What does zat kimia in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word zat kimia in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use zat kimia in Indonesian.

The word zat kimia in Indonesian means chemical, chemical substance. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word zat kimia



Terutama zat kimia yang memiliki efek neurotoksik, misalnya logam berat seperti kadmium, timbal dan merkuri.
Many address chemicals with neurotoxic effects, particularly those of heavy metals such as cadmium, lead and mercury.

chemical substance

noun (bentuk materi yang memiliki sifat karakteriatik dan komposisi kimia konstan)

Jam biologis kita diatur oleh zat kimia, yang banyak di antaranya sudah diidentifikasi.
Our biological clock is regulated by chemical substances, many of which have already been identified.

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Kewaspadaan terhadap zat kimia juga berlaku untuk apa yang kita oleskan atau semprotkan ke kulit kita.
Chemical awareness also applies to what we put or spill onto our skin.
Campuran mengandung lebih dari satu zat kimia, dan mereka tidak mempunyai komposisi yang pasti.
Mixtures contain more than one chemical substance, and they do not have a fixed composition.
Banyak zat kimia dalam rokok dapat memicu mutasi berbahaya dalam DNA tubuh yang menyebabkan kanker.
Many of the chemicals inside cigarettes can trigger dangerous mutations in the body’s DNA that make cancers form.
Jadi, kita tidak tahu dampak sepenuhnya pada kesehatan dan lingkungan dari semua zat kimia beracun ini.
So, we dont know the full impact on health and the environment of all these toxic chemicals.
Oleh karena itu, kondisi ini diistilahkan sebagai ”sensitivitas terhadap aneka zat kimia”.
Thus, the term “multiple chemical sensitivity.”
Sensitivitas terhadap Aneka Zat Kimia —Penyakit Misterius
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity—A Mysterious Malady
Terutama zat kimia yang memiliki efek neurotoksik, misalnya logam berat seperti kadmium, timbal dan merkuri.
Many address chemicals with neurotoxic effects, particularly those of heavy metals such as cadmium, lead and mercury.
Air itu kemudian menjadi super panas, bereaksi dengan batuan, dan menyerap sejumlah zat kimia.
The water then becomes superheated, reacts with rock, and absorbs a number of chemicals.
Jumlah nitrogen dalam zat kimia dapat ditentukan menggunakan metode Kjeldahl.
The amount of nitrogen in a chemical substance can be determined by the Kjeldahl method.
Zat kimia sering disebut 'murni' untuk membedakannya dari campuran.
Chemical substances are often called 'pure' to set them apart from mixtures.
Rasanya sangat lezat kedengarannya seperti zat kimia.
It's a very tasty diarrhea-like substance.
Lingkungan (virus atau zat kimia)
Environmental (viral or chemical)
Sebagai tambahan, Chemical Abstracts Service telah menemukan metode untuk mengindeks zat kimia.
In addition the Chemical Abstracts Service has devised a method to index chemical substances.
Ingatlah, bahkan zat kimia dalam wadah yang tertutup bisa saja menguap.
Remember, even chemicals in some sealed containers may give off vapors.
Informasi ini disusun sebagai database dan dikenal sebagai indeks zat kimia (Chemical Substances Index).
This information is compiled as a database and is popularly known as the Chemical substances index.
Ketika ingin mengurangi paparan yang sudah ada, beberapa zat kimia dapat dihindari sesuai pilihan masing-masing.
When it comes to reducing existing exposures, some chemicals can be avoided through consumer choice.
Tanpa hal ini, mustahil untuk mempelajari secara akurat efek manusia terhadap lingkungan dengan pelepasan zat kimia.
Without this it would be impossible to accurately study the effects humans have on the environment through the release of chemicals.
Yang, eh, ada sedikit aroma zat kimia tapi berjas Italia mahal
That, uh, faint scent of chemicals but an expensive Italian suit
Jika dalam 15 mililiter saja diciptakan dan menyebar di udara, zat kimia ini bisa membunuh jutaan orang.
If just 15 millilitres is released and becomes airborne, this chemical could kill a million people.
Mirip zat kimia yang ditemukan dalam darah McAlpin.
It's chemically similar to what was in Private McAlpin's blood.
Mirip zat kimia yang ditemukan dalam darah McAlpin
It' s chemically similar to what was in Private McAlpin' s blood
Etilendiamina digunakan dalam jumlah besar dalam produksi banyak zat kimia industri.
Ethylenediamine is used in large quantities for production of many industrial chemicals.
Ketika Anda Sakit Gara-Gara Zat Kimia
When Chemicals Make You Sick
Dapatkah kehidupan muncul dengan sendirinya dari zat-zat kimia yang tidak bernyawa?
Could life really spontaneously spring from nonliving chemicals?
Dalam hukum kimia, "zat kimia" dapat mencakup baik zat murni maupun campuran dengan komposisi atau proses manufakturing tertentu.
In law, "chemical substances" may include both pure substances and mixtures with a defined composition or manufacturing process.

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Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.