What does persamaan in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word persamaan in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use persamaan in Indonesian.
The word persamaan in Indonesian means equation, similarity, parallel, Equation, equation. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word persamaan
equationnoun (assertion) Bisa kau masukkan kepadatan inti yang baru ke dalam persamaan untuk peledakan nuklir? Punch the new core density into the equations for the nuclear detonation. |
similaritynoun Gil Roberts, seorang kawan saya, yang berada dalam kondisi yang hampir sama. Gil Roberts, a friend of mine, who was in a very similar situation. |
parallelnoun Puisi Ibrani tidak disajikan dalam bentuk persamaan rima tetapi berupa paralelisme gagasan, ritme gagasan. Hebrew poetry was not expressed in rhyme but in parallelism of thought, thought rhythm. |
Equationnoun (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show sequential steps or tasks that depict a plan or result. The last Level 1 line of text appears after the equals sign (=).Works best with Level 1 text only.) Persamaan terpadu tunggal menjelaskan segala sesuatu di alam semesta. One single unifying equation that explains everything in the universe. |
equationnoun (mathematical statement that asserts the equality of two expressions) Persamaan terpadu tunggal menjelaskan segala sesuatu di alam semesta. One single unifying equation that explains everything in the universe. |
See more examples
Orang-orang Kristen yang memiliki minat yang tulus kepada satu sama lain tidak merasa sulit dalam mengungkapkan kasih mereka secara spontan kapan pun sepanjang tahun. Christians who have a genuine interest in one another find no difficulty in spontaneously expressing their love at any time of the year. |
Aku bertanya hal yang sama pada diriku. I've been asking myself the same question. |
Kurasa aku akan bahagia bersamanya. I think I'm going to be happy with him. |
Nampaknya, sama sekali tidak ada limbah kertas di desa ini. As it turns out, there actually wasn't any waste paper in this village. |
Tetaplah bersamaku, kau mengerti? Stay with me, you understand? |
Sama sekali tak ada..., None at all... |
Pada tahun yang sama, para perintis istimewa datang dari Portugal. That same year, special pioneers came from Portugal. |
Apakah kau bersama dengan Eun Sang? Were you with Eun Sang? |
Kami tidak punya uang untuk membeli tiket kereta api, maka Leona dan saya, bersama dua gadis lainnya, menumpang mobil melintasi Kanada ke Montreal, Quebec. We didn’t have money for railway tickets, so Leona and I, along with two other girls, hitchhiked our way across Canada to Montreal, Quebec. |
♪ ♪ transmutasi kecil yang aku buat bersama Grey telah berhasil. A little transmutation trick me and Grey have been working on. |
Aku tak bisa tertawa bersamamu. I couldn't laugh about it with you. |
Kami dah bersama semula. We got back together. ( Chuckles ) |
Bersama kedua anak saya sekarang With my two children today |
Keluarga-keluarga mungkin ingin membacanya bersama-sama dan membahas makna yg penting dr peristiwa tsb. Families may wish to read them together and discuss the significance of the occasion. |
Bulatkan kebawah jadi 40 29 ke puluhan terdekat 9 lebih dari atau sama dengan 5 29, if we round to the nearest ten, 9 in the ones place is greater than or equal to 5, so we round up. |
iniah yang akan terjadi sama mereka yang berani melawan kita This is what happens to those who depose against us. |
Kau memiliki mata yang sama dengan ayahku sebelum aku membakar habis toko mobilnya. You have the same kind eyes my daddy had... before I burned down his car dealership. |
Awak kabin masih bersama sandera setelah Kapten Bacos memaksa ia bertanggungjawab atas mereka. The flight crew remained with the hostages after Captain Bacos insisted he was responsible for them. |
Urusan kita sama. We deal in lead. |
Selain itu, semua data yang ditransfer menggunakan Google Ads API (AdWords API) harus diamankan menggunakan setidaknya enkripsi SSL 128 Bit, atau untuk transmisi secara langsung dengan Google, setidaknya sama amannya dengan protokol yang diterima oleh server Google Ads API (AdWords API). Additionally all data transferred using the Google Ads API must be secured using at least 128 Bit SSL encryption, or for transmissions directly with Google, at least as secure as the protocol being accepted by the Google Ads API servers. |
Tetaplah bersama itu! Stay on it! |
Di Massachusett, perbudakan secara berhasil ditentang di pengadilan pada tahun 1783 pada sebuah kasus kebebasan oleh Quock Walker dan dianggap menentang UUD baru tahun 1780 yang menjamin kesamaan status semua orang. In Massachusetts, slavery was successfully challenged in court in 1783 in a freedom suit by Quock Walker; he said that slavery was in contradiction to the state's new constitution of 1780 providing for equality of men. |
Seringkali, dibutuhkan analisis yang lebih mendalam untuk memahami persamaan penawaran-permintaan terhadap suatu barang. Quite often, a sophisticated analysis is required to understand the demand-supply equation of a good model. |
3) Butiran air hujan tersebut jatuh di lereng gunung bersama miliaran butiran air hujan lainnya; air hujan itu kemudian mengalir ke bawah menuju sungai kecil.( (3) The raindrop falls on a hillside with billions of others; the water rushes downward into a stream. |
Khotbah dan pembahasan bersama hadirin berdasarkan Menara Pengawal 15 Juli 2003, halaman 20. Talk and audience discussion based on the July 15, 2003, Watchtower, page 20. |
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Do you know about Indonesian
Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.