What does sedotan in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word sedotan in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use sedotan in Indonesian.

The word sedotan in Indonesian means straw, drinking straw, suction, siphon, drinking straw. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word sedotan



Lebih mungkin bagiku untuk mengeringkan sungai Mississippi dengan sedotan!
I have a greater chance of draining the Mississippi with a straw!

drinking straw

noun (a long plastic or paper tube through which a drink is drunk)



Pertama, mereka disedot otaknya keluar melalui hidung.
First, they suctioned his brain out through his nose.


verb noun

Gluant menyedot keluar uang lebih cepat daripada yang masuk.
Gluant was siphoning money out faster than it came in.

drinking straw

noun (thin tube used to suck liquids from a container into the mouth of the drinker)

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Sedotan seperti cambuk.
A whip-like straw.
Penyedot Debu
The Vacuum Cleaner
Walaupun penjualan tembakau tak berasap tidak lagi meningkat pada akhir tahun 1980-an, ”pemakaian tembakau sedot basah”, kata Dr.
Though smokeless tobacco sales were leveling off in the late 1980’s, “the use of moist snuff,” says Dr.
Saya ingat suatu malam, seorang perawat bernama Jonathan datang dengan membawa banyak sedotan plastik.
I remember one night, one of the nurses came in, Jonathan, with a whole lot of plastic straws.
Menyedot meth dengan pisau?
Snort meth off a bowie knife?
Kediktatoran biasanya mahal, karena uang rakyat dihabiskan pada berbagai proyek mubazir dan disedot lewat korupsi yang ‘dilegalisir.’
Dictatorships are typically costly, as public funds are spent on wasteful projects and siphoned through ‘legalized’ corruption.
Mereka dapat menyedot dari diri mereka sendiri.
They can siphon off of themselves.
Sedotan ini secara tradisional terbuat dari perak.
The straw is traditionally made of silver.
Karena perbedaan tekanan, ini gumpalan asap kadang-kadang "tersedot" kembali ke dalam ruang tertutup dari mana mereka berasal, yang mana "backdraft" istilah berasal.
Due to pressure differences, puffs of smoke are sometimes drawn back into the enclosed space from which they emanated, which is how the term backdraft originated.
Jadi sel- sel darah merah mampu menyedot dasarnya semua keluar oksigen plasma.
So the red blood cells are able to essentially suck up all of the oxygen out of the plasma.
Asapnya tersedot.
The smoke is going up.
• ”Penggunaan tembakau kunyah atau tembakau sedot meningkatkan risiko kanker mulut, laring, tenggorokan, dan esofagus, dan merupakan kebiasaan yang sangat mencandu.”
• “The use of chewing tobacco or snuff increases risk of cancer of the mouth, larynx, throat, and esophagus and is a highly addictive habit.”
Kalau begitu, bagaimana dengan sedotan cepat?
Well, then, how about a quick gobble?
Rokok (yang ”aman” maupun tidak aman), cerutu, pipa, dan tembakau sedotan—semua berasal dari tanaman tembakau yang sama, yang beracun dan menghasilkan nikotin.
Cigarettes (“safe” and unsafe), cigars, pipe tobacco, and snuff —they all come from the same poisonous, nicotine-producing tobacco plant.
Baiklah, Anda sudah disedot cukup.
All right, you've sucked up enough.
Selain itu, masih ada 20.000 sumur lagi yang menyedot spons raksasa ini, melalui pompa kincir angin yang kami lihat bertebaran di bawah sana.
A further 20,000 bores tap this great sponge, water being drawn to the surface by the windmill pumps you see dotting the landscape beneath us.
Namun skema berakhir dengan Hikari dan Kagura melarikan diri pada detik terakhir sebelum Dollhouse Shadow dikalahkan oleh Hyper ToQ #1 dan kemudian, setelah mendapatkan tersedot ke rumah boneka sendiri, dihancurkan oleh Cho-Cho-ToQ-Dai-Oh.
But the scheme ends with Hikari and Kagura escaping at the last second before Dollhouse Shadow is defeated by Hyper ToQ 1gou and then, after getting sucked into his own dollhouse, destroyed by Cho-Cho-ToQ-Dai-Oh.
Man, ini akan menyedot.
Man, this is gonna suck.
Ini berarti bahwa orang- orang dalam kelompok saya banyak melakukan penyedotan dalam proyek ini.
This means that people in my group were doing a lot of vacuuming during this project.
Pertama, mereka disedot otaknya keluar melalui hidung.
First, they suctioned his brain out through his nose.
Tipe S didukung oleh mesin SR20DE yang disedot secara alami dengan 140ps, tetapi serupa dalam detail mekanis dan kosmetik dengan bagian atas jajaran Tipe X. Namun, Tipe S tidak memiliki opsi sistem kemudi empat roda Nissan Super HICAS seperti model turbocharged lakukan.
The Type S was powered by a naturally aspirated SR20DE engine with 140ps, but was similar in mechanical and cosmetic details to the top of the range Type X. The Type S however did not have the option of Nissan's Super HICAS four-wheel steering system like the turbocharged models did.
EPA juga mendanai berbagai proyek di San Francisco Bay Area termasuk salah satunya yang ditujukan untuk mengurangi penggunaan plastik sekali pakai seperti gelas, sendok dan sedotan, dari tiga kampus di Universitas California.
EPA has also funded various projects in the San Francisco Bay Area including one that is aimed at reducing the use of single-use plastics such as disposable cups, spoons and straws, from three University of California campuses.
Ada dua bentuk tembakau jenis ini: tembakau sedot dan tembakau kunyah.
This comes in two different forms: snuff and chewing tobacco.
Jika kamu tersedot ’pasir isap’ kehidupan bermuka dua, kamu perlu meminta bantuan
If you’re sinking in the quicksand of a double life, you need to call for help
Ini berarti bahwa orang-orang dalam kelompok saya banyak melakukan penyedotan dalam proyek ini.
This means that people in my group were doing a lot of vacuuming during this project.

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Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.