What does satpam in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word satpam in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use satpam in Indonesian.
The word satpam in Indonesian means guard, watchman, watcher, security guard. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word satpam
guardnoun Tadi ada keributan ketika para satpam mengamankan beberapa pemuda yang ketahuan mengutil. There was a commotion when store security guards detained some young men for shoplifting. |
watchmannoun Aku masuk ke dalam dan melihat istriku sedang berduaan dengan satpam. I went inside and saw, that my poor wife was resting with our building's watchman. |
watchernoun |
security guardnoun Dan menurut satpam nya, dia pergi dengan seorang gadis cantik. And according to his security guard, he left with a hot girl. |
See more examples
Setelah mendapatkan dukungan dari sejumlah besar senator, Tarquinius pergi ke rumah senat dengan seorang satpam dan duduk di atas takhta. Having acquired the backing of a large number of senators, Tarquinius went to the senate house with an armed guard and seated himself on the throne. |
Tidak baik jika melihatmu diseret oleh satpam. It would pain me to see a Hyuga kicked out by security |
Aku bukan satpam untuk kontraktor I' m not a security contractor |
/ Tak ada satpam. There is no security. |
Kami sudah mendapat petunjuk. Truk satpam dicuri semalam dari dermaga. Security guard's truck was stolen last night from the docks. |
Ada satpam 20 kaki dari kau. You got a guard 20 feet from you. |
4 Mendapatkan Izin Masuk: Ada baiknya para penyiar tidak menghubungi satpam atau pengelola gedung sebelum mulai berdinas. 4 Gaining Entrance: Publishers should not contact the superintendent or any other apartment personnel prior to engaging in the ministry. |
Dan saya akan mempekerjakan satpam. And I'm gonna hire security. |
Petugas satpam? Security officer? |
Para satpam mengizinkan sekitar 60 orang untuk masuk ke tempat acara yang sudah penuh ini. About 60 people from the group were allowed to enter the overcrowded auditorium. |
Setelah orang-orang ini menunjukkan undangan mereka, para satpam mengantar mereka ke tempat acaranya. After the people showed the guards their Memorial invitations, the guards escorted the group to the auditorium. |
Dia seperti seorang satpam atau apalah. He looks like a security guard or something. |
Ada satpam di sini. A security guard is here. |
Dibawa masuk satpam mereka sendiri. They brought it in through their own security. |
Siapa yang mau jadi satpam? Who's gonna make security guard? |
Mereka membunuh satpamku, Darius. They killed my security guard, Darius. |
13 Penghuni yg Marah: Jika ada penghuni yg marah dan akan menghubungi satpam, lebih baik kita segera meninggalkan lantai itu dan kembali pd waktu lain. 13 Irate Householders: If we meet an irate householder who may be inclined to call the superintendent, it is best to leave that particular floor and return at another time. |
Atau satpam itu membeli soda dengan mata uang asing? Or the security guard over there buying a soda with foreign currency? |
Alarm bunyi, Satpam tahu, dan lemari juga rusak. The alarm went off, security knows, and the cabinet broke as well. |
ternyata pak satpam. It's just the guard. |
Saya SATPAM mall. Mall security guards. |
Deputi bilang itu milik orang bernama Roger, satpam di pabrik di sebelah utara kota. Deputy says it belongs to a guy named Roger who works night security down at the mill on the north side of town. |
Apa yang terjadi dengan satpamnya? What's going on with the security guard? |
6 Jika petugas atau satpam gedung tidak mengizinkan kita mengerjakan apartemen, kita dapat mencoba memberikan kesaksian kepadanya. 6 If the building has a doorman who does not permit us to work the apartments, we can endeavor to witness to him. |
Floren, seorang saudara perintis yang tinggal di Filipina, memiliki kira-kira 25 PAR, yang kebanyakan adalah satpam. Floren, a pioneer who lives in the Philippines, conducts an average of 25 Bible studies, most of which are with security guards. |
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Do you know about Indonesian
Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.