What does penis in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word penis in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use penis in Indonesian.

The word penis in Indonesian means penis, dick, member. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word penis


noun (male organ for copulation and urination)

Anda tumbuh tanpa penis di jalanan.
You grew up penis-less on the streets.


noun (The male sexual organ for copulation and urination; the tubular portion of the male genitalia (excluding the scrotum).)


noun (The male sexual organ for copulation and urination; the tubular portion of the male genitalia (excluding the scrotum).)

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My penis.
Apalagi kalau orang itu lebih cerdas, tampan dan punya penis yang lebih besar.
Especially if it's someone smarter, prettier and with more cock.
Heathcliff itu jelas-jelas nama dari pria berpenis ( sejati ).
Heathcliff is a whole other kettle of man-meat.
Mereka seharusnya memotong semua penis para detektif!
They should cut off all detectives dicks!
Sheet Rap selama penisku.
Rap sheet as long as my dick.
Semua yang berpenis pasti mudah untuk ditipu
Anything with a cock is easy to fool.
Kurasa penis kita baru saja bertemu.
I think our penises just fist-bumped.
Sekantung penis.
A bag of dicks.
Kau tak bisa keluar dari pintu ini... dengan menggenggam penismu, bukan?
Can't have you walking through those doors with your dick in your hand.
Penis yang besar.
He had an awesome dick!
Ya, Aku selalu mencari keparat yang bertatto penis. Jadi kita sempurna satu sama lain.
Well, I always wanted to shit on a tattooed dick so we're perfect for each other.
Kau bisa mengisap penisku, sayang.
You can suck my dick, baby!
Kalian juga bagus, kecuali kalian berpenis pendek seperti Band Imajinasi Shania Twain.
You guys were pretty good except you were two penises short of a Shania Twain re-imagination band.
Kau punya penis di wajahmu.
You got a dick on your face.
Bagaimana penis sedikit... yang mengatakan turun poros, " Rencana ke depan "?
How about a little penis... that says down the shaft, " plan ahead "?
Seperti apa rasa penisnya?
What's his dick taste like?
Penisnya tidak lucu sama sekali.
His dick is not funny at all.
Apakah ada seseorang yang menghisap penismu?
Is there someone suck your dick?
Aku ingin kau mengisap penisku.
I want you to suck my cock.
Kamu mendapatkannya dari penis kakekmu.
You got your grandpa's dick.
Mereka, kuat tangan berani yang menekan saya untuk perutnya dan menekan saya untuk menggosok penisnya terhadap aku, yang tampaknya siap untuk meledak dari celananya.
Those strong, blundering hands that pressed me to his stomach and compelled me to rub myself against his cock, which seemed ready to burst out of his trousers.
Lagipula, dia dulu punya penis, jadi dia tahu seperti apa rasanya.
Besides, she used to have a dick, and so she knows what it likes.
Anda mungkin penis, tetapi sejauh yang saya khawatir, asosiasi memilikinya cukup bagus.
You may be a dick, but as far as I'm concerned, the associates have it pretty good.
Seolah- olah ternyata... setiap bagian dari tubuh Anda ke ujung penis
It' s as if it turns... every part of your body into the tip of a penis
Berikan dia penis jika dia ingin penis.
Let him have cock if he wants cock.

Let's learn Indonesian

So now that you know more about the meaning of penis in Indonesian, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Indonesian.

Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.