What does uczciwy in Polish mean?
What is the meaning of the word uczciwy in Polish? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use uczciwy in Polish.
The word uczciwy in Polish means honest, upright, decent, fair, fair and square, uczciwy, szczery, otwarty, uczciwy, godny, uczciwy, sprawiedliwy, uczciwy, solidny, uczciwy, uczciwy, rzetelny, uczciwy, przyzwoity, uczciwy, uczciwy, uczciwy, sprawiedliwy, rzetelny, rzetelny, uczciwy, uczciwy, czysty, uczciwy, uczciwy, uczciwy, uczciwy, uczciwy, prostolinijny. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word uczciwy
honest, upright, decent, fair, fair and square
uczciwy, szczery(person: sincere) Była uczciwa, kiedy powiedziała, że nie ma pieniędzy. She was being honest when she said that she had no money. |
otwarty, uczciwy(person: honest, direct) Dana is a frank person; she always says what she thinks. |
godny, uczciwy, sprawiedliwy(figurative (person, action: fair) I don't think Jim would cheat on his golf score; he's a sporting type who is usually very honest. |
uczciwy, solidny(firmly established, honest) |
uczciwy(figurative (honest) He likes to keep his business dealings aboveboard. |
uczciwy, rzetelny(US (honest, without trickery) So this deal is on the level? |
uczciwy(person: truthful) An honest man has no need to remember what he said. |
przyzwoity, uczciwy(slang (honest, not criminal) |
uczciwy(person: honest, decent) Mary is a lawful citizen, so I know she's telling the truth. |
uczciwy, sprawiedliwy, rzetelny(figurative (chance: reasonable, fair) After all of our practicing, we have a sporting chance of winning the game. |
rzetelny, uczciwy(slang (honest, trustworthy) That preacher's as straight up as they come. |
uczciwy(figurative, informal (honest) Are you being square with me? I certainly hope so. |
czysty, uczciwy(fair) The referee wants a clean fight. |
uczciwy(just sufficient) I think that I pay my employees a fair wage. |
uczciwy(person: upright) He was a poor but honest man. |
uczciwy(business, exchanges: fair) All her business dealings were honest. |
uczciwy(in game, by rules) That move isn't legal in this game. |
prostolinijny(innocent) I knew Cindy was telling the truth by the guileless look on her face. |
Let's learn Polish
So now that you know more about the meaning of uczciwy in Polish, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Polish.
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Do you know about Polish
Polish (polszczyzna) is the official language of Poland. This language is spoken by 38 million Polish people. There are also native speakers of this language in western Belarus and Ukraine. Because Poles emigrated to other countries in many stages, there are millions of people who speak Polish in many countries such as Germany, France, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, Brazil, Canada, United Kingdom, United States, etc. .. An estimated 10 million Poles live outside of Poland but it is not clear how many of them can actually speak Polish, estimates put it between 3.5 and 10 million. As a result, the number of Polish-speaking people globally ranges from 40-43 million.