What does tonggeret in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word tonggeret in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use tonggeret in Indonesian.

The word tonggeret in Indonesian means cicada, cicala. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word tonggeret


noun (any of several insects of the order Hemiptera)

Ya, benar, resep ini juga termasuk kulit dari cangkang tonggeret.
Yes, you are right, this prescription also contains the shell of cicada molts.



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Staf ditugaskan untuk mengusir burung dan tonggeret dari dia Imperial Fishing Villa.
Staff were assigned to chase away birds and cicadas from her Imperial Fishing Villa.
Album Jaipongan yang paling banyak tersedia di luar Indonesia adalah Tonggeret oleh Idjah Hadidjah dan Gugum Gumbira Jugala orkestra, yang dirilis pada tahun 1987 dan kembali dirilis sebagai Jawa Barat: Jaipong Sunda dan Musik Populer lainnya]] oleh Nonesuch / Elektra Records.
The most widely available album of Jaipongan outside Indonesia is Tonggeret by Idjah Hadidjah and Gugum Gumbira's Jugala orchestra, released in 1987, and re-released as West Java: Sundanese Jaipong and other Popular Music by Nonesuch/Elektra Records..
(Tawa) Dan memang, tonggeret juga tak bisa.
(Laughter) And indeed, neither can the katydids.
Jadi artinya tonggeret pejantan sangat pemilih pada siapa mereka akan persembahkan hadiah seserahan ini.
And so what that means is the katydid males are very choosy about who they offer these nuptial gifts to.
Serangga dalam ordo Hemiptera memiliki mulut penusuk-penghisap misalnya pada tungau kasur, tonggeret, kutu daun, dan wereng.
Insects in the Hemiptera order have piercing-sucking mouthparts and include bed bugs, cicadas, aphids, and leafhoppers.
Jadi contohnya, tonggeret, yang masih saudara dengan jangkrik dan belalang.
So for example, take katydids, which are relatives of crickets and grasshoppers.
Tapi butuh waktu 15 tahun bagi tonggeret untuk bertelur sampai menjadi larva dan keluar dari tanah.
But fifteen years are needed from the moment a cicada lays eggs until they turn into larvae and get out from the ground.
Dia bilang aku suka tonggeret karena mereka mengeluarkan suara yang membuat rumah tidak terlalu sepi.
She said the reason I like cicadas is because they fill the air with sound which makes the house less lonelier for me.
Ya, benar, resep ini juga termasuk kulit dari cangkang tonggeret.
Yes, you are right, this prescription also contains the shell of cicada molts.

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Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.