【3支】D女郎草本私护凝胶 缩阴紧致产后妇科女性私处补水阴道排毒Feminine Vaginal Gel (1)
【3支】D女郎草本私护凝胶 缩阴紧致产后妇科女性私处补水阴道排毒Feminine Vaginal Gel (2)
【3支】D女郎草本私护凝胶 缩阴紧致产后妇科女性私处补水阴道排毒Feminine Vaginal Gel (3)
【3支】D女郎草本私护凝胶 缩阴紧致产后妇科女性私处补水阴道排毒Feminine Vaginal Gel (4)
【3支】D女郎草本私护凝胶 缩阴紧致产后妇科女性私处补水阴道排毒Feminine Vaginal Gel (5)
【3支】D女郎草本私护凝胶 缩阴紧致产后妇科女性私处补水阴道排毒Feminine Vaginal Gel (6)
【3支】D女郎草本私护凝胶 缩阴紧致产后妇科女性私处补水阴道排毒Feminine Vaginal Gel (7)
【3支】D女郎草本私护凝胶 缩阴紧致产后妇科女性私处补水阴道排毒Feminine Vaginal Gel (8)

Sell 【3支】D女郎草本私护凝胶 缩阴紧致产后妇科女性私处补水阴道排毒Feminine Vaginal Gel best price

MYR 25 - MYR 49.99
Ships from
排毒 + 缩阴(3pcs)
排毒 + 缩阴 (7pcs)

Product Description

草本私护凝胶是什么⁉️ 一款☞不打针、不吃药、不手术的纯中药女性生殖系统调理保养品,年销量破10亿的王牌产品 每晚一支,轻轻一推,杀菌、消炎、排毒、修复、滋养缩阴一步到位! 凝胶进入身体后,利用人体低温熏蒸的原理,随着温度变化融化进入到身体里各个褶皱部分❗到达率远远高于栓剂、丸剂、粉剂等,通过下阴排毒法,剥离体内堆积的垃圾毒素,排出体外,从而达到治愈的效果❗ 【使用方法】 夜间使用: 晚上睡前,平躺下抬高臀部,把管子前盖取掉,管子放到阴道6~7公分深(自己感觉放不进下去就可以了)慢慢推入凝胶,推完拔出管子垫上护垫,入睡之前建议在臀部底下垫上枕头,垫高半个小时防止倒流! (因为阴道里是充满褶皱,每次月经结束后都是会有一些残留经血没能完全排出来,月经在快结束时很难从褶皱中自然排出体外,长时间堆积就形成了毒素导致妇科病,所以需要用丽尔维美来刺激杀死这些有害的垃圾毒素。从而把垃圾毒素从阴道中吸附排出体外,每个月月经结束干净5-7天后一定要用4支把垃圾毒素排出) ⚠️⚠️禁用区(以下者乱用的后果自负)⚠️⚠️ 孕妇、经期不可使用! 顺产未满三个月,不可使用! (顺产生育建议4-6个月后使用(保险起见6个月) 剖腹产未满四个月,未做复查恢复正常的不可使用! (剖腹产生育建议8-12个月后使用(保险起见12个月) 人流手术建议2-3个月后使用(保险起见3个月) 肌瘤,囊肿 大于>5cm 不能使用凝胶 巧克力囊肿不能使用凝胶 Usage: 1) Use period after 3 days. Insert the tube into vagina 6-7 cm deep,then slowly push tube gel, push and pick out the tube. 1night 1 tube continuous 4days, stop 2 days, then repeat the whole process. 2) Private part itchy, use one day 3-4 times Inflammation: According to the course of use (a course of 3 boxes) 3 days after the menstrual clean, start with 1 per night, stop for 2 days after using a box and then use the 2nd box, and so on; menstrual period is disabled, inflammation is eliminated, Change to maintenance, use 1 box per month Disable area (following the consequences of misuse) Pregnant women, virgins, menstruation can not be used! If the Natural deilver is less than three months, it cannot be used! (The use of production after 4-6 months is recommended (safety for 6 months) Caesarean birth is less than four months old and cannot be used without review. (Caesarean birth is recommended after 8-12 months of use (12 months for insurance) Miscarriage is recommended 2-3 months later (safety for 3 months) #白带 #异味 #痒 #痛经 #宫颈炎 #Cervicitis #vaginalcandidiasis #leukorrhea #vaginitis #trichomoniasis #BacterialVaginosis #Vaginalinfection

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