What does pulang pergi in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word pulang pergi in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use pulang pergi in Indonesian.
The word pulang pergi in Indonesian means commute. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word pulang pergi
commutenoun Apa kau pulang pergi ke sekolah dengan bus? Do you commute to school by bus? |
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Pulang pergi? Hanya sekali jalan. Round trip? Only one-way. |
Penerbangan pulang-pergi di bandar udara Airport commuter flight |
Maskapai membuka layanan menuju St. John dengan tiga perjalanan mingguan pulang pergi. The airline opened a service to St. John's with three weekly round trips. |
Alat propulsi listrik bertenaga matahari akan memberikan daya yang cukup untuk perjalanan pulang pergi. A solar electric propulsion device will provide continuous power for the round-trip journey. |
Pulang-pergi ke Chicago. A round trip to Chicago. |
Dua puluh lima hingga tiga puluh saudara dari Betel menempuh perjalanan pulang pergi setiap hari untuk bekerja. Twenty-five to thirty Bethel brothers regularly traveled there for work. |
Maskapai ini menerbangkan empat perjalanan pulang pergi ke bandara lain di dalam wilayah, Miquelon. It flies up to four round trips a day to the other airport in the collectivity, Miquelon. |
Saya menghabiskan waktu luang saya pulang pergi Vancouver untuk bertemu Trina, yang masih setahun di SMU. I spent my free time traveling back and forth to Vancouver to be with Trina, who had a year left in high school. |
Suaminya Brent bekerja berjam-jam lamanya dan memakan waktu satu jam pulang pergi kerja. Her husband, Brent, works long hours and commutes an hour each way to work. |
Kebanyakan penduduk adalah profesional bebas yang pulang pergi untuk bekerja. Most of the residents are professionals who commute to work. |
Beberapa kali ini di sepeda pulang-pergi, enam mil dalam kegelapan total. A couple of times was in bicycle round trip, six miles in the total darkness. |
2 Perlu Persiapan: Dari Nazaret, keluarga Yesus harus mengadakan perjalanan pulang pergi sekitar 200 kilometer. 2 Preparation Needed: Traveling from Nazareth required that Jesus’ family walk about 120 miles [200 km] round-trip. |
Biaya perjalanan pulang pergi ke kebaktian itu 96 pound sterling, maka saya langsung memesan tiket pesawat. The round-trip fare to the assembly was 96 pounds, so I immediately booked my flight. |
Kalian punya bus pulang pergi? Y'all got a shuttle bus? |
Ini berarti menempuh perjalanan sekitar 200 kilometer pulang pergi sedikitnya dua kali sebulan. This meant traveling 120 miles [about 200 kilometers] round-trip at least twice a month. |
Itu untukku dan tiga lainnya pulang pergi, ditambah Smurfette untuk pulang. That's me and three others round trip, plus Smurfette on the way home. |
Seperti 3 perjalanan pulang pergi dari sini ke Tokyo. It's like three round trips from here to Tokyo. |
Tiket pulang pergi untuk menemui ibu di Florida A round trip ticket to see Mom in Florida |
Apa kau pulang pergi ke sekolah dengan bus? Do you commute to school by bus? |
Kapal ini memiliki rute pulang-pergi, mengangkut barang antara Thailand dan Malaysia. " It had a shuttle route, ferrying goods between Thailand and Malaysia. " |
6 hari pulang pergi ke Bulan. Six days to the moon and back. |
Januari 2008: Hari ini, saya menjemput enam Saksi setempat di Bamaga dengan sekoci —80 kilometer pulang pergi. January 2008: Today, I took a dinghy to Bamaga —a 50 mile [80 km] round-trip— to pick up six local Witnesses. |
Seluruhnya, dibutuhkan waktu selama sekitar 35 hari untuk pulang-pergi. Altogether the round trip required some 35 days. |
Perjalanan pulang pergi sekolah saja bisa membuatmu stres. Just getting to and from school can be stressful. |
Pak perjalanan pulang-pergi atau pergi saja? Sir, round trip or one way? |
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Do you know about Indonesian
Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.