What does putus asa in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word putus asa in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use putus asa in Indonesian.
The word putus asa in Indonesian means despair, despair of, desperate. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word putus asa
despairnoun (loss of hope) Jika itu problem anda, jangan putus asa, karena itu bukannya problem yang tidak dapat diatasi. If this is your problem, do not despair, for it is not a problem beyond solving. |
despair ofnoun "Saya putus asa karena tidak bisa mendapatkan tanggapan yang tepat, sepanjang kasus itu terjadi dan tidak mencoba untuk mengecam atau mempermalukan kami." "I despaired of ever getting an appropriate response that stood alongside us and didn't try to blame and shame us." |
desperateadjective Kau benar-benar putus asa. You really are desperate. |
See more examples
Aku tidak merasa tak aman dan putus asa. I'm not insecure and desperate. |
Kita semua putus asa We all get desperate at times. |
Nikias memimpin pasukannya dengan putus asa untuk melarikan diri melalui darat. Nicias led his forces in a desperate attempt to escape by land. |
◆ Jangan putus asa. —1 Korintus 13:7. ◆ Do not give up hope. —1 Corinthians 13:7. |
Kurasa kalian sudah putus asa. I guess you guys really are desperate. |
Saya merasa semakin putus asa, sepertinya saya tidak punya siapa-siapa yang dapat menolong saya. I became more despondent than ever, as I seemingly had nowhere else to turn for help. |
Sebaliknya, putus asa namun bertambah bijak. On the contrary, lose heart and gain wisdom. |
Saya mau buku ini seperti membohongi Anda, terlihat putus asa dan tanpa harapan, layaknya seorang alkoholik. I want this book to look like it's lying to you, desperately and hopelessly, the way an alcoholic would. |
Yang ada hanyalah rasa putus asa. A sense of hopelessness prevails. |
Janga putus asa padanya. Don't hesitate to manhandle him |
Dan saya merasa putus asa. And I was distraught. |
Sekarang aku sedang di Roma pada misi putus asa untuk menebus dosa-dosaku.' I now find myself in Rome on a desperate mission to rectify my sins. " |
Lebih mudah untuk menyerah dan putus asa. The inclination is to give up and lie down. |
Dia mengunjungi bibinya di Konstantinopel karena putus asa. She visited her aunt in Constantinople out of desperation. |
Kukira ini takkan berpengaruh apapun, tapi aku putus asa jadi aku berdoa. I didn't think it would do anything, but I was desperate, so I prayed. |
Kami putus asa. We're desperate. |
Sekalipun mereka menentang kita atau para pemimpin agama mereka menganiaya kita, kita tidak berputus asa. Even when they oppose us or their religious leaders persecute us, we do not lose hope. |
Jangan Putus Asa Do Not Despair |
Dia mendengar dan dibuat satu semburan terakhir putus asa. He heard it and made one last desperate spurt. |
Dia punya cara yang luar biasa untuk berhubungan dengan orang-orang, merasa putus asa. She had an uncanny way of connecting with people feeling hopelessness. |
Putus asa, Diane diteror oleh halusinasi dan berlari menjerit ke tempat tidurnya, tempat ia menembak dirinya sendiri. Distraught, she is terrorized by hallucinations and runs screaming to her bed, where she shoots herself. |
Sedang aku mabuk dan putus asa. I was drunk and desperate. |
Putus asa dan kecewa Despondent thoughts and disappointed hopes |
Bulan kemudian, dengan putus asa beberapa Ia mencoba rumus untuk pertama kalinya untuk elips. Months later, in some desperation he tried the formula for the first time for an ellipse. |
Di sekitar mereka, buku-buku mulai berlarian ke sana kemari, putus asa untuk memulihkan keteraturan. Around them, the books began to run about, desperate to restore some order. |
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Do you know about Indonesian
Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.