余的胆固醇转变为胆汁酸,减少胆结石的形成。 3.红枣中富含钙和铁,它们对防治骨质疏松、产后贫血有重要作用。 4.红枣所含的芦丁,能使血管软化,从而使血压降低,对高血压病有防治功效。 5.红枣能促进白细胞生长,降低血清胆固醇,提高血清蛋白,保护肝脏,还可以抑制癌细胞的形成。 6.红枣中丰富的维生素C能促进皮肤细胞代谢,使皮肤白皙细嫩,达到护肤美颜的效果。 多吃红枣有什么好处?中医学认为,红枣有补中益气、养血安神、保护肝脏的功效。可主治脾胃虚弱、食少便溏、倦怠无力、气血不足、心悸怔忡、妇人脏躁、过敏性紫癜等症,并能降低猛烈药物的毒副作用。 红枣虽是营养丰富的滋补果品,可自它作为药用以来,还可以用来缓解其他药物的毒性,历来医家在应用剧毒药物时,也常以红枣来解毒。 红枣+生姜 红枣生湿,生姜祛湿,红枣止汗,生姜发汗,红枣补气,生姜发散。这么一说,他俩简直是绝配,既不能让气补得瘀滞,又可以祛湿驱寒。最终的目的,既调节了消化功能,增加了抵抗力,又补了气血,排除了寒湿。 红枣+陈皮 红枣生痰,陈皮化痰。红枣的皮很难消化,吃多了可能会腹胀不太好消化,而陈皮可以消除胀气,还能开胃。 红枣+小米 红枣性温,小米性凉。小米滋补阴血,是女性养颜的绝佳食物,可性质偏凉,若搭配性温的红枣,既调理了脾胃,又中和了性质。 上面介绍了多吃红枣的好处,在食用红枣的时候还要注意以下情况: 1.红枣性温,因此痰温偏盛、腹部胀满、舌苔厚腻、急性肝炎、小儿疳积和寄生虫病、齿病疼痛者均应少食红枣

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