What does uap in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word uap in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use uap in Indonesian.

The word uap in Indonesian means steam, vapor, vapour, vapor. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word uap


noun (water vapor used for heating or as source of kinetic energy)

Ditemukannya lokomotif uap juga mendorong pembangunan dan perancangan jembatan.
The invention of the steam locomotive also gave impetus to bridge building and design.


noun (the gaseous state of a substance that is normally a solid or liquid)

Anda akan mendeteksi yang berbeda jalur inframerah Jika, katakanlah, uap air yang hadir.
You'd detect a different set of infrared lines if, say, water vapor were present.


noun (The gaseous state of a substance that is normally a solid or liquid.)

Lebih baik untuk mengambil peluang Kamu di tempat terbuka daripada tinggal di cekungan dimana uap menetap.
Better to take your chances in the open rather than stay in the hollows where the vapours settle.


verb noun (a substance in the gas phase at a temperature lower than its critical point)

Ada jumlah yang lebih kecil nitrogen, argon Uap air dan oksigen.
There were smaller amounts of nitrogen, argon water vapor and oxygen.

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Sebagian besar tanahnya adalah pertanian memakai uap air.
Moisture farms, for the most part.
Uap air ke atmosfer berkurang sehingga menimbulkan lebih banyak kekeringan
Decrease in moisture to atmosphere means more droughts
Uapnya menyebabkan iritasi bagi paru-paru dan mata dan paparan maksimum adalah 25 ppm.
The vapours are irritating for the lungs and eyes and the maximum exposure rate is 25 ppm.
Heron dari Alexandria menciptakan mesin uap pertama di dunia, sekitar seribu tahun sebelum akhirnya ditemukan kembali pada Revolusi Industri.
Heron of Alexandria created the world’s first steam engine over a thousand years before it was finally reinvented during the Industrial Revolution.
Tidak seperti air panas menjadi air dingin, atau air dingin jadi panas, tapi air mendidih dan menjadi uap.
Not like hot water made cold, or cold water turned hot, but water boiled off and becoming steam.
Mereka menanam pohon anggur atau ara di dasar rongga-rongga bundar dan kemudian menutupi tanah itu dengan lapisan abu vulkanis untuk mencegah penguapan.
They plant the vines or fig trees at the bottom of rounded hollows and then cover the soil with a layer of volcanic ash to prevent evaporation.
Kapal uap Anthemis dibuat pada tahun 1909 untuk membawa 300 orang.
The Anthemis steamer was built in 1909 to carry 300 people.
Jika prediksinya benar, lubang hitam secara bertahap akan menyusut dan menguap seiring waktu karena mereka kehilangan massa karena emisi foton dan partikel lainnya.
If this prediction is correct, black holes will very gradually shrink and evaporate over time as they lose mass by the emission of photons and other particles.
Mungkin pemandian uap paling terkenal ialah sauna Finlandia.
Perhaps the best-known sweat bath is the Finnish sauna.
Ini disebut penguapan.
It's called vaporization.
Pesawat Piper PA-46 Malibu berisi enam tempat duduk yang diperlengkapkan dengan hanya satu buah mesin torak berbantuan uap di dalamnya, terdaftar pada badan pesawat dengan nomor N264DB dan bernomor seri 46-8408037.
The aircraft involved was a Piper PA-46 Malibu, a six-seat type equipped with a single piston engine, registered in the United States as N264DB, serial number 46-8408037.
Ronnie menguap dalam akselerator ketika meledak.
Ronnie was vaporized in the accelerator when it went critical.
Di Moulmein, mereka berganti menumpangi kapal uap Pembo (atau Pamba), datang ke Rangoon pada 22 Mei.
A change of transportation at Moulmein put them on the steamship Pembo (or Pamba), arriving in Rangoon on May 22.
Nitrogen cair mudah menguap menjadi nitrogen gas, sehingga pencegahan yang berhubungan dengan gas nitrogen juga berlaku untuk nitrogen cair.
Liquid nitrogen readily evaporates to form gaseous nitrogen, and hence the precautions associated with gaseous nitrogen also apply to liquid nitrogen.
Uap air naik saat air di permukaan laut mengalami penguapan diterbangkan ke daratan oleh angin.
Moisture rising as water vapour from the surface of the sea is blown inland by wind.
Kita dapat menguapkannya untuk meningkatkan keuntungan pemulihan dan mengambil garamnya, mengubah masalah limbah yang mendesak menjadi peluang besar.
We could evaporate it to enhance the restorative benefits and capture the salts, transforming an urgent waste problem into a big opportunity.
Serat dan kulit buahnya juga didaur ulang menjadi bahan bakar untuk mesin penghasil uap pada kilang.
The fruit’s fiber and shells are also recycled, being used as fuel for the mill’s boilers.
Ciri selanjutnya dari struktur korona negatif adalah elektron yang melayang keluar akan bertemu dengan molekul netral dan, bersama-sama molekul elektronegatif (seperti oksigen dan uap air), bergabung untuk menghasilkan ion negatif.
A further feature of the structure of negative coronas is that as the electrons drift outwards, they encounter neutral molecules and, with electronegative molecules (such as oxygen and water vapor), combine to produce negative ions.
Nitrogen tribromida (NBr3), pertama kali dibuat tahun 1975, adalah padatan merah tua, peka terhadap suhu, dan mudah menguap, yang mudah meledak meski pada suhu −100 °C sekalipun.
Nitrogen tribromide (NBr3), first prepared in 1975, is a deep red, temperature-sensitive, volatile solid that is explosive even at −100 °C. Nitrogen triiodide (NI3) is still more unstable and was only prepared in 1990.
Uap terdekomposisi dengan cepat di udara, dengan waktu paruh sekitar 40 detik.
The vapor decomposes quickly in air, with a half-life of about 40 seconds.
Dalam dekade kekuatan gabungan uap dan batu bara menjadi gaya balik luar biasa ekonomi terpadu.
Within decades, the combined power of steam and coal became the force behind an extraordinary, integrated economy.
Ia juga menjelaskan pembangunan jam matahari dan jam air, dan penggunaan aeolipile ( mesin uap) sebagai percobaan untuk menunjukkan sifat atmosfer gerakan udara (angin).
He also describes the construction of sundials and water clocks, and the use of an aeolipile (the first steam engine) as an experiment to demonstrate the nature of atmospheric air movements (wind).
Saya segera berpaling kepada Juruselamat, Yesus Kristus, dan merasakan kepedihan saya menguap sirna dan suatu harapan yang besar bersemi di hati saya.
I turned immediately to the Savior Jesus Christ in my thoughts and felt my anguish melt away and a great hope spring up in my heart.
Kromatografi gas (GC) bekerja seperti fungsi kromatografi cair, tetapi ini digunakan untuk campuran volatil (mudah menguap).
Gas chromatography (GC) performs the same function as liquid chromatography, but it is used for volatile mixtures.
Anda akan mendeteksi yang berbeda jalur inframerah Jika, katakanlah, uap air yang hadir.
You'd detect a different set of infrared lines if, say, water vapor were present.

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Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.