What does menyusuri in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word menyusuri in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use menyusuri in Indonesian.

The word menyusuri in Indonesian means down, follow, retrace. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word menyusuri


adjective verb noun adverb adposition

Apakah kau sudah menyusuri jalan, seperti, semua jalan batu tua?
Have you been down, like, all the old cobbled streets and that?



Mereka terus bergerak ke arah barat laut, menyusuri lengkungan besar Sungai Efrat.
They made their way northwest, following the great arc of the Euphrates River.



Kita akan susuri ulang langkah-langkahnya.
We're gonna retrace her steps.

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Apakah aku pernah melihat Zulu berjalan menyusuri Jalan Raya Kota?
Did I ever see a Zulu walk down the City Road?
Pemandu meminta kami tetap bersama dan berhati-hati dengan kawanan gajah, karena kami akan menyusuri jalur yang tiap hari dilalui kawanan itu untuk mencari makan.
Our guide told us to stay together and to be on the lookout for elephants, since we would be hiking on trails that they used daily to search for food.
Kapal-kapal mereka terus menyusur pesisir sebelah selatan Spanyol hingga tiba di daerah yang disebut Tartesus.
Their ships continued to hug the southern coast of Spain until they came to an area called Tartessus.
Cuplikan video YouTube : “Viajando por el Bobonaza con la Escuela de Futbol Sarayaku” (Perjalanan menyusuri Bobonaza bersama tim sepak bola Sarayaku)
YouTube screenshot from the video: “Viajando por el Bobonaza con la Escuela de Futbol Sarayaku” (Traveling along the Bobonaza with Sarayaku Football School)
Rasanya tak mungkin dia memerlukan waktu selama ini untuk menyusuri jalanan datar dari Koriyama.""
There's no reason for him to be so late traveling the level roads from Koriyama.""
Kemudian dia berjalan perlahan menyusuri jalan, dan kemudian turun lagi ke sudut, masih melihat tajam di rumah.
Then he walked slowly up the street, and then down again to the corner, still looking keenly at the houses.
Mula-mula rombongan ini menyusuri Sungai Efrat menuju Haran, yang terletak sekitar 960 kilometer ke barat laut.
The caravan journeyed first to Haran, some 600 miles (960 km) to the northwest, following the course of the Euphrates.
Kejutannya didapat dari menyeberangi sungai, menyusuri jalan besar yang mengitari museum, lalu berjalan di jalan biasa dan menemukannya.
That was the surprise of going across the river, of going on the highway around it, of walking down the street and finding it.
Jeannette, yang tinggal di pegunungan di daerah terpencil di Burundi, selalu ingin merintis, tetapi ia menderita sakit jantung kronis sehingga tidak dapat berjalan jauh atau menyusuri lereng bukit yang curam.
Jeannette, who lives in the mountains of rural Burundi, has always had the desire to pioneer, but she suffers from a chronic heart condition that prevents her from walking far or climbing steep hills.
Mereka bisa membayangkan kehidupan pada zaman kolonial sambil menyusuri tembok kota dan mengamati bangunan-bangunan kuno.
Visitors can imagine life in colonial times as they walk alongside the city walls and explore the ancient buildings.
Gelang emas menghiasi lengan dan pergelangan kaki para wanita yang harum seraya mereka melenggang menyusuri jalan yang sempit.
Gold bangles adorned the arms and ankles of perfumed women as they moved through the narrow streets.
Meskipun Trevor meyakinkannya bahwa ia tidak percaya polisi hendak menyerbu gedung, Oan tetap yakin bahwa mereka "hendak melakukan sesuatu" dan memindahkan para sandera laki-laki dari ruangan di mana mereka telah menghabiskan empat hari terakhir ke yang lain menyusuri lorong.
Although Lock assured him that he did not believe the police were about to storm the building, Oan remained convinced that they were "up to something" and moved the male hostages from the room in which they had spent the last four days to another down the hall.
Meskipun lebih melelahkan, ia mendayung sendiri perahu yang kami tumpangi menyusuri Sungai Abobral, bukannya naik perahu motor, karena suaranya membuat burung-burung takut.
Although it is more tiring, he is rowing us along the Abobral River instead of using a motorboat because the sound of a motor can frighten the birds.
Dan yang menghubungkan pegunungan dengan dataran pantai itu adalah daerah yang disebut Sefela, yakni rangkaian lembah dan gunung yang terbentang dari timur ke barat, dan kita dapat menyusuri Sefela, melewati Sefela dari dataran pantai untuk mencapai pegunungan.
And connecting the mountain range with the coastal plain is an area called the Shephelah, which is a series of valleys and ridges that run east to west, and you can follow the Shephelah, go through the Shephelah to get from the coastal plain to the mountains.
Kita pergi bersama menyusuri sungai.
We ride as one tumen along the bank.
Jangan menyusuri jalan itu.
Don't go down that road.
Sejumlah total 602 orang hadir pada penahbisan tempat-tempat berhimpun yang bagus ini di kota pelabuhan Beira, kira-kira setengah perjalanan menyusuri pesisir Mozambik.
A total of 602 came to the dedication of these fine meeting places in the port city of Beira, about halfway up the coast of Mozambique.
Terjadi badai ketika mereka meninggalkan rumah nenek mereka, tetapi sewaktu mereka mulai berkendara menyusuri ngarai, salju ringan berubah menjadi badai salju.
There was no storm when they left their grandmother’s home, but as they began to drive through the canyon, the light snow turned into a blizzard.
Benar, tapi kau yakin ingin menyusuri jalan itu?
Right, but are you sure you wanna go down that path?
Mesin ini juga menyusuri DNA, tetapi dengan lebih lambat.
It too moves along a stretch of DNA, but more slowly.
Ia menyusuri jalan Cyprian dan berpaling ke arah Bukit Orbian, ke arah Esquilino.
She drove along the Cyprian Street and turned towards the Orbian Hill, in the direction of the Esquiline Hill.
Karena beberapa desa tidak dapat dicapai dengan mobil maupun perahu, para utusan injil berjalan selama berjam-jam menyusuri jalan setapak di hutan dengan jejeran pohon kelapa yang indah untuk mencapai orang-orang yang rendah hati.
Since some villages are not accessible by car or boat, missionaries may spend hours walking along beautiful coconut-lined jungle paths to reach the humble people.
Negatif, Tim Vulture, tapi kita masih tetap menyusuri pulau ini.
That's a negative, Vulture Team, but we're still sweeping the island.
Turis menyusuri kanal di Venesia dengan gondola
Tourists take gondola rides through the many canals in Venice
“Aku berencana untuk mencari angkutan menyusuri Sungai Ark, tapi lalu lintas di sana terlalu ramai.
“I planned to try and get passage up the Ark, but there’s too much traffic.

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Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.