What does rapuh in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word rapuh in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use rapuh in Indonesian.
The word rapuh in Indonesian means fragile, brittle, brittleness, brittleness. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word rapuh
fragileadjective (easily broken or destroyed) Nah, kau tahu betapa rapuhnya sejarawan yang kita dapat. Well, you know how fragile we historians can be. |
brittleadjective (rapuh, lapuk, mudah rusak karena sudah lama) Apakah kerangka ”bermata” bintang rapuh muncul karena evolusi? Did the “seeing” skeleton of the brittle star come about by evolution? |
brittlenessnoun Jeruji ini sekarang rapuh seperti keju tua, yang akan kuremukkan dan berhamburan! Tha bars are now as brittle as old cheese, which I crumble and scatter, so! |
brittlenessnoun Jeruji ini sekarang rapuh seperti keju tua, yang akan kuremukkan dan berhamburan! Tha bars are now as brittle as old cheese, which I crumble and scatter, so! |
See more examples
Profesor Hall ekonomi kita sama rapuhnya dengan lingkungan kita. Professor, um, Hall... our economy is every bit as fragile as the environment. |
Ada yang lucu, saya posting lewat twitter dan facebook dan bertanya, "Apa definisi anda tentang kerapuhan ? It was funny, I sent something out on Twitter and on Facebook that says, "How would you define vulnerability? |
Seperti lehernya telah rapuh. It was like his neck was in a vice. |
Kerangka ”Bermata” Bintang Rapuh The “Seeing” Skeleton of the Brittle Star |
Mereka sangat rapuh They' re very fragile |
Jadi ketika saya kembali bekerja dan menghabiskan dua tahun berikutnya benar-benar mencoba memahami mereka, orang-orang yang bersungguh-sungguh, apa yang mereka putuskan untuk perbuat apa yang kita lakukan dengan kerapuhan. And so then I went back into the research and spent the next couple of years really trying to understand what they, the whole-hearted, what choices they were making, and what we are doing with vulnerability. |
Terkadang kita mungkin merasa rapuh dan memerlukan kepastian rohani yang lebih besar. ... At times we may feel vulnerable and in need of greater spiritual assurances. |
Aku nmengerti, kau telanjang, kau rapuh Tapi ini tempat yang aman, kau tahu. And I get it, you're naked, you're vulnerable but this is a safe place, you know. |
Tema umum kedua adalah ada banyak faktor lingkungan, seringkali tersembunyi, yang membuat beberapa peradaban lebih rapuh daripada lainnya, dan banyak faktor itu belum dipahami dengan baik. A second general theme is that there are many, often subtle environmental factors that make some societies more fragile than others. Many of those factors are not well understood. |
Aku ini rapuh. I am vulnerable! |
Makin takut kita, makin rapuh kita, makin menjadi ketakutan kita. The more afraid we are, the more vulnerable we are, the more afraid we are. |
Karena otot bayi belum sepenuhnya berkembang dan jaringan otak masih sangat rapuh, ”menggoyang-goyangkan bayi selama beberapa detik saja dapat mencederainya seumur hidup. Since a baby’s muscles are not fully developed and brain tissue is exceptionally fragile, “shaking a baby for only a few seconds can injure for life. |
Menurut Paus Benediktus XVI, penggunaan ilmu filsafat secara berlebihan dalam doktrin Abelardus akan Trinitas sangat rapuh dan berbahaya, demikian juga pemikirannya akan Allah. According to Pope Benedict XVI, an excessive use of philosophy rendered Abelard’s doctrine of the Trinity dangerously fragile and, thus, his idea of God. |
Sifat-sifatnya cukup mirip dengan poliolefin lainnya, meskipun lebih rapuh dan lebih banyak permeabel terhadap gas. Its properties are reasonably similar to those of other polyolefins, although it is more brittle and more gas permeable. |
Hubungan antara masa lalu dan masa depan sangat rapuh. The link between the past and the future is fragile. |
Kau meninggalkan beton terbesar yang pernah dituangkan di Eropa untuk memegang tangan seorang wanita karena dia rapuh? You're gonna abandon the biggest fucking concrete pour in Europe to hold someone's fucking hand because she's fragile? |
Sharon begitu... rapuh. She was... Fragile. |
Ia menyatakan, ”Jika kita meluaskan lagi ke setiap segi lingkungan hidup, kerapuhan peradaban kita menjadi lebih kelihatan. . . . He states: “As we continue to expand into every conceivable environmental niche, the fragility of our own civilization becomes more apparent. . . . |
Meski fisiknya sangat rapuh, iman dan kasih Anton akan pelayanan memberinya kesempatan untuk menyentuh hati ratusan orang. Although he was extremely fragile physically, Anton’s faith and love for the ministry opened up opportunities for him to touch hundreds of lives. |
Kegagalan negara-negara ekonomi besar dunia untuk memenuhi komitmen mereka tersebut memiliki implikasi bahwa Myanmar dan Vietnam bukanlah negara-negara berkembang yang paling rapuh saat ini. The so-called advanced economies failure to fulfill their commitments means that Myanmar and Vietnam are hardly the most vulnerable developing countries today. |
Sebuah metaloid yang rapuh, sedikit beracun, langka, berwarna putih keperakan yang terlihat mirip timah, telurium secara kimiawi terkait dengan selenium dan belerang. A brittle, mildly toxic, rare, silver-white metalloid which looks similar to tin, tellurium is chemically related to selenium and sulfur. |
WASHINGTON, 15 Januari, 2013 – Krisis global sudah empat tahun berjalan namun kondisi perekonomian global tetap rapuh, dan pertumbuhan di negara-negara berpendapatan tinggi masih lemah. WASHINGTON, January 15, 2013 – Four years after the onset of the global financial crisis, the world economy remains fragile and growth in high-income countries is weak. |
Kerapuhan dari sebuah kristal bukanklah kelemahan tapi keindahannya. The fragility of crystal is not a weakness but a fineness. |
Jarum seperti apa yang akan menusuk masuk ke dalam lengan yang rapuh seperti ini? Where in the world would the needle go in with such a frail arm like this? |
Sangat aneh mengapa berlian ini begitu rapuh? That's odd, why is this diamond so fragile? |
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Do you know about Indonesian
Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.