What does putih telur in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word putih telur in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use putih telur in Indonesian.

The word putih telur in Indonesian means egg white, albumen, white, ovalbumin. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word putih telur

egg white

noun (clear liquid contained within an egg)

Secara terpisah kocok putih telur, dan tambahkan ke adonan bersama sisa susu secukupnya.
Separately whip the egg whites, and add them to the batter along with additional milk as needed.



Anehnya, putih telur (albumen) tetap cair bahkan bila dimasak.
Curiously, the white of the egg (albumen) stays fluid even when cooked.



Secara terpisah kocok putih telur, dan tambahkan ke adonan bersama sisa susu secukupnya.
Separately whip the egg whites, and add them to the batter along with additional milk as needed.



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Dia suka putih telur dan dia benar
He likes egg whites and he's right.
Secara terpisah kocok putih telur, dan tambahkan ke adonan bersama sisa susu secukupnya.
Separately whip the egg whites, and add them to the batter along with additional milk as needed.
Resep ala Bruiget menambahkan arak pahit Angostura dan putih telur dalam ramuannya.
Bruiget's recipe added the Angostura bitters and egg whites to the mix.
Berapa kali aku harus memberitahumu untuk makan telur dengan putih telurnya juga?
How many times do I have to tell you to eat the whites of your fried eggs?
Menuangkan putih telur ke dalam gelas kimia aseton juga akan mengubah putih telur buram dan padat.
Pouring egg whites into a beaker of acetone will also turn egg whites translucent and solid.
Sup ini terdiri dari sup krim jagung dengan campuran putih telur dan daging kepiting atau daging kepiting imitasi.
The soup is similar to cream of corn soup with egg white and crab meat or imitation crab meat added.
Telur hendaknya dimasak sampai bagian kuning telur maupun putih telur menjadi keras, tidak berlendir.
Eggs should be cooked until both the yolk and the white are firm, not runny.
Kalau itu nougat, yang kita bicarakan adalah putih telur kocok, gula, madu dan kacang serutan.
If it's nougat, we're talking whipped egg whites, sugar, honey and nut shavings.
Substansi yang mengandung albumin, seperti putih telur, disebut albuminoid.
Substances containing albumins, such as egg white, are called albuminoids.
Saat baru dari telur, putih telur berwujud transparan dan cair.
Fresh from the eggs, egg whites are transparent and liquid.
Untuk mencegahnya, telur dapat disaring terlebih dahulu untuk menghilangkan komponen tipis dari putih telur.
To prevent this, the egg can be strained beforehand to remove the thinner component of the egg white.
Sebuah contoh klasik, denaturasi protein putih telur.
A popular alternative eliminates the egg white.
Anehnya, putih telur (albumen) tetap cair bahkan bila dimasak.
Curiously, the white of the egg (albumen) stays fluid even when cooked.
Putih telur, untuk adesi.
Glair, for adhesion.
Lalu, tutup ujungnya, dan celupkan bunga-bunga itu ke dalam putih telur yang sudah dikocok dan ditambahkan kuningnya.
Then close the end, and dip the blossoms in an egg mixture of whisked egg whites to which yolks have been added.
Hari ini, kalian berdua... kelihatan seperti putih telur dan kuning telur
Today, you two... look like egg whites and egg yolk.
Atau apa putih telur* ada rasanya?
Or is there flavor in the juice of a mallow?
Keunikan benteng terlihat adalah material yang digunakan untuk membangun benteng campuran pasir, plester, dan putih telur Maleo.
The uniqueness of the visible fort is the material used to build a mixture of sand, plaster, and egg white forts.
Di Spanyol, putih telur yang sudah dikocok kadang-kadang dimasukkan ke dalam sup, seperti dengan sup bunga telur.
In Spain, egg white are sometimes whipped into the soup, as with egg drop soup.
Dadar putih telur, panekuk biji-bijian, dan sesuatu menyerupai mentega, tetapi entah bagaimana bukan.
Egg-white omelet, multigrain pancakes, and something that looks like butter, but somehow isn't.
Kata merengue dalam bahasa Spanyol berarti meringue, yakni manisan yang dibuat dengan mengocok gula dan putih telur sekuat tenaga.
The Spanish word merengue simply means meringue, the confection made by vigorously beating sugar and egg whites.
Ayam mentah dan telur angsa dapat menjadi perantara S. enterica, terutama di putih telur, meskipun tidak semua telur terinfeksi.
Raw chicken eggs and goose eggs can harbor S. enterica, initially in the egg whites, although most eggs are not infected.
Walaupun putih telur dihargai sebagai sumber makanan yang rendah lemak dan berprotein tinggi, sedikit orang tidak bisa memakan putih telur.
Although egg whites are prized as a source of low-fat, high-protein nutrition, a small number of people cannot eat them.
Awalnya, hidangan tersebut dibuat menggunakan krim (dalam bahasa Denmark flødeboller (roti krim)), namun kemudian dibuat dari putih telur untuk membantu pengindustrialisasi produksi.
In Denmark the treat was originally made using cream (hence the Danish name flødeboller (cream buns)), but the filling was later made from egg whites to help industrialize production and improve shelf life.
Dan sakit berbentuk mulutnya jatuh terpisah, dan busa yg diolesi dgn zat putih telur berbaring di bibirnya, dan napasnya datang serak dan berisik.
And his ill- shaped mouth fell apart, and a glairy foam lay on his lips, and his breath came hoarse and noisy.

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Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.