What does Kong Hu Cu in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word Kong Hu Cu in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use Kong Hu Cu in Indonesian.
The word Kong Hu Cu in Indonesian means Confucius, K'ung Futzu, Kong the Master, Kongfuze, confucius. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word Kong Hu Cu
Confuciusnoun |
K'ung Futzunoun |
Kong the Masternoun |
Kongfuzenoun |
Pepatah yang mengandung pesan moral itu dianggap sebagai karya guru dan filsuf terkemuka dari Cina bernama Kong Hu Cu. This ethical maxim is attributed to the renowned Chinese teacher and philosopher Confucius. |
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”Empat Buku”, atau Ssu shu, yang ditambahkan pada abad ke-12, dianggap penting bagi paham Kong Hu Cu. The “Four Books,” or Ssu shu, added in the 12th century, are considered as being essential to Confucian thought. |
AJARAN KONG HU CU: Lun yü, bahasa Cina untuk ”percakapan” BUDDHISM: Tripitaka, from Sanskrit for “three baskets [collections]” |
Halnya sama dengan cara orang-orang Kong Hu Cu menangani kejahatan melalui pendidikan. The same is true with the Confucian way of dealing with evil through education. |
Kong Hu Cu menekankan nilai-nilai kekeluargaan, respek terhadap wewenang, dan keselarasan sosial. Confucius stressed family values, respect for authority, and social harmony. |
Paham Kong Hu Cu—Jalan Manusia Confucianism —The Way of Man |
Agama lain (Buddhisme, Hindu, Kong Hu Cu dan aliran kepercayaan) hanya mencakup kurang dari 1% dari jumlah penduduk. Other religions (Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism and aliran kepercayaan) make up less than 1% of the population. |
Memang, kaidah tingkah laku Kong Hu Cu ini ada benarnya. To be sure, this Confucian code of conduct has its merits. |
Lukisannya berada disamping Musa, Kong Hu Cu (filsuf), dan Socrates, setiap lukisan mewakili aspek hukum. His painting is next to Moses, Confucius, and Socrates, each painting representing an aspect of law. |
Yang paling berpengaruh dari antaranya adalah Taoisme, Konfusianisme (Kong Hu Cu), dan Shinto. Most influential among these are Taoism, Confucianism, and Shinto. |
Kong Hu Cu tidak mendirikan agama baru. Confucius did not found a new religion. |
Versi Latinnya adalah ”Confucius” dan di Indonesia ”Kong Hu Cu”. The Latinized version is “Confucius.” |
Landasan dari paham Kong Hu Cu adalah kumpulan tulisan yang dikenal sebagai Wu Ching (”Lima Buku Klasik”). The cornerstone of Confucian thought is the collection known as Wu Ching (“Five Classics”). |
Paham Kong Hu Cu, Taoisme dan agama Budha, misalnya, disebut ”tiga jalan” dari Cina. Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism, for example, are called China’s “three ways.” |
Paham Kong Hu Cu menyebar ke Jepang mungkin pada permulaan abad kelima M. Confucianism spread to Japan perhaps by the beginning of the fifth century C.E. |
Kehidupan orang Cina dengan cara yang sama telah dipengaruhi oleh ke-13 Sastra Kong Hu Cu. Chinese life has been similarly influenced by the 13 Confucian Classics. |
Menurut Kong Hu Cu, ia yang ”karena respek kepada Roh-Roh menjauhinya, dapat dikatakan bijaksana”. According to Confucius, he who “by respect for the Spirits keeps them at a distance, may be termed wise.” |
Pada abad keempat M., paham Kong Hu Cu diajarkan di Kerajaan Kokuryo di Korea Utara. By the fourth century C.E., Confucian precepts were being taught in the Kokuryo Kingdom in northern Korea. |
Pepatah yang mengandung pesan moral itu dianggap sebagai karya guru dan filsuf terkemuka dari Cina bernama Kong Hu Cu. This ethical maxim is attributed to the renowned Chinese teacher and philosopher Confucius. |
Kong Hu Cu tidak terlalu menghargai agama pada zamannya, dengan mengatakan bahwa sebagian besar dari agama hanya terdiri dari takhyul. Confucius did not think highly of the religion of his day, saying that much of it was only superstition. |
Agama Budha, yang diperkuat oleh Taoisme, dan aliran Kong Hu Cu merupakan agama-agama non-Kristen yang utama di Korea. Buddhism, fortified by Taoism, and Confucianism are among Korea’s main non-Christian religions. |
Menurut Hsün-tzu, salah seorang dari tiga filsuf besar Kong Hu Cu, sifat manusia adalah jahat dan cenderung untuk mementingkan diri. According to Hsün-tzu, one of the three great Confucian philosophers, human nature is evil and inclined to be selfish. |
Tidak soal pendapat yang mana, para filsuf Kong Hu Cu tersebut mengajarkan pentingnya pendidikan dan pelatihan untuk memerangi dosa di dunia. Either way, Confucian philosophers taught the importance of education and training in order to fight sin in the world. |
Maka imigran dari banyak negara yang pengaruh Kong Hu Cu kuat, di Amerika Serikat dikenal prestasi akademis mereka yang luar biasa tinggi. Thus, immigrants from countries with a strong Confucian influence have become noted in the United States for exceptionally high scholastic marks. |
Ciri-ciri khas dari paham Kong Hu Cu ini masih menjadi ciri dari orang-orang Asia yang dibesarkan dengan cara Kong Hu Cu. These typical Confucian traits are still characteristic of Asians reared in Confucian fashion. |
Hong lalu mulai mempelajari agama dan membakar semua patung dan buku Kong Hu Cu dan Buddha di rumahnya, serta mulai berkhotbah mengenai penglihatannya. Hong began by burning all Confucian and Buddhist statues and books in his house, and began preaching to his community about his visions. |
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Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.