[100G] Great Ocean Dried Lily Bulb | 百合 | 龙牙百合 | Bak Hup (1)
[100G] Great Ocean Dried Lily Bulb | 百合 | 龙牙百合 | Bak Hup (2)

Sell [100G] Great Ocean Dried Lily Bulb | 百合 | 龙牙百合 | Bak Hup best price

MYR 6.5 - MYR 7.5
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龙牙百合 (Premium)

Product Description

名称:百合 重量:100g Name of products:Dried Lily Bulb Weight:100g 百合的功效与作用 1、润肺止咳 百合甘凉清润,主入肺心,能清肺润燥止咳,为肺燥咳嗽、虚烦不安所常用。鲜百合含黏液质,有镇静止咳作用,适用于肺结核、咳嗽、咯血等症。 2、宁心安神 百合入心经,能清心除烦,宁心安神,用于热病后余热未消、神思恍惚、失眠多梦、心情抑郁等病症。 3、美容养颜 百合洁白娇艳,鲜品富含黏液质及维生素,对皮肤细胞新陈代谢有益,常食百合,有一定美容作用。油性皮肤的人多吃百合对皮肤特别好。 4、防癌抗癌 百合含多种生物碱,对白细胞减少症有预防作用,能升高血细胞,对化疗及放射性治疗后细胞减少症有治疗作用。百合在体内还能促进和增强单核细胞系统和吞噬功能,提高机体的体液免疫能力,因此百合对多种癌症均有较好的防冶效果。 百合的营养价值 作为营养保健的食品,百合含有淀粉、蛋白质、脂肪及钙、磷、铁、镁、锌、硒、维生素B1、B2、C,泛酸、胡萝卜素等营养素,这些都有良好的营养滋补之功,特别是对病后体弱、神经衰弱等症大有裨益。 What is a Lily Bulb? Originally from Asia, lilies are now grown all over the world in many different species and varieties. Lilies are grown as ornamental plants, food, and for medicinal purposes. The bulbs, which are used for planting new plants, have been used medicinally for centuries. Lily bulbs contain high levels of vitamins and minerals. What are the health benefits of Lily Bulbs? The medicinal use of lily bulbs is associated with the lung and heart meridians in traditional Chinese medicine. They are used to relieve coughs, dry throats, and other respiratory conditions. Lily bulbs are also used to treat heart palpitations, low fever, irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, and insomnia. In addition, they are used as a sedative, and are applied for clearing heat, calming the spirit, treating restlessness and irritability, and inducing relaxation and peaceful sleep.

Product Specifications


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