What does mendesah in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word mendesah in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use mendesah in Indonesian.
The word mendesah in Indonesian means sigh, wheeze, aah, ooh. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word mendesah
sighverb noun interjection Nah, pekerjaan terakhir saya adalah cerita panjang diisi dengan mendesah. Well, my last job was a long story filled with sighs. |
wheezeverb |
aahverb |
oohverb |
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Untuk sekali dalam hidup Anda, tidak ada stunts, tidak ada kejutan. [ Mendesah ] For once in your life, no stunts, no surprises. |
Kemudian, dia mendesah sambil menopangkan kepalanya ke satu tangan. Then she sighs, resting her head on one hand. |
Dia mendesah seperti sepasang hembusan. She sighed like a pair of bellows. |
( Kev mendesah ) ( Kev sighs ) |
( Delia mendesah ) Setidaknya dilakukan taman itu. ( Delia sighs ) At least the garden's done. |
( Mendesah ) Ah, Willa mengatakan bahwa aku akan menemukan Anda di sini. Ah, Willa told me I'd find you here. |
[ mendesah ] Tidak apa-apa. It's fine. |
Desahan angin... Wind chimes... |
( Mendesah ) Oke, maka apa yang terjadi? Okay, then what did happen? |
" Seperti angin mendesah... " " Like the winds sigh... " |
Mama mendesah lagi, kali ini terdorong oleh “percakapan” Kami. Mum sighed again, this time prompted by the word “conversations.” |
Sayangnya mendesah) Oh Sadly sighs) Oh |
( mendesah ) Ini benar-benar baik bahwa Anda akan dengan dia, ngomong-ngomong. It's really nice that you're going with her, by the way. |
Dalam Desahan, tim harus berpakaian seperti bellboy dan kemudian mengambil koper dari stasiun kereta api Zermatt. In Wheeze, teams had to dress up as bellhops and then pick up pieces of luggage from the Zermatt railway station. |
( Mendesah ) Saya yakin Anda mengerti ini adalah pertemuan yang tidak direncanakan Dan Mr. Carvelle adalah orang yang sangat sibuk. I'm sure you understand this was an unplanned meeting and Mr. Carvelle is a very busy man. |
Berlayar dalam banjir garam, angin, mendesah- Mu; Siapa, - mengamuk dengan air mata- Mu dan mereka dengan mereka, Sailing in this salt flood; the winds, thy sighs; Who, -- raging with thy tears and they with them, |
”Enggak kok, Ma,” kata Rachel sambil mendesah, dengan mimik bosan. “Nothing, Mom,” Rachel says with a sigh, rolling her eyes. |
Berhenti mendesah. Stop huffing. |
Aku hanya bilang. ( Mendesah ) I'm just saying. |
( Mendesah ) Ya, benar, Yes, we do. |
Desahan? Moaning? |
( Mendesah ) Ini adalah inspirasi saya. ( SIGHS ) It is my inspiration. |
( Mendesah ) Aku tahu kita seharusnya berkemas, tapi kami tidak siap untuk menyerah pada Millicent dan Flairies belum. ( SIGHS ) I know we're supposed to be packing, but we're just not ready to give up on Millicent's and the Flairies yet. |
Kau mau dengar desahanku? You wanna hear me moan, don't you? |
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Do you know about Indonesian
Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.