What does ketilang in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word ketilang in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use ketilang in Indonesian.

The word ketilang in Indonesian means bulbul, bird. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word ketilang


noun (sj._burung, ketilang)


verb noun (kind of bird, perhaps a white-eye)

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Ini tanda tangan ayah Theo pada surat tilang dari 8 tahun yang lalu.
This is Theo's dad's signature on a speeding ticket from eight years ago.
Karena proses tilang sepuluh menit turut memperparah kemacetan lalu lintas, Wali Kota Michael Bloomberg meminta Badan Legislatif Negara Bagian New York untuk menghapus "menutup persegi" dari kategori pelanggaran lalu lintas.
Mayor Michael Bloomberg, noting that the ten-minute ticketing process actually contributes to overall traffic congestion, has asked the New York State Legislature to remove “blocking the box” from the moving violation category.
Jadi itulah sebabnya kenapa SIM-mu di tilang 9 kali untuk melaju cepat?
Is that why you had your license suspended nine times for speeding?
56 surat tilang di tujuh negara bagian.
56 tickets in seven states.
Jadi haruskah kubayar tilangnya?
So shall I pay this out of petty cash?
Aku mendapat banyak surat tilang karena mantan istriku wanita berengsek.
I got all these parking tickets because my ex-wife is a crazy bitch.
Bagaimana bisa kau memberikan dia surat tilang... saat seharusnya kau memberikan dia bingkisan bunga selamat datang!
How can you issue a ticket... when you should've been giving welcoming bouquet!
Aku baru saja memberikan surat tilang satu minggu yang lalu, sersan.
Quit giving warnings there a week ago, Sarge.
Dan beberapa surat tilang.
i mean, a few speeding tickets.
Maka aku harus parkir bukan ditempatnya, dan aku mendapatkan surat tilang itu.
So I had to park illegally, and I got that ticket.
Dia akan membayar tilangnya. / Mah.
He will pay the ticket.
Dan meski polisi dapat sedikit mengganggu - memberikan surat tilang dan semacam itu -- tak ada yang berkata bahwa kita harus menyingkirkan mereka.
And even though the police can be a little annoying at times -- giving us tickets and stuff like that -- nobody says that we should just get rid of them.
Siapa pun yang kedapatan berada di tempat umum tanpa masker akan ditilang atau dipenjarakan.
Anyone caught in public without a mask faced a fine or jail.
Pak "Jazdy" dikenal secara luas sebagai warga yang sering ditilang di Irlandia, namun sebuah penyelidikan menemukan bahwa Prawo Jazdy berarti "surat izin mengemudi" dalam bahasa Polandia.
"Jazdy" was widely thought to be the most frequent driving offender in Ireland, until an investigation uncovered the fact that Prawo Jazdy is the Polish term for "Driving License".
Ketika seorang teman mengatakan bahwa saya harus melihat video yang bagus tentang seorang laki-laki yang memprotes tilang sepeda di kota New York, Saya akui saya tidak terlalu tertarik.
When a friend of mine told me that I needed to see this great video about a guy protesting bicycle fines in New York City, I admit I wasn't very interested.
Kita hanya bisa mengenakan tuntutan kepemilikan senjata dan beberapa denda tilang.
All we've got are a couple of low-rent weapons charges and some outstanding speeding tickets.
Surat tilangnya di mejamu!
It's on your desk!
Kami menurunkanmu di Balai Kota supaya kamu bisa membayar surat tilang itu.
We're dropping you at City Hall so you can pay that speeding ticket.
Setiap penilangan, setiap perkelahian, setiap gugatan pencemaran nama baik,
Every speeding ticket, every bar fight, every libel suit
Sastra: An Garda Síochána karena menulis dan mengirim lebih dari 50 surat tilang kepada seorang warga Polandia bernama "Prawo Jazdy".
Literature: Garda Síochána for writing and presenting more than 50 traffic tickets to a Polish individual, by the name of "Prawo Jazdy".
Meski Disney memiliki armada mobil keamanan swasta Chevrolet Equinox lengkap dengan senter, suar, kerucut lalu lintas, dan kapur yang biasa dipakai polisi, Florida Highway Patrol beserta polisi Orange dan Osceola County menangani penangkapan dan tilang.
While Disney security maintains a fleet of private security Chevrolet Equinoxes equipped with flashing lights, flares, traffic cones, and chalk commonly used by police officers, arrests and citations are issued by the Florida Highway Patrol along with the Orange County and Osceola County sheriffs deputies.
Bahkan tak ada surat tilang.
Not even a traffic ticket.
Nanti kita akan ditilang lagi.
We'll just get pulled over again.
tilang dia.
Write him up.
Mereka tilang alias di bawah tapi tidak naik penerbangan Hong Kong.
They were ticketed under aliases but didn't board the Hong Kong flight.

Let's learn Indonesian

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Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.