What does menguras in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word menguras in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use menguras in Indonesian.
The word menguras in Indonesian means deplete, drain, consume. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word menguras
depleteverb (to empty or unload) Jika kita terus menguras ekosistem yang penting, pada akhirnya ekosistem ini tidak mampu melakukan regenerasi. If we continue to deplete critical ecosystems, they will soon become unable to regenerate. |
drainverb Aku menguras apa yang tersisa dari energi kubah ke dalam bayinya. I'm draining what's left of its energy into the baby. |
consumeverb Biaya pengobatan sering kali menguras seluruh tabungan keluarga. Medical bills often consume all the savings that a family has. |
See more examples
Akhirnya, saya sadar bahwa hal itu menguras banyak sekali waktu dan energi saya. I finally realized that it was taking up too much of my time and energy. |
Pasti mengejutkan Untuk menemukan bahwa Mr Murrow telah menguras air dari kolam. It must have been a shock to discover that Mr. Murrow had drained the water out of the pool. |
Aku menguras setengah uang pensiunku, $ 15.000. I emptied out half my pension, $ 15,000. |
Air lebih sehat dan tidak menguras dompet Anda. It is much healthier and easier on your pocketbook. |
Ia meninggalkan ”bisnis yang sedang maju pesat”, jelas Macarena, ”sebab bisnis itu menguras terlalu banyak waktu dan ia mau memberikan lebih banyak perhatian kepada urusan keluarga”. He left “a thriving business enterprise,” Macarena explains, “because it took up too much time and he wanted to give more attention to family matters.” |
Aku menguras apa yang tersisa dari energi kubah ke dalam bayinya. I'm draining what's left of its energy into the baby. |
Bukan saja menguras hidupmu, tapi membuatmu berumur pendek. It doesn't just cut your life short it makes you age faster! |
Zbigniew menceritakan, ”Selama bertahun-tahun, artritis rematoid menguras tenaga saya, merusak sendi-sendi saya. Zbigniew explains: “As the years go by, rheumatoid arthritis saps my energy, damaging one joint after another. |
Kita juga perlu menyingkirkan kekhawatiran yg dapat membuat hati kita ”bungkuk”, menguras energi kita yg dapat digunakan utk melayani Allah. We also need to put aside anxieties that could make our heart “bow down,” robbing us of energy that we could use in serving God. |
Pengantar artikel Time tersebut menonjolkan pengalaman Henry Jackson, yang menderita perdarahan dalam yang parah hingga menguras 90 persen darahnya serta menurunkan hemoglobinnya hingga tingkat yang mengancam jiwa, 1,7 gram per desiliter. The introduction of the Time article featured the experience of Henry Jackson, who suffered massive internal hemorrhaging that drained 90 percent of his blood and dropped his hemoglobin level to a life-threatening 1.7 grams per deciliter. |
Apa, selain hampir menguras kecepatan dan kekonyolan? What, beside almost OD'ing on speed and Soylent? |
Dalam rangka untuk mendorong kepatuhan, dan dengan demikian membantu "menguras" peredaran mata uang asing dari ekonomi, rekening khusus ini hanya memberikan tingkat suku bunga premium sebesar 1%, lebih kecil dari tingkat suku bunga tetap nasional yang ditentukan sebesar 3,25% per tahun yang dibayarkan bagi pemilik rekening tabungan lainnya. In order to encourage compliance, and thereby help “drain” the circulation of foreign currency from the economy, these accounts carried a 1% interest rate premium over the nationally determined fixed interest of 3.25% per annum paid on all other consumer saving accounts. |
Berupaya menekan perasaan bersalah dapat menguras kekuatan kita, seperti pohon yang mengering karena teriknya musim kemarau. Trying to repress a guilty conscience can sap us of vigor, even as a tree loses moisture in summer’s intense heat. |
Dengan cara yang menguras tenaga ini dia telah menghancurkan 3.000 liang kelinci. In this laborious way he has destroyed 3,000 rabbit burrows. |
Dengan pengurasan emas, konvertibilitasnya menjadi uang menjadi masalah, yaitu identitasnya dengan emas sesungguhnya. With the drain of gold, its convertibility into money becomes problematic, i.e. its identity with actual gold. |
Kamu ingin menguras pasak oak putih, kan? You want to drain the white oak stake, do you? |
Pertarunganmu dengan robot itu menguras habis tenaga sel Kryptonmu. Your battle with the android drained your Kryptonian cells of their solar energy. |
Dan mereka tak menguras isi kantong. And they don't put a hole in your pocket. |
Kedua Perang Dunia tersebut menewaskan lebih banyak orang, menguras lebih banyak kekayaan dan mengakibatkan lebih banyak penderitaan atas orang-orang di lebih banyak daerah di bumi dibandingkan dengan perang-perang sebelumnya.” The World Wars killed more people, consumed more wealth and inflicted more suffering over a wider area of the globe than any previous war.” |
Proses perencanaan warisan dapat sangat menguras emosi. Planning an estate is a deeply emotional process. |
Scott Appleby, pemimpin Pusat Cushwa untuk Penelitian Katolikisme Amerika di Notre Dame University, yang mengatakan bahwa ”skandal itu menguras sumber daya finansial arkidiosis” hingga tidak dapat ”membiayai paroki”. Scott Appleby, director of the Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism at Notre Dame University, as saying that “the scandal has put a drain on the financial resources of the archdiocese” to such an extent that it cannot “keep parishes afloat.” |
Cobalah bercukur nanti, mungkin itu yang menguras tenagamu Take a shave then, maybe it's draining your power |
Syuting sebuah film dapat menguras waktu, tenaga, dan uang. Shooting a movie can be time-consuming, tedious, and expensive. |
Meskipun pekerjaan duniawi yang mereka geluti sangat menguras waktu dan tenaga, mereka benar-benar tidak bisa mencari pekerjaan lainnya. Although they both had demanding full-time jobs, they were not in a position to look for other work. |
Semua kesulitan ini berpotensi memudarkan tulang iman dan menguras kekuatan individu serta keluarga. All of these difficulties have the potential to bleach the bones of faith and exhaust the strength of individuals and families. |
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Do you know about Indonesian
Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.