What does taman bermain in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word taman bermain in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use taman bermain in Indonesian.
The word taman bermain in Indonesian means amusement park, playground, theme park, amusement park. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word taman bermain
amusement parknoun Di pulau tidak ada taman bermain, jadi sekarang dia terlalu berlebihan. There are no amusement parks on the Island, so she's just excited. |
playgroundnoun Mereka memiliki taman bermain, tertutup, taman bermain indoor. They have the playgrounds, the closed, indoor playgrounds. |
theme parknoun Sebelum bekerja di gereja, aku bekerja di taman bermain. Before going to the service, I worked in a theme park. |
amusement parknoun (park with rides and attractions) Kemudian kami pergi ke " Taman Bermain ". Sometimes afterward, we'd go to the amusement park. |
See more examples
Seorang pelapor menuntun polisi pada taman bermain di 4700 blok Eighth Avenue tadi malam. An anonymous tip brought police to a playground in the 4700 block of Eighth Avenue late last night. |
Kami temukan ini di taman bermain. We found this in a playground. |
(Tertawa) Taman Bermain Gelap ini adalah tempat yang Anda, para penunda, tahu betul. Now, the Dark Playground is a place that all of you procrastinators out there know very well. |
Taman bermain anak- anak! Playground for Junior! |
Contohnya, saya mengajak putra saya yang berusia dua tahun ke taman bermain di Dubai Mall. For example, I took my two-year-old son to the playground at the Dubai Mall. |
Perdamaian: Viliumas Malinauskas of Grūtas, Lituania, karena membangun taman bermain bernama "Dunia Stalin". Peace – Presented to Viliumas Malinauskas of Grūtas, Lithuania, for creating the amusement park known as "Stalin World". |
Apakah Anda pergi ke taman bermain? Did you go to the playground? |
Ini taman bermain saya. It's my playground. |
Taman Bermain lama yang ada di Dermaga Gotham. The abandoned fairgrounds on the old Gotham pier. |
Kami minta semuanya agar berkumpul di taman bermain segera. We ask everyone to quickly gather at the playground set. |
Berikut ini adalah taman bermain anak-anak saya When I was a kid... this here was my childhood playground. |
Hey, kebetulan macan apa bertemu prajurit di taman bermain pada malam hari? Hey, what are the odds to meet a runaway soldier in a park? |
Di ayunan dekat taman bermain On the swings at the playground. |
Ini adalah taman bermain untuk para petualang. It's a playground for the adventurous. |
Mereka memiliki taman bermain, tertutup, taman bermain indoor. They have the playgrounds, the closed, indoor playgrounds. |
Beberapa contohnya adalah "Mengapa ayam menyeberangi taman bermain? Some examples are "Why did the chicken cross the playground? |
Pintu ke surga ada di taman bermain? The door to heaven is in a playground? |
Bahkan dalam waktu dekat Raffi akan meluncurkan bisnis terbarunya yaitu taman bermain yang akan diberi nama "Rafathar PlayPark". Raffi even in the near future will launch the new business that the playground will be named "Rafathar PlayPark". |
Untuk memancingku membacanya, dia mengajakku ke taman bermain.. To get me into the mood, she took me to the park to read them. |
Bagaimana dia mengacaukan taman bermain-nya? How did he mess up his playground? |
Taman bermain. A playhouse. |
Apa kau sering ke taman bermain River Road? Did you ever spend time at River Road playground? |
Mereka ingin merubah dunia kita menjadi taman bermainnya. They want to turn our world into hell's playground. |
Ini taman bermain anak-anak, Pak. It's a park for kids, mister. |
Jadi ini, teman saya, taman bermain Anda.. So this, my friend, is your playground.. |
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Do you know about Indonesian
Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.