What does sepupu in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word sepupu in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use sepupu in Indonesian.

The word sepupu in Indonesian means cousin, first cousin, cousin-german, full cousin, first cousin. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word sepupu


noun (nephew or niece of a parent)

Salah seorang teman sekolahnya kehilangan seorang sepupu muda karena kecelakaan yang menyebabkan maut.
One of his school friends recently lost a young cousin to accidental death.

first cousin


Tapi itu berarti bahwa kau dan aku adalah sepupu pertama.
But that means that you and I are first cousins.



”Kritikus-kritikus yang terbaik menduga bahwa Yokhebed adalah sepupu Amram, dan bukan bibinya.”
“The best critics suppose that Jochebed was the cousin-german of Amram, and not his aunt.”

full cousin


first cousin

noun (child of an uncle or aunt)

Tapi itu berarti bahwa kau dan aku adalah sepupu pertama.
But that means that you and I are first cousins.

See more examples

Legenda Peugeot Sepupu kita simpanse biasanya hidup dalam kawanan-kawanan kecil berisi beberapa puluh individu.
The Legend of Peugeot Our chimpanzee cousins usually live in small troops of several dozen individuals.
Kematian Imre membahayakan pencapaian ayahandanya dalam membangun sebuah negara Kristen, karena sepupu István, Vazul — yag memiliki hak waris terkuat untuk menggantikannya — dicurigai memiliki kecenderungan terhadap paganisme.
Emeric's death jeopardized his father's achievements in establishing a Christian state, because Stephen's cousin, Vazul—who had the strongest claim to succeed him—was suspected of an inclination towards paganism.
Entah aku bisa sepupu Kelly di sini untuk membawa Anda keluar makan siang... atau saya bisa fling baru panas Anda.
Either I can be cousin Kelly here to take you out to lunch... or I can be your hot new fling.
Tapi khusus untukmu, sepupu.
But especially you, cuz.
Cumbui saja sepupumu!
Yeah, go fuck your cousin.
Pada 9 Januari 1896, putri kesembilan yang bernama Tokugawa Tsuneko (1882-1939) menikah dengan Pangeran Fushimi Hiroyasu (sepupu kedua dari kedua Kaisar Showa dan Maharani Kōjun, atau keponakan dari Pangeran Kan'in Kotohito).
On 9 January 1896 his ninth daughter Tsuneko Tokugawa (1882–1939) married Prince Fushimi Hiroyasu, a second cousin to both Emperor Shōwa and Empress Kōjun and nephew of Prince Kan'in Kotohito.
Mereka punya harapan untuk semua sepupu dan keluarga besar imigran yang tinggal di South Bronx, namun mereka punya lebih daripada sekadar harapan terhadap kami.
They had expectations for all of the cousins and the extended family of immigrants that lived in the South Bronx, but they had more than just expectations for us.
Selanjutnya, kaisar Zhou Akhir, Guo Rong (putra angkat Guo Wei) tiba di Shou dan kembali mengepungnya, sementara menggantikan Li Gu sebagai komandan tentara dengan sepupunya Li Chongjin.
Subsequently, the Later Zhou emperor Guo Rong (Guo Wei's adoptive son) arrived at Shou and again put it under siege, while replacing Li Gu as commander of the army with his cousin Li Chongjin.
Saya menyukai contoh yang kita miliki dalam pasal pertama Lukas yang menjelaskan hubungan manis antara Maria, ibu Yesus, dan sepupunya, Elizabet.
I love the example we have in the first chapter of Luke which describes the sweet relationship between Mary, the mother of Jesus, and her cousin Elisabeth.
Itu dia, sepupu!
That's my cousin!
Pada usia 18, ia bertemu dengan seorang koordinator peragawati di acara pernikahan sepupunya di Chennai, yang mengajaknya untuk mengikuti tes layar lebar untuk sebuah film fitur.
At the age of 18, she met a model co-ordinator at the wedding of her cousin in Chennai, who called her for a screen test for a feature film.
Kini kau merampas hidup sepupuku.
Now you've taken mine.
Seoraang sepupu membawanya ke conventicle Methodist, dan mereka membaca khotbah-khotbah Wesley.
A cousin took him to a Methodist conventicle, and they read Wesley's sermons.
Setelah Kee kembali ke Amsterdam, Van Gogh datang ke Den Haag untuk mencoba menjual lukisan-lukisannya dan untuk menemui sepupu jauhnya, Anton Mauve.
After Kee returned to Amsterdam, Van Gogh went to The Hague to try to sell paintings and to meet with his second cousin, Anton Mauve.
Hey, sepupu.
Hey, cousin.
Kau sepupu Raja Richard.
You're King Richard's cousin.
Bukankah Cross adalah sepupu pertama mereka yang juga memiliki darah Don Clericuzio?
After all, Cross was their first cousin, he had the blood of Don Clericuzio running in his veins.
Bebaskan sepupuku Pookie.
Let my cousin Pookie out.
Wanita muda dan sepupunya ini, yang “telah mandul dan lanjut umurnya,”4 sama-sama tengah mengandung secara ajaib, dan saya hanya dapat membayangkan betapa sangat pentingnya tiga bulan yang mereka luangkan bersama ketika mereka berdua dapat bercakap-cakap bersama-sama, saling berempati dan saling mendukung dalam pemanggilan unik mereka.
This young maiden and her cousin, who was “well stricken in years,”4 shared a common bond in their miraculous pregnancies, and I can only imagine how very important the three months they spent together were to both of them as they were able to talk together, empathize with each other, and support one another in their unique callings.
Barukh membantu Yeremia dan sepupunya untuk mengikuti prosedur hukum dalam urusan bisnis meskipun kedua pria ini masih berkerabat.
Baruch helped Jeremiah and his cousin to go through the necessary legal procedures in their business dealing, even though the two men were relatives.
Aku sepupumu, Agenor.
I'm your cousin, Agenor.
Sepupu Anda ditunjuk untuk posting yang sangat tinggi di pemerintahan.
Six months ago, your cousin was appointed to a very high posting in the government.
Sepupu Roger, Abelard adalah satu-satunya baron yang tidak setuju dengan pemilihan Roger, yang menyatakan bahwa dia adalah pewaris sah kadipaten.
Roger's cousin Abelard was the only baron to dissent from the election of Roger, claiming that he was the rightful heir to the duchy.
Pada saat kematian sepupunya Ratu Marie-Louise pada tanggal 18 Desember 1847, ia menggantikannya sebagai Adipati Guastalla.
At the death of his cousin the Empress Marie-Louise on 18 December 1847, he succeeded as Duke of Guastalla.

Let's learn Indonesian

So now that you know more about the meaning of sepupu in Indonesian, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Indonesian.

Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.