What does pod in Polish mean?

What is the meaning of the word pod in Polish? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use pod in Polish.

The word pod in Polish means under, underneath, pod, pod, pod, pod, poniżej, pod, pod, pod, pod, pod, pod, pod, pod, pod, oświadczenie złożone pod przysięgą, pod pokład, numer, pod który należy zadzwonić, ścinać pod kątem, przejeżdżać pod czymś, brać pod uwagę, biorąc pod uwagę, biorąc pod uwagę, że, poświęcony komuś, lekceważyć, pod wpływem narkotyków, pod wpływem narkotyków, chować się pod czymś, jazda samochodem pod wpływem alkoholu, pod ziemią, przyzwyczajony do życia pod opieką, pod koniec, pod napięciem, praca pod stołem, pod dostatkiem, osoba pod nadzorem sądowym, pod warunkiem, że, przycinać pod kątem prostym, pod opieką, pod wodę, pod spód, pod nogą, leżeć pod, pod spodem, pod spodem, pod górę, w górę, pod górę, pod górkę, pod prąd, pod prąd, pod prąd, pod opieką. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word pod

under, underneath




(lower down than)

Ekspres do kawy znajduje się pod filiżankami.
The coffee maker is kept below the coffee cups.



Mechanik pracuje pod samochodem.
The mechanic is working under the car.

pod, poniżej

(below, under)

Fish were darting beneath the surface of the lake.



Few people had ever explored the tunnels underneath the city.


(archaic (beneath)

The villagers believe that there is a troll living neath the bridge.


(below the surface of)

Kamień mocno rozprysnął wodę i zniknął pod taflą.
The rock made a big splash and disappeared under the water.



She was standing with her back towards me.


(of lower rank)

Generał szanuje ludzi pod nim.
The general respects the people under him.


(figurative (hidden behind)

Beneath her rigid smile she was extremely angry.



Experts detected a simple drawing under the painting.


(close in time) (blisko końca)

Zdobyli punkt krótko przed końcem meczu.
They scored a point near the end of the game.


(while subject to)

Things improved under the reign of the queen.

oświadczenie złożone pod przysięgą

(law: written statement)

Judge Marshall questioned the validity of the affidavit.

pod pokład

(beneath decks)

Stewart zszedł pod pokład, żeby poszukać walizki Marie z lekami na serce.
The flight attendant went below to look for a suitcase with Marie's heart medication.

numer, pod który należy zadzwonić

(phone number: for return call)

Someone from the insurance company called while you were out; I've written down their callback number here.

ścinać pod kątem

(bevel, cut at an angle)

Use the saw to chamfer the pieces of wood.

przejeżdżać pod czymś

(pass under) (pojazd)

The top of the trailer cleared the bridge with inches to spare.

brać pod uwagę

(take into account)

Czy brałeś pod uwagę długoterninowe konsekwencje tej decyzji?
Have you considered the long-term consequences of this decision?

biorąc pod uwagę


Considering Granddad's age, his recovery from the stroke is remarkable.

biorąc pod uwagę, że

(given that)

Considering that you've decided to go, I'll come too.

poświęcony komuś

(monument, building opening)

Yesterday, the monument was dedicated to the thousands who died during the epidemic.


(disregard, not take seriously)

At first, Robert thought Marilyn was just a silly young woman and simply dismissed her, but then he realised she was actually very intelligent.

pod wpływem narkotyków

(under the influence of a drug)

The man was drugged when he drove his car into the building.

pod wpływem narkotyków

(given drugs against one's will)

The young woman claimed that she was drugged at the party.

chować się pod czymś

(dive, hide)

To avoid saying hello, he ducked under a desk.

jazda samochodem pod wpływem alkoholu

(US, uncountable, written, initialism (driving under the influence)

In this state, driving under the influence is punishable by up to a year in jail.

pod ziemią

(uncountable (lair)

The hunted fox went to earth when it heard the hounds.

przyzwyczajony do życia pod opieką

(person: accustomed to being in care)

Having spent the first thirty years of her life in care, Jenna was completely institutionalized and could not cope with living alone.

pod koniec

(near the end)

In her latter years, my grandmother began to lose her hearing.

pod napięciem

(electrical: with current)

Don't touch the wires; they are still live with electricity.

praca pod stołem

(working a second job) (slang)

pod dostatkiem


Jedzenia jest pod dostatkiem dla wszystkich.
The food is plenty for everyone.

osoba pod nadzorem sądowym

(criminal on probation)

The probationer is not allowed to leave the state between now and his trial.

pod warunkiem, że

(on condition that)

I will come to visit you tomorrow, provided it doesn't rain.

przycinać pod kątem prostym

(make square)

I squared off the planks to make them even.

pod opieką

(receiving care from)

My mother is under a new doctor now and says he's much more attentive.

pod wodę


Let's go under and hunt for shells.

pod spód


The carpet belongs under, and the furniture on top of it.

pod nogą

(on the ground, under one's feet)

Sharon liked the sound of snow crunching underfoot.

leżeć pod

(lie beneath)

pod spodem


The wall was too high for the prisoners to climb over it, so they tunnelled underneath.

pod spodem

(on the lower level or side)

The pumpkin had gone mouldy underneath.

pod górę

(up a slope)

The lower gears on a bicycle are useful when you are riding uphill.

w górę, pod górę


We travelled uphill until we reached the summit of the mountain.

pod górkę

(figurative (difficult, tiring) (przenośny)

Life has been an uphill journey for Susan, but she never complains.

pod prąd

(against the current)

The boat sailed upstream.

pod prąd

(figurative (against flow, with difficulty) (przenośny)

Simon felt like he was fighting his way upstream, getting the management to accept new ideas for the company.

pod prąd

(stituated further up a stream or river)

The upstream section of the river is difficult to navigate.

pod opieką

(in the care of)

The child is with his uncle while his parents are on holiday.

Let's learn Polish

So now that you know more about the meaning of pod in Polish, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Polish.

Do you know about Polish

Polish (polszczyzna) is the official language of Poland. This language is spoken by 38 million Polish people. There are also native speakers of this language in western Belarus and Ukraine. Because Poles emigrated to other countries in many stages, there are millions of people who speak Polish in many countries such as Germany, France, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, Brazil, Canada, United Kingdom, United States, etc. .. An estimated 10 million Poles live outside of Poland but it is not clear how many of them can actually speak Polish, estimates put it between 3.5 and 10 million. As a result, the number of Polish-speaking people globally ranges from 40-43 million.