What does sapi betina in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word sapi betina in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use sapi betina in Indonesian.
The word sapi betina in Indonesian means cow. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word sapi betina
cownoun (female cattle) Kemudian, sapi-sapi betina lain mengendus-endus dan memeriksa sang anak sapi sebelum ia diperbolehkan bergabung. Next, the other cows sniff and inspect the calf before it is admitted. |
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Ini sapi betina! It's a she! |
Seekor sapi betina dan kuda jantan diciptakan saat ini oleh Iwerks, tetapi juga ditolak. A female cow and male horse were created at this time by Iwerks, but were also rejected. |
Kedua tanduk sapi jantannya tumbuh ke depan dan ke luar, sedangkan tanduk sapi betina menekuk ke belakang. The two horns of the bulls grow forward and outward, whereas the horns of the females are raked backward. |
Sapi betina bodoh itu! That stupid cow. |
Kemudian, sapi-sapi betina lain mengendus-endus dan memeriksa sang anak sapi sebelum ia diperbolehkan bergabung. Next, the other cows sniff and inspect the calf before it is admitted. |
Sapi betina mereka melahirkan dan tidak pernah keguguran. Their cows give birth and do not miscarry. |
Sapi betina, itu bukan penipuan bila kamu mendapatkan hasilnya. Heifer, it's not a con job if you got your money's worth. |
Sehingga mulut sapi betina itu bisa mengeluarkan suara. This species can produce barking sounds. |
Sapi betina melahirkan anak-anaknya jauh dari kawanan dan menyembunyikannya selama kira-kira seminggu atau lebih. Cows give birth to their calves away from the herd and keep them hidden for the first week or so. |
Bahkan setiap ternak —sapi jantan, sapi betina, babi— termasuk dalam survei itu. Even individual animals —an ox, a cow, a pig— were included in the survey. |
Petani pertama yang menangkar sapi jantannya yang terbaik dengan sapi betinanya yang terbaik guna memperbaiki keturunan, sebaliknya daripada membiarkan binatang itu berkembang biak secara acak, sebenarnya menerapkan bioteknologi sederhana. The first farmer who bred his best bull with the best cow in his herd to improve the stock, instead of allowing the animals to breed randomly, was implementing biotechnology in a rudimentary sense. |
Dia mengambil sebagian binatang miliknya untuk diberikan kepada Esau kakaknya,+ yaitu 14 200 kambing betina, 20 kambing jantan, 200 domba betina, 20 domba jantan, 15 30 unta betina bersama anak-anaknya, 40 sapi betina, 10 sapi jantan, 20 keledai betina, dan 10 keledai jantan. Then he took some of his possessions as a gift for Eʹsau his brother:+ 14 200 female goats, 20 male goats, 200 female sheep, 20 rams, 15 30 camels nursing their young, 40 cows, 10 bulls, 20 female donkeys and 10 full-grown male donkeys. |
9 Allah menjawab, ”Ambillah bagi-Ku seekor sapi dara, kambing betina, domba jantan, masing-masing berumur tiga tahun, juga burung tekukur dan burung dara muda.” 9 He replied to him: “Take for me a three-year-old heifer, a three-year-old female goat, a three-year-old ram, a turtledove, and a young pigeon.” |
12 Masa hidup Ayub selanjutnya lebih diberkati Yehuwa daripada sebelumnya. + Ayub pun memiliki 14.000 domba, 6.000 unta, 2.000 sapi,* dan 1.000 keledai betina. 12 So Jehovah blessed the last part of Job’s life more than the beginning,+ and Job came to have 14,000 sheep, 6,000 camels, 1,000 pairs of cattle, and 1,000 female donkeys. |
16 Firaun memperlakukan Abram dengan baik karena wanita itu, dan Abram diberi domba, sapi, keledai jantan dan betina, unta, juga hamba lelaki dan perempuan. 16 He treated Aʹbram well because of her, and he acquired sheep, cattle, male and female donkeys, male and female servants, and camels. |
Dan sapi itu sama seperti semua mamalia betina... And cows are like all female mammals... |
(3) Binatang yang digunakan, dan prosedurnya: Lembu-sapi, domba, kambing, yang jantan atau betina, (unggas tidak boleh digunakan karena dianggap terlalu sedikit sebagai sajian perjamuan korban). (3) Animals used, and procedure: Male or female cattle, sheep, goats (no birds, since they were not deemed sufficient to constitute a sacrificial meal). |
Salah seorang pelayan Ayub menyampaikan kabar buruk ini kepadanya, ”Sedang lembu sapi membajak dan keledai-keledai betina makan rumput di sebelahnya, datanglah orang-orang Syeba menyerang dan merampasnya serta memukul penjaganya dengan mata pedang.” One of Job’s servants gave him this bad news: “The cattle themselves happened to be plowing and the she-asses were grazing at the side of them when the Sabeans came making a raid and taking them, and the attendants they struck down with the edge of the sword.” |
2 Yang kaya punya banyak sekali domba dan sapi,+ 3 tapi yang miskin hanya punya satu domba betina kecil yang dia beli. 2 The rich man had very many sheep and cattle;+ 3 but the poor man had nothing but one small female lamb, which he had bought. |
Isis terkadang muncul dalam wujud hewan lain: sebagai babi betina, yang melambangkan karakter keibuannya; sebagai seekor sapi, terutama saat dikaitkan dengan Apis; atau sebagai kalajengking. Isis sometimes appeared in other animal forms: as a sow, representing her maternal character; as a cow, particularly when linked with Apis; or as a scorpion. |
3 ”’Kalau kalian memberikan sapi sebagai persembahan persahabatan*+ di hadapan Yehuwa, berikan yang sehat, baik jantan ataupun betina. 3 “‘If his offering is a communion sacrifice*+ and if he is presenting it from the herd, whether a male or a female, he should present a sound animal before Jehovah. |
Salah satu tradisi Yahudi mengajarkan bahwa abu merah terakhir sapi kurban selalu dicampur dengan abu dari lembu betina merah The Temple Institute menyatakan, "Beberapa pendapat berpendapat bahwa abu baru selalu dicampur bersama-sama dengan kombinasi dari sebelumnya abu. One Jewish tradition teaches that the ashes of the last red heifer sacrificed were always mixed with the ashes of each new red heifer The Temple Institute states, "Some opinions maintain that the newer ashes were always mixed together with a combination of the previous ashes. |
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Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.