What does panitia in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word panitia in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use panitia in Indonesian.

The word panitia in Indonesian means committee, commission. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word panitia


noun (group of persons convened for the accomplishment of some specific purpose)

Tapi, yang membuat keputusan untuk menerima kembali adalah panitia pengadilan awal.
However, the decision to reinstate is made by the original judicial committee.



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Selanjutnya, regu sukarelawan di bawah petunjuk dari Panitia Pembangunan Regional dengan sukarela memberikan waktu, tenaga, dan keahlian mereka demi membangun balai-balai perhimpunan yang sangat bagus agar digunakan untuk ibadat.
Moreover, teams of volunteers under the direction of Regional Building Committees willingly give their time, strength, and know-how to make fine meeting halls ready for worship.
Sewaktu balai itu perlu direnovasi, sukarelawan dari kedua jemaat dengan bersemangat bekerja sama di bawah Panitia Pembangunan Regional di Spanyol.
When the building needed renovation, a Regional Building Committee based in Spain supervised enthusiastic workers from both congregations.
5 Jika Sdr ditugasi oleh seorang anggota Panitia Dinas Sidang utk memandu PAR dng seseorang yg telah tidak aktif dlm pelayanan, Sdr mungkin diminta utk membahas pasal-pasal tertentu dlm buku ”Kasih Allah”.
5 If you are assigned by a member of the Congregation Service Committee to conduct a Bible study with someone who has become inactive in the preaching work, you may be asked to consider specific chapters in the “God’s Love” book.
Panitia Fisika Statistik C4.
Commission on Statistical Physics C4.
Seperti dinyatakan Patrick Reynolds, ahli waris kekayaan hasil tembakau dalam kesaksiannya kepada sub panitia Kongres A.S., ”Saya percaya bahwa iklan rokok merupakan promosi dari produk yang beracun, dan adalah bermoral, benar dan baik untuk meniadakan semua iklan rokok.”
As Patrick Reynolds, the tobacco fortune heir, stated in his testimony to a U.S. Congress subcommittee: “I believe that cigarette advertising is promotion of a poisonous product and that it is moral, right and good to eliminate all advertising of cigarettes.”
Pada tahun 1991, Tom dan Ann menerima tugas baru di Kepulauan Solomon, dan di sana, Tom melayani sebagai koordinator Panitia Cabang.
In 1991, Tom and Ann took up a new assignment in the Solomon Islands, where Tom serves as Branch Committee coordinator.
Selama masa pendidikan mereka, para siswa di kelas Gilead ini khususnya mendapat manfaat karena dapat bergaul dengan anggota-anggota Panitia Cabang dari 23 negeri, yang juga berada di Pusat Pendidikan Patterson untuk pelatihan khusus.
During their school term, students in this Gilead class were especially benefited by being able to associate with Branch Committee members from 23 lands, who were also at the Patterson Educational Center for special training.
(Lihat juga Panitia Cabang)
(See also Branch Committees)
Doa sepenuh hati penting bila panitia pengadilan bertemu dengan seorang saudara seiman
Heartfelt prayer is vital when a judicial committee meets with a fellow believer
Alasannya tidak disebutkan, tetapi sewaktu kami tiba di Yunani, surat lain dari Badan Pimpinan dibacakan kepada Panitia Cabang, melantik saya menjadi koordinator Panitia Cabang di negeri itu.
No reason was given, but when we arrived in Greece, another letter from the Governing Body was read to the Branch Committee, appointing me Branch Committee coordinator in that country.
Panitia ini mengawasi percetakan serta properti yang dimiliki dan dikelola oleh berbagai badan hukum yang digunakan Saksi-Saksi Yehuwa.
It has oversight of printeries and properties owned and operated by the various corporations used by Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Itu mencakup Badan Pimpinan, panitia cabang, pengawas keliling, badan penatua, sidang, dan penyiar. —15/4, halaman 29.
It includes the Governing Body, branch committees, traveling overseers, bodies of elders, congregations, and individual Witnesses. —4/15, page 29.
”Jadi tidaklah berlebihan jika Guyana dijuluki surganya para perintis,” kata Ricardo Hinds, koordinator Panitia Cabang yang sekarang.
“So it is no exaggeration to call Guyana a pioneer’s paradise,” says Ricardo Hinds, current Branch Committee coordinator.
Penyelenggaraan tentang adanya Panitia Cabang yang mengurus kebutuhan rohani saudara-saudara yang tinggal di berbagai negeri telah berjalan sejak tahun 1976.
