What does kisi-kisi in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word kisi-kisi in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use kisi-kisi in Indonesian.

The word kisi-kisi in Indonesian means bars, latticework, balusters. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word kisi-kisi





Konstruksi dengan kisi-kisi yang tradisional (quincha) merupakan teknik lain yang dapat diandalkan.
Traditional latticework (quincha) construction is another proven technique.



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Ibu Sisera mengintip dari kisi-kisinya,
Sisʹe·ra’s mother peered out from the lattice,
Beberapa sistem kisi-kisi modern berfungsi untuk memperbaiki pencahayaan siang di dalam ruangan.
Some modern louver systems serve to improve indoor daylighting.
Kisi-kisi moderm seringkali terbuat dari aluminium, logam, kayu, atau kaca.
Modern louvers are often made of aluminium, metal, wood, or glass.
Geseran ini juga dapat dihasilkan oleh kisi-kisi, lihat Pranala luar di bawah.
The shear can also be produced by gratings, see External Links below.
Konstruksi dengan kisi-kisi yang tradisional (quincha) merupakan teknik lain yang dapat diandalkan.
Traditional latticework (quincha) construction is another proven technique.
Kisi-kisi dapat dibuka dan ditutup dengan tuas logam, katrol, atau operator bermotor.
They may be opened and closed with a metal lever, pulleys, or through motorized operators.
Gimana bisa dia loncat lewat kisi-kisi itu?
How the hell can he jump through the grille?
Dan jika kisi-kisi adalah untuk lebih dari 40 detik di malam hari, alarm darurat sipil yang jatuh.
And if the louvers are up for more than 40seconds at night, the civil emergency alarms are tripped.
Kisi-kisi perak dan emas sekarang melampirkan makam di masjid dan mausoleum.
Silver and gold grilles now enclose tombs in mosques and mausoleums.
Di mata Anda, bentuknya menjadi seperti kisi- kisi sehingga, kolagen menjadi tembus pandang, tembus cahaya.
In your eye, it becomes a grid formation, and therefore, it becomes transparent, as opposed to opaque.
Kisi-kisi jarang terlihat sebagai unsur desain primer dalam bahasa arsitektur modern, melainkan hanya sebagai perangkat teknis.
Louvers are rarely seen as primary design elements in the language of modern architecture, but rather simply a technical device.
Selama berabad-abad, kisi-kisi atau terali jendela umum digunakan di Timur Tengah.
For centuries window lattices have been common in the Middle East.
Ketika gaya dihilangkan, kisi-kisi kembali ke keadaan energi asli yang lebih rendah.
When forces are removed, the lattice goes back to the original lower energy state.
Di mata Anda, bentuknya menjadi seperti kisi-kisi sehingga, kolagen menjadi tembus pandang, tembus cahaya.
In your eye, it becomes a grid formation, and therefore, it becomes transparent, as opposed to opaque.
Tabel bentuk standar terdiri dari kisi-kisi unsur, dengan baris yang disebut periode dan kolom yang disebut golongan.
The standard form of the table consists of a grid with rows called periods and columns called groups.
Dalam pengertian ini, ada 14 kemungkinan kisi-kisi Bravais dalam ruang tiga dimensi.
In this sense, there are 14 possible Bravais lattices in three-dimensional space.
Saya bersedia mengakui bahwa mereka memang menemukan dalam kisi-kisi ventilator jejak sianida.
I am willing to concede that they did indeed find in the ventilator gratings traces of cyanide.
Yang menghadap ke jalan biasanya terletak tinggi di dinding atau di ruangan di atap serta berkisi-kisi.
The latter were usually high up on the wall or in the roof chamber and were latticed.
Kisi-kisi semacam ini dapat diintegrasikan di antara dua panel kaca ganda.
Such louvers may be integrated in between two panes of double glazing.
Kisi-kisi teras menutupinya.
There's a porch lattice in the way.
Beberapa menit sekali, diam-diam, Iwan Angsa mengintip bocah itu melalui kisi-kisi udara di atas pintu.
Every couple of minutes, Iwan Angsa would spy on the kid through the air vent above the door.
Blok-blok glif biasanya disusun dengan pola kisi-kisi.
Glyph blocks are usually arranged in a grid pattern.
BRAVO 3, BRAVO 3, BRAVO 6, kirimkan kisi-kisi.
Bravo Three, Bravo Six.

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Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.