What does tenggelam in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word tenggelam in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use tenggelam in Indonesian.
The word tenggelam in Indonesian means sink, drown, submerge, drowning. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word tenggelam
sinkverb Kami melihat matahari tenggelam di ujung cakrawala. We watched the sun sinking below the horizon. |
drownverb (to deprive of life by immerson in liquid) Ingin melindungiku dari diriku sendiri sama pintarnya dengan menyelamatkan ikan supaya tidak tenggelam. Wanting to protect me from myself is about as ingenious as saving a fish from drowning. |
submergeverb (to immerse (transitive) Tingkat laut lebih tinggi, dan lebih banyak bagian dari bumi tenggelam. Sea levels were higher, and more of Earth was submerged. |
drowningverb noun (respiratory impairment caused by submersion in liquid) Ingin melindungiku dari diriku sendiri sama pintarnya dengan menyelamatkan ikan supaya tidak tenggelam. Wanting to protect me from myself is about as ingenious as saving a fish from drowning. |
See more examples
Belle dan Bash, naik Asin Bata, berlayar ke pelabuhan, Menembaki pantai Dan tenggelamkan Gilded Cod. Belle and Bash, aboard the Salty Brick, sailed into the harbor, opened fire on the beach and sunk the Gilded Cod. |
Kini, dia sudah tenggelam hingga leher. By now, she was up to her neck. |
Senyawa itu disimpan secara historis di laguna; Hal ini menyebabkan kecelakaan pabrik alumina Ajka pada tahun 2010 di Hungaria, di mana bendungan yang meledak menyebabkan tenggelamnya sembilan orang. It was historically stored in lagoons; this led to the Ajka alumina plant accident in 2010 in Hungary, where a dam bursting led to the drowning of nine people. |
Dia pasti tenggelam He must have drowned |
Matrintis adalah sebuah kekaisaran kuno yang tenggelam ke dalam laut 4500 tahun yang lalu. Matrintis was an ancient empire that sank into the sea 4500 years ago due to an unknown event. |
Aku kira dia tenggelam. I thought that she drowned. |
Jika Anda pikir kemiskinan adalah hasil dari kesalahan Anda, Anda tenggelam dalam keputusasaan. If you think your poverty is the result of your own inadequacy, you shrink into despair. |
Tenggelam bersama kapal ini, seperti seharusnya. Go down with the ship, as it were. |
Ketika kapal hampir tenggelam, ”awak kapal menjadi takut, masing-masing berteriak-teriak kepada allahnya”. When it was about to be wrecked, “the mariners began to fear and to call for aid, each one to his god.” |
Jadi, kita lihat apakah dia mengambang atau tenggelam. You know, see if she sinks or floats. |
Matahari sedang tenggelam di ufuk pada waktu Yesus dan rombongannya menuruni Bukit Zaitun. The sun is sinking on the horizon as Jesus and his party descend the Mount of Olives. |
Tidak sejak putra Drablow tenggelam di rawa. Not since the little Drablow boy was drowned in the marshes. |
Pada pertengahan bulan Desember, persis sebelum badai, kapal supertanker Erika tenggelam di laut bebas sekitar 50 kilometer dari pantai barat Prancis, menumpahkan 10.000 ton minyak ke perairan. In mid-December, just before the storms, the supertanker Erika sank in heavy seas about 30 miles [50 km] off France’s west coast, spilling 10,000 tons of oil into the waters. |
(Kel 12:6) Pandangan ini didukung oleh beberapa pakar, dan juga oleh orang Yahudi Kara dan orang Samaria, meskipun orang Farisi dan pengikut para Rabi menganggapnya sebagai waktu antara saat matahari mulai terbenam dan saat matahari sudah benar-benar tenggelam. (Ex 12:6) This view is supported by some scholars, as well as by the Karaite Jews and Samaritans, although the Pharisees and Rabbinists considered it to be the time between the beginning of the sun’s descent and the real sunset. |
Hartley tewas saat Titanic tenggelam. Julian went down with the Titanic. |
Ditenggelamkan ke sungai. You dunk it in the river. |
Kami telah mengetuk keluar Amerika lapangan udara Tenggelam empat kapal perang, tiga rusak berat. We've knocked out the American airfields sunk four battleships, heavily damaged three more. |
Karena rendahnya tingkat cahaya fotosintesis yang mencapai lingkungan laut dalam, untuk nutrisi sebagian besar ikan harus bergantung pada materi organik yang tenggelam dari tingkat yang lebih tinggi, atau, dalam kasus yang jarang terjadi, ventilasi hidrotermal. Due to the poor level of photosynthetic light reaching deep-sea environments, most fish need to rely on organic matter sinking from higher levels, or, in rare cases, hydrothermal vents for nutrients. |
• Apa yang bisa kita pelajari dari tindakan Yesus menyelamatkan Petrus yang hampir tenggelam di laut? • What lesson can we learn from Jesus’ saving Peter as he was sinking in the sea? |
Diakses tanggal 2012-04-19. ^ Meskipun namanya hampir-hampir tidak dikenal oleh masyarakat umum, reputasi Vermeer yang tidak secara total tenggelam setelah kematiannya: "Walaupun memang benar Vermeer tidak meraih ketenaran secara luas hingga abad ke-19, karya-karya selalu dihargai dan dikagumi oleh pecinta yang berpengetahuan luas." Vermeer was largely unknown to the general public, but his reputation was not totally eclipsed after his death: "While it is true that he did not achieve widespread fame until the 19th century, his work had always been valued and admired by well-informed connoisseurs." |
Sidang pertama mengenai misteri keberadaan Park Geun-hye pada 7 jam setelah feri Sewol tenggelam. The first trial focused on the whereabouts of Park Geun-hye seven hours after the Sewol ferry sinking. |
Buritannya pecah, dan kapal itu tenggelam bersama seluruh awaknya. Its back was broken, and it sank with the entire crew on board. |
Pengumpulan sisa-sisa manusia pascabencana (biasanya korban tenggelam) juga tidak diberikan status "terprovokasi" atau "tak beralasan". Postmortem scavenging of human remains (typically drowning victims) are also not accorded "provoked" or "unprovoked" status. |
Kau mungkin beruntung dari tenggelam, sebelum terkoyak-koyak oleh teritip. If he's lucky, he'll drown before the barnacles shred him to ribbons. |
Jadi, kita hendaknya tidak tenggelam dalam pekerjaan sehingga kita mengabaikan keluarga dan kesehatan. So we should not become so wrapped up in our work that we neglect our family or our health. |
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Do you know about Indonesian
Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.