What does łowca in Polish mean?
What is the meaning of the word łowca in Polish? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use łowca in Polish.
The word łowca in Polish means hunter, huntsman, obserwator, łowca, łowca, myśliwy, łowca, myśliwy, łowca, poszukiwacz, łowca, poszukiwacz, łowca, łowca wielkiej zwierzyny, łowca nagród, łowca majątku, łowca skandali, łowca talentów, łowca talentów. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word łowca
hunter, huntsman
obserwator, łowca(scout: person who scouts) |
łowca, myśliwy(person: kills for food) The hunter didn't bring anything home today. |
łowca, myśliwy(person: kills for sport) The hunter shot a buck. |
łowca(animal: chases prey) The hawk is a highly-evolved hunter. |
poszukiwacz, łowca(often as suffix (person: searcher) After dropping out of school John got a job as a ghost hunter. |
poszukiwacz, łowca(person who pursues sb or sth) (potoczny) Lydia surreptitiously looked over her shoulder to see if her chaser was still behind her. |
łowca wielkiej zwierzyny(hunts large animals) President Theodore Roosevelt was a conservationist, but also a big-game hunter. |
łowca nagród(person who captures wanted persons) Bounty hunters in the US are legal kidnappers. |
łowca majątku(sb seeking to marry into wealth) He's a fortune hunter; he's looking for a rich woman to marry. |
łowca skandali(slang, figurative, pejorative (person who uncovers scandal) (potoczny) Katie claims to be a journalist, but really she's just a muckraker. |
łowca talentów(sports, arts: talent scout) (muzyka, film) The members of the team were nervous as they'd heard there was a scout watching the match. |
łowca talentów(recruiter: for sports, entertainment) (potoczny) Paul joined the local football team, and soon a talent scout spotted him. |
Let's learn Polish
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Do you know about Polish
Polish (polszczyzna) is the official language of Poland. This language is spoken by 38 million Polish people. There are also native speakers of this language in western Belarus and Ukraine. Because Poles emigrated to other countries in many stages, there are millions of people who speak Polish in many countries such as Germany, France, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, Brazil, Canada, United Kingdom, United States, etc. .. An estimated 10 million Poles live outside of Poland but it is not clear how many of them can actually speak Polish, estimates put it between 3.5 and 10 million. As a result, the number of Polish-speaking people globally ranges from 40-43 million.