What does sumpit in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word sumpit in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use sumpit in Indonesian.
The word sumpit in Indonesian means chopstick, chopsticks, blowgun, blowgun, chopsticks. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word sumpit
chopsticknoun (single eating utensil) Nasi biasa dimakan dengan sumpit di Jepang. Rice is usually eaten with chopsticks in Japan. |
chopsticksnounplural (A pair of small equal-length tapered sticks, which are generally believed to have originated in ancient China, and are the traditional eating utensils of China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and Vietnam. (source: Wikipedia) Nasi biasa dimakan dengan sumpit di Jepang. Rice is usually eaten with chopsticks in Japan. |
blowgunnoun Penduduk asli Amazon menggunakan sumpitan untuk menembakkan panah A native of the Amazon using a blowgun to fire darts |
blowgunnoun (tube for firing light projectiles or darts) Penduduk asli Amazon menggunakan sumpitan untuk menembakkan panah A native of the Amazon using a blowgun to fire darts |
chopsticksnoun (tableware) Nasi biasa dimakan dengan sumpit di Jepang. Rice is usually eaten with chopsticks in Japan. |
See more examples
Gunakan sumpit mereka disebut " Se Tung Thien " New customers use the inn's chopsticks |
Aku memberinya sumpit. I handed chopsticks to him. |
Aku belum pernah melihat pemakaian sumpit. I've never seen chopsticks work before. |
Meskipun demikian, menyeruput makanan, menjilati ujung sumpit, atau memilah-milah untuk mencari potongan favorit dianggap tidak sopan. Even so, it is considered bad manners to slurp your food, lick the ends of your chopsticks, or pick through the dishes for your favorite piece. |
Tidak seorang pun akan menggunakan sumpitnya sendiri untuk mengambil makanan dari piring hidangan, kecuali sumpit itu lebih dahulu dibalik sehingga ujung bekas kena mulut tidak menyentuh makanan. No one would use his own chopsticks to take food from the common dish unless the chopsticks were first reversed so that the end that is placed in the mouth did not contact the food. |
Sumpit adalah batangan ramping sepanjang kira-kira 20 hingga 25 sentimeter. Chopsticks are slender sticks about eight to ten inches [20-25 cm] long. |
Pergi ke persimpangan setelah tengah malam dengan makanan untuk 3 orang, mangkuk dan sumpit. Go to an intersection after midnight with a meal for 3, bowls and chopsticks |
Di Pinner, para tim harus pergi ke Senado Square di mana mereka harus mengantar mie, buncis, dan tahu ke piring lain menggunakan sumpit. In Pinner, teams had to travel to the Senado Square where they had to transfer noodles, beans, and tofu to new plates using chopsticks. |
Orang tua di Vietnam akan panik jika kita menancapkan sumpit di atas semangkok nasi. Vietnamese elders will react in horror if you ever stick your chopsticks upright into your rice bowl. |
Tak pernah menggunakan sumpit sebelumnya, Nona? Never used chopsticks before, Miss? |
Sudahkau kau melihat video Kucing bermain " Sumpit " dengan sumpit? Have you seen that video where the cat plays Chopsticks with the chopsticks? |
Untuk memasak dan makan maka sumpit panjang lebih baik daripada yang pendek dan bahan kayu juga lebih baik. In order to cook and eat them, long chopsticks are better than short ones and wooden materials are better as well. |
Pernahkah tangan Anda dipukul saat menancapkan sumpit di atas semangkok nasi, ketika sedang bersantap di Vietnam? Ever gotten a slap on the hand when you stick your chopsticks upright into your rice bowl in Vietnam? |
Ken, Barry sedang melihat CV mu, dan dia setuju denganku bahwa makan dengan sumpit bukanlah kemampuan spesial. Ken, Barry was looking at your résumé, and he agreed with me that eating with chopsticks isn't really a special skill. |
Sekarang, sambil menjaga sumpit bagian bawah tetap diam, gerakkan sumpit bagian atas dengan menggoyangkan jari telunjuk dan jari tengah ke atas dan ke bawah. Now, keeping the bottom chopstick stationary, move the top one by flexing your index and middle fingers up and down. |
Alasan mengapa sumpit Cina lebih panjang karena jenis makanannya. The reason why Chinese chopsticks are the longest is due to the food. |
tapi itu bisa dibuka dengan sumpit biasa. But that can be opened with a mere chopstick. |
Di banyak negeri Afrika, orang terbiasa makan sup dengan jari mereka sama seperti orang Asia makan dengan sumpit. In many countries of Africa, people are as accustomed to eating soup with their fingers as Asians are to eating with chopsticks. |
Orang di Cina makan dengan sumpit dan merinding ini mendapat 16 peralatan untuk setiap kacang di piring. People in China eating with sticks and these creeps got 16 utensils for every pea on the plate. |
Kurasa kau bisa Ke Gerbang Utara Dengan memakai sumpit ini. I presume you're coming in from the chopstick gate in the north here. |
Mau kuajarkan caranya memakai sumpit? Would you like me to teach you how to use the chopsticks? |
Selesai makan, letakkan sumpit dengan rapi, duduklah dengan santai, dan tunggu. When you finish eating, put your chopsticks down neatly, sit back, and wait. |
Etiket dan Sumpit Etiquette and Chopsticks |
Semua orang pasti tahu bahwa benda yang dipegang gadis kecil tadi adalah sepasang sumpit. What the little girl has in her hand are, of course, the fabled chopsticks. |
Ketuk mangkuk dengan sumpit dan Hantu kelaparan akan datang untuk makan. Tap the bowl with chopsticks and hungry ghosts will come for the food |
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Do you know about Indonesian
Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.