The arrangement to have Branch Committees care for the spiritual needs of brothers living in various lands has been functioning since 1976.
Selama pelarangan, pengawas wilayah sangat berperan sebagai jembatan komunikasi antara penyiar setempat dan Panitia Cabang.
During the ban, circuit overseers played a key role in keeping local publishers in touch with the Branch Committee.
Berbeda dengan versi terakhir, panitia memutuskan untuk tidak menyertakan sepak bola wanita di SEA Games.
In contrast to the last versions the organisers decided to not include a women's football tournament in the SEA Games.
Sebaliknya, mereka harus memilih suatu panitia dinas yang terdiri dari pria-pria rohani yang ikut serta dalam pekerjaan pengabaran kepada umum.
Instead, they were to elect a service committee composed of spiritual men who participated in the public preaching work.
Bersama saudara-saudara dari Panitia Penghubung Rumah Sakit, mereka menyediakan pertolongan bagi saudara-saudari yang cedera.
Together with brothers of the Hospital Liaison Committees, they provide aid to injured brothers and sisters.
Panitia Ketua (terdiri atas ketua Badan Pimpinan saat itu, ketua yang sebelumnya, dan seorang yang akan mendapat giliran selanjutnya untuk menjadi ketua) menerima laporan tentang keadaan darurat, bencana, dan kampanye penganiayaan, dan panitia ini memastikan agar hal-hal ini segera ditangani oleh Badan Pimpinan.
The Chairman’s Committee (made up of the current chairman of the Governing Body, the preceding chairman, and the one next in line to be chairman) receives reports on major emergencies, disasters, and campaigns of persecution, and it sees that these are handled promptly with the Governing Body.
Menara Pengawal 15 April 1992, mengumumkan bahwa saudara-saudara yang dipilih khususnya dari ”domba-domba lain” ditugaskan untuk membantu panitia-panitia Badan Pimpinan, sama seperti golongan Netinim pada zaman Ezra.—Yohanes 10:16; Ezra 2:58.
The Watchtower of April 15, 1992, announced that selected brothers mainly of the “other sheep” were being assigned to assist the Governing Body committees, corresponding to the Nethinim of Ezra’s day. —John 10:16; Ezra 2:58.
Panitia bantuan kemanusiaan, yang ditetapkan kantor cabang Saksi-Saksi Yehuwa setempat, mengatur agar kelompok-kelompok sidang yang tidak terlalu terpengaruh oleh gempa itu mengurus kebutuhan pokok orang-orang yang lebih parah keadaannya.
A relief committee, appointed by the local branch office of Jehovah’s Witnesses, arranged for groups of less affected congregations to care for the immediate needs of those that were harder hit.
Selain itu, undang-undang memberikan [wewenang] kepada mereka yang bukan golongan pendeta untuk mengendalikan majelis-majelis gereja dan panitia-panitia yang bertanggung jawab atas administrasi dari investasi gereja yang paling berharga termasuk hotel-hotel, pertambangan marmer dan gedung-gedung perkantoran.” —The New York Times, 4 April 1987, halaman 3.
Moreover, the law gives nonclerics control of church councils and committees responsible for the administration of prized church investments including hotels, marble quarries and office blocks.” —The New York Times, April 4, 1987, page 3.
Tujuan panitia ini ada tiga: memberikan anjuran rohani kepada saudara-saudara; menangani kebutuhan mereka akan uang, makanan, dan air; dan membantu mereka memperbaiki atau membangun kembali rumah mereka.
The purpose of this committee was threefold: to give spiritual encouragement to the brothers; to care for their needs for money, food, and water; and to help them repair or rebuild their homes.
Serempak dengan cabang-cabang lain di seluas dunia, pengawasan kantor cabang di Jepang kini ditangani oleh suatu panitia yang terdiri dari saudara-saudara dan bukan oleh seorang pengawas cabang saja.
In unison with all the other branches throughout the world, the branch oversight in Japan was put under a committee of brothers rather than under a single branch overseer.
Bila di sebuah kota atau kabupaten, para pekerja setempat bekerja bersama para kolportir dalam dinas pengabaran, maka daerah pengabarannya akan dibagi di antara mereka oleh panitia distrik yang dilantik setempat.
Where there were both local workers and colporteurs sharing in such field service in a city or a county, the territory was divided up among them by a locally appointed district committee.

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Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.