What does malu in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word malu in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use malu in Indonesian.

The word malu in Indonesian means ashamed, shy, shame. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word malu



Kamu seharusnya malu dengan tingkah laku kamu itu.
You should be ashamed of your conduct.


adjective (For a personality) characterized by being uncomfortable with having attention drawn to them, for example when introducing oneself or when speaking in front of an audience.)

Malu bertanya sesat di jalan.
If you are too shy to ask, you will lose your way.



Ini adalah rasa malu, karena jika dia adalah tipe saya, ini akan menjadi setup seumur hidup.
It's a shame,'cause if she was my type, this would be the setup of a lifetime.

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Pembunuhnya pasti berbadan besar dengan kemaluan kecil dan sedikit rasa iri.
The killer saw the size of the bug's dick and became insanely jealous.
Bukan maksudku utk membuat malu siapapun.
It wasn't my intention to embarrass anyone.
Sebuah kota tumbuh di sekitarnya, dan satu biara Benediktin didirikan sekitar tahun 1075 oleh Withenoc, seorang Breton yang menjadi tuan tanah Monmouth setelah Roger, putra William fitzOsbern, dipermalukan.
A town grew up around it, and a Benedictine priory was established around 1075 by Withenoc, a Breton who became lord of Monmouth after Roger, the son of William fitzOsbern, was disgraced.
Mereka juga akan dipermalukan.”—Yesaya 44:9-11.
They will be ashamed at the same time.” —Isaiah 44:9-11.
Saya tidak tahu malu.
I had very little self-respect.
Menurut Mama, boneka beruang itu tampak agak malu karena tiba-tiba dipercantik dengan pita seindah itu. 42.
Mother thought the gray teddy bear looked slightly embarrassed about being dressed so gaily all of a sudden.
Setiap manusia ternyata bodoh, tidak berpengetahuan, dan setiap pandai emas menjadi malu karena patung buatannya.
Every metalworker will certainly feel shame because of the carved image; for his molten image is a falsehood, and there is no spirit in them.
Dipermalukan secara sosial, ia tinggal dengan orangtua Mao selama dua tahun sampai ia meninggal karena disenteri, sementara Mao berpindah dari desa tersebut dan melanjutkan pembelajarannya di tempat lainnya, kemudian menjadi seorang anggota pendiri dari Partai Komunis Tiongkok.
Socially disgraced, she lived with Mao's parents for two years until she died of dysentery, while he moved out of the village to continue his studies elsewhere, eventually becoming a founding member of the Communist Party of China.
Tetapi saya dimotivasi oleh perasaan bersalah dan malu.
But I was motivated by guilt and shame.
Dia mati karena malu.
He died of embarrassment.
Kasus Shin Hyo-jung telah membuat kepolisian malu.
Sin Hyo Jeong's case, has already caused the Police to lose face.
Semua itu berubah karena Ragnar Lothbrok mempermalukanmu.
They've changed because Ragnar Lothbrok has humiliated you.
Kadang-kadang untuk mempermalukan muslim tahanan di Teluk Guantanamo, kadang-kadang sebagai reaksi terhadap serangan teroris.
Sometimes to humiliate Muslim prisoners in Guantanamo Bay, sometimes as a reaction to a terrorist attack.
Dia tampan, dan setiap kali ia pergi ke salah satu biara Biarawan yang ditawarkan untuk menghisap kemaluannya.
He was good-looking, and each time he went to one of the monasteries a monk offered to suck his cock.
Malulah sedikit..
Have some shame...
Negara ini telah habis dan dipermalukan oleh perang.
The country had been exhausted and humiliated by the war.
Dan aku bangun keesokan paginya, teler, malu pada diri sendiri, dan tidak menyadari itu adalah hari yang akan mengubah hidupku selamanya.
And so I woke up the next morning, hung-over, ashamed of myself, and not realising it was the day that would change my life forever.
(Amsal 22:3) Perasaan malu atau pengorbanan apa pun yang mungkin harus ditanggung tidak ada artinya jika dibandingkan dengan kehilangan perkenan Allah.
(Proverbs 22:3) Whatever embarrassment or sacrifice may be involved, it is minor compared to losing God’s favor.
Kau membuatku malu!
You make me blush!
Mungkin mereka melakukannya semalam dan sekarang mereka hanya malu di hadapan kita.
Maybe they went at it last night and now they're just embarrassed in front of us.
Bagaikan parasit ia mengambil makanan dari orang-orang di bumi agar ia tetap dapat bergelimang dalam ”kemewahan yang tak tahu malu.”
She fed parasitically on the peoples of the earth to keep herself in “shameless luxury.”
Aku mengambil tampon, merendamkannya kedalam alkohol, dan memasukannya ke dalam kemaluanku.
I used to take a tampon, soak it in grain alcohol, and stick it up into my rectum.
... Jika Anda mengambil langkah pertama untuk kembali meskipun malu, Anda akan menemukan lengan yang terbuka untuk menyambut Anda dan teman-teman yang hangat untuk membuat Anda diterima.
... If you will take the first timid step to return, you will find open arms to greet you and warm friends to make you welcome.
Kemaluannya besar?
Big package?
Dalam surat keduanya kepada Timotius, Paulus mengajarkan bahwa rasa takut tidak berasal dari Allah dan menasihati Timotius agar tidak malu akan kesaksiannya tentang Yesus Kristus.
In his Second Epistle to Timothy, Paul taught that fear does not come from God and counseled Timothy to be unashamed of his testimony of Jesus Christ.

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Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.