What does ziarah in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word ziarah in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use ziarah in Indonesian.
The word ziarah in Indonesian means pilgrimage, call, pilgrim's journey, pilgrimage. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word ziarah
pilgrimagenoun Keluarganya sedang pergi ziarah, jadi dia sering makan di luar. His family is on a pilgrimage, so he eats out often. |
callnoun Ke-15 mazmur ini disebut nyanyian-nyanyian ”ziarah” atau ”pendakian”. These 15 psalms are called songs “of the ascents.” |
pilgrim's journeynoun |
pilgrimageverb noun (journey or search of moral or spiritual significance) Keluarganya sedang pergi ziarah, jadi dia sering makan di luar. His family is on a pilgrimage, so he eats out often. |
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Dia menentang para pemimpin agama jahat yang menjadikan kebiasaan gereja seperti pengakuan dosa, penyembahan santo, puasa, dan ziarah untuk memperdaya jemaatnya. He differed with corrupt clergymen who used church customs —such as confession of sins, the worship of the saints, fasting, and pilgrimages— to exploit believers. |
Desember 1975: Sebuah ledakan gas silinder menyebabkan kebakaran di sebuah tenda dan mengakibatkan 200 peziarah tewas. December 1975: An exploding gas cylinder caused a fire in a tent colony and resulted in the deaths of 200 pilgrims. |
Dalam Septuaginta, mazmur-mazmur dalam Nyanyian Ziarah ini diberi nomor 119–133. In the Septuagint, these psalms are numbered 119–133. |
Dia tidak datang ke sini untuk ziarah. Didn't come here on pilgrimage. |
Banyak informasi tentang haji abad pertengahan berasal dari pengamatan langsung terhadap tiga pelancong Muslim - Nasir Khusraw, Ibnu Jubair, dan Ibnu Batutah - yang melakukan ziarah dan mencatat laporan rinci tentang perjalanan haji di zaman mereka. A good deal of information on the medieval hajj comes from the firsthand observations of three Muslim travelers - Nasir Khusraw, Ibn Jubayr, and Ibn Battuta - who themselves performed the pilgrimage and recorded detailed accounts of Hajj-travels of their time. |
Ada dua peziarah, ayah dan anaknya. There are two pilgrims, a father and his son. |
Mereka meletakkan lambang-lambang penziarahan itu di pintu-pintu rumah mereka. They placed the symbols of the pilgrimage on the doors of their houses. |
Tn Avery, tahukah kau mengapa melakukan ziarah jalan kaki ini? Monsieur Avery, do you know why you're walking the Way? |
Pasangan itu pergi berziarah ke Tanah Suci. The couple went on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. |
Bersama Uskup Paulinus dari Antiokhia yang menggabungkan diri kemudian, para peziarah ini mengunjungi Yerusalem, Betlehem, dan tempat-tempat suci di Galilea, lalu kemudian berangkat ke Mesir, markas para pahlawan dari hidup bermatiraga. The pilgrims, joined by Bishop Paulinus of Antioch, visited Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and the holy places of Galilee, and then went to Egypt, the home of the great heroes of the ascetic life. |
Peziarah sejari ke Camino tidak membawa apa-apa. A true pilgrim walks the Camino with nothing. |
Pada waktu yang sama, para peziarah, lupa akan bahaya penyakit yang jelas mengancam, melangkahkan kaki di sepanjang tepian sungai untuk ikut dalam mandi keagamaan. At the same time, pilgrims, oblivious to the unmistakable danger of disease, descend the steps along the riverbanks to engage in religious bathing. |
Salah satu yang terpenting adalah catatan dari peziarah Cina Faxian pada abad ke-5 dan Xuanzang pada abad ke-7. Foremost among these are the accounts of the Chinese pilgrims Faxian in the 5th century and Xuanzang in the 7th century. |
Dia melakukan perjalanan melalui Hongaria dan Slavonia, meskipun daerah-daerah ini umumnya dihindari pada saat itu oleh para peziarah, karena mereka baru saja masuk Kristen, menurut Ademar. He travelled through Hungary and Slavonia, even though these regions were generally avoided at that time by pilgrims, since they had only recently been converted to Christianity, according to Ademar. |
Ia pergi beberapa kali ziarah ke makamnya di Nagyvárad. He went on pilgrimage several times to his tomb in Nagyvárad. |
Karena makin banyak orang yang berziarah ke kolam tersebut, sehingga secara tak langsung disoroti kepala distrik tersebut dan bawahan-bawahannya, yang dilayangkan kepada Ngô Đình Cẩn, adik lainnya dari Diệm. As more people made pilgrimages to the pond, so disquiet grew among the district chief and his subordinates, who answered to Ngô Đình Cẩn, another younger brother of Diệm. |
Roma telah lama menjadi kediaman beragam komunitas seni, komunitas warga asing, sejumlah besar peziarah ataupun siswa religius dari luar negeri, dan senantiasa menjadi suatu kota multibahasa. Rome has long hosted artistic communities, foreign resident communities and a large number of foreign religious students or pilgrims and so has always been a multilingual city. |
Untuk mengakomodasi para peziarah Buddha, persembahan berupa buah, bunga, batang dupa, dan minuman beralkohol bisa diwujudkan pada kuburan virtual ini dengan menekan mouse. To accommodate Buddhist visitors, offerings of fruit, flowers, incense sticks, and alcoholic drinks can be made at the virtual grave by clicking the mouse. |
Dan perasaan itu juga membawa saya untuk pergi berziarah ke tempat-tempat yang berada di ujung Bumi untuk melihat teleskop, detektor, peralatan yang sedang, atau telah dibangun untuk menyelidiki antariksa dengan sangat rinci. And that feeling also led me to a pilgrimage of sorts, to go literally to the ends of the earth to see telescopes, detectors, instruments that people are building, or have built, in order to probe the cosmos in greater and greater detail. |
Dari jutaan peziarah setiap tahun, beberapa orang wafat karena usia tua, dan beberapa orang wafat karena penyakit mereka, selain dalam beberapa kasus karena panas dan kelelahan. Of the millions of pilgrims each year, many are elderly, and some die of their illnesses, exacerbated in some cases by the heat and exertion. |
Akhirnya kedua pihak sepakat untuk melakukan gencatan senjata dengan Perjanjian Hudaibiyyah tahun 628, yang memungkinkan umat Islam untuk melakukan ziarah ke Ka'bah. Eventually the two parties agreed to an armistice, the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah in 628, which allowed Muslims to make the pilgrimage to the Kaaba. |
Saya menyertai Ibu melakukan ziarah keagamaan sejauh 80 kilometer ke desa Máriapócs di Hongaria. I accompanied Mother on a 50-mile [80 km] religious pilgrimage to the village of Máriapócs in Hungary. |
Siena menjadi makmur sebagai suatu pos perdagangan, dan arus peziarah yang konstan menuju dan dari Roma menjadi salah satu sumber pendapatan yang bernilai sepanjang abad-abad berikutnya. Siena prospered as a trading post, and the constant streams of pilgrims passing to and from Rome provided a valuable source of income in the centuries to come. |
Meskipun pemukulan Muhammad terus berkhotbah dan membuat convertes peziarah kita. Despite the beatings Muhammad continues to preach and make convertes of our pilgrims. |
Kaum Muslim berziarah ke Mekah Muslim men make a pilgrimage to Mecca |
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Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.