What does membidik in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word membidik in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use membidik in Indonesian.
The word membidik in Indonesian means aim, target, take aim. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word membidik
aimverb (to point or direct a missile weapon) Tom membidik dan menembakkan tembakan peringatan. Tom took aim and fired a warning shot. |
targetverb Apa kau tahu tentang konsep... virus yang membidik genetik? Are you familiar with the concept of a genetically targeted virus? |
take aimverb Dan saat dia bergerak ke arahku, senjatanya membidik, hanya sepanjang bayonet dari wajah ini. And when that guy made a move on me, his gun taking aim, bayonet inches from this face... |
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Jika kau membidik kaosnya, mungkin akan luput 2 kaki. If you aim for his shirt, you might miss by 2 feet. |
Tetap bidik sasaran. Stay on target. |
R2, bidik mata tengah droid lebah itu. R2, hit the buzz droid's center eye. |
Kau salah sudah bidik kepalanya. Your fault for aiming at the head. |
Ada yang bisa membidik? Does anyone have a shot? |
Bidik jantungnya. Go for the heart. |
Membidik! Take aim! |
Tapi ayah mengajariku untuk membidik kepala mereka. But my father taught me to aim for their head. |
Bidik melalui anak panahnya. Sight along the arrow. |
Seorang sarjana Alkitab mengatakan, ”Kata ini dibentuk dari sebuah kata kerja yang berarti menunjukkan, membimbing, membidik, melepaskan ke depan. One Bible scholar says: “This word is formed from a verb which means to direct, to guide, to aim, to shoot forwards. |
Jembatan aslinya, yang dibangun pada 1932, merupakan titik bidik untuk bom atom Hiroshima 1945 karena bentuknya yang mudah terlihat dari udara. The original bridge, constructed in 1932, was the aiming point for the 1945 Hiroshima atom bomb because its shape was easily recognized from the air. |
Bidik # inci di atas rel pelindung The opened door way, eight inches above the guard rail |
Bidik langsung rantainya. Go right to the chain. |
Bila hidup Anda ibarat anak panah, nilai-nilai yang Anda miliki membantu Anda membidik dengan pas. If your life were an arrow, your values would aim that arrow. |
Tapi untuk Kapten Dance, kau harus membidik jantungnya. But with Captain Dance you'll have to aim for the heart. |
Ini saatnya kita membidik Escobar. It's time we put a bullet in Escobar. |
Tapi menggunakan senjata bukan cuma soal mempelajari cara membidik dan menembak. But using a gun isn't just about learning how to point and shoot. |
Kau akan dapat membidiknya dengan cermat. You'll get a clean shot. |
Untuk mencapai tujuannya, buku Amsal membidik hati. To achieve its purpose, the book of Proverbs aims at the heart. |
Ordo ini memiliki kemampuan untuk memelihara hingga 4.000 ekor kuda dan gerombolan hewan lainnya setiap waktu, apabila ketentuannya ditaati; kuda-kuda ini membutuhkan biaya pemeliharaan yang sangat besar karena panasnya suhu udara di outremer (lahan milik para pejuang Perang Salib yang terletak di Mediterania Timur), dan memiliki tingkat kematian yang tinggi baik karena penyakit maupun karena strategi para pemanah Turki yang membidik kuda-kuda para kesatria dan bukannya kesatria itu sendiri. The Order potentially supported up to 4,000 horses and pack animals at any given time, if provisions of the rule were followed; these horses had extremely high maintenance costs due to the heat in Outremer (Crusader states at the Eastern Mediterranean), and had high mortality rates due to both disease and the Turkish bowmen strategy of aiming at a knight's horse rather than the knight himself. |
Petugas meriam, bidik musuh. Midship cannoneers, sight the masts. |
Kemudian secepat spons datang dari wastafel, dan kemudian kursi, melemparkan asing mantel dan celana sembarangan samping, dan tertawa tak acuh dengan suara luar biasa seperti orang asing, berbalik sendiri dengan empat kakinya pada Mrs Hall, tampaknya membidik sejenak, dan dibebankan padanya. Then as swiftly came the sponge from the washstand; and then the chair, flinging the stranger's coat and trousers carelessly aside, and laughing drily in a voice singularly like the stranger's, turned itself up with its four legs at Mrs. Hall, seemed to take aim at her for a moment, and charged at her. |
Bidik dari sini ke sini, sampai ke target. Aim from here, to here, to the target. |
Bidik kepalanya. Aim for the head. |
Aku membidikmu sekarang. I'm aiming at you right now. |
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Do you know about Indonesian
Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.