What does kemasan in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word kemasan in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use kemasan in Indonesian.
The word kemasan in Indonesian means finish, check, coating. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word kemasan
finishnoun |
checkverb |
coatingnoun Sugar Crisp dilapisi permen Sampai titik terakhir didalam kemasan Sugar Crisp is candy-coated right down to the last wheat puff in the box. |
See more examples
Ethos Water, anak perusahaan Starbucks, adalah merek air kemasan dengan misi sosial "membantu anak-anak mendapatkan air bersih." Ethos Water, a Starbucks subsidiary, is a brand of bottled water with a social mission of "helping children get clean water." |
Materi seperti plastik lembut, seperti kemasan biskuit atau kantong plastik. 'kemasan'biscuit packaging, or plastic bags. |
Penejelasan lain yang diungkapkan Creation Reocords adalah behawa adanya masalah terkait barcode pada kemasan "Roll with It", yang tidak mencatat keseluruhan penjualan aktual. An alternative explanation given at the time by Creation was that there were problems associated with the barcode on the "Roll with It" single case, which did not record all sales. |
Jam tangan pertama dirilis pada April 2012, dan dikemas dengan kemasan yang ditandatangani oleh Robert Kirkman dan Charlie Adlard. The first watch was released February 2012, and came with packaging that was hand-signed by Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard. |
Rasanya dapat dibagi dalam kemasan terpisah atau dimasukkan dalam cangkir tersebut. The flavoring can be in a separate packet or loose in the cup. |
Greenfields UHT hadir dalam kemasan 1L untuk in home consumption dan UHT small untuk on the go dalam kemasan 125ml, 200ml dan 250ml. Greenfields UHT available in 1 liter packaging for in home consumption and UHT small for on the go in packs of 125ml, 200ml and 250ml. |
Bisakah kamu membantuku menyelesaikan kemasan? Will you please help me finish packing? |
Berikut adalah item yang disertakan dalam kemasan perangkat Nexus. Here's what comes in the box with your new Nexus device. |
Berkat anda, kita telah mengidentifikasi serat hutan alam tropis dalam kemasan pembeli mereka. Thanks to you we identified rainforest fiber in their client's packaging. |
Bagaimana Mrs Masan? What about Mrs. Masan? |
Tidak lama kemudian, hukum federal menuntut dicantumkannya peringatan ”Waspadalah: Merokok Dapat Membahayakan Kesehatan Anda” pada semua kemasan rokok yang dijual di Amerika Serikat. Soon federal law required the warning “Caution: Cigarette Smoking May Be Hazardous to Your Health” on all cigarette packages sold in the United States. |
Bromometana adalah satu-satunya fumigan yang diizinkan (perlakuan panas hanya merupakan pilihan lain) berdasarkan peraturan ISPM 15 ketika mengekspor kemasan kayu padat (palet forklift, krat, bracing) ke 15 negara yang mematuhi ISPM. Bromomethane is the only fumigant allowed (heat treatment is only other option) under ISPM 15 regulations when exporting solid wood packaging (forklift pallets, crates, bracing) to ISPM 15 compliant countries. |
Produk ini memiliki kemasan berbentuk telur plastik yang terbagi menjadi dua, setengah bagian berisi lapisan krim cokelat dan susu dan separuh bagian lainnya berisi mainan. It has plastic egg-shaped packaging that splits into two, one half contains layers of cocoa and milk cream and the other half contains a toy. |
Saya tidak mengerti sedikit saus tomat kemasan I don' t understand little ketchup packs |
Pemilik bar berbohong bahwa mereka memiliki perusahaan air kemasan. The bar hostess lied that they own a drinking water company. |
Anak-anak kecil, sangat tertarik dengan kemasan yang berwarna warni dan mainan-mainan dari plastik. Little kids, especially, are attracted by colorful packaging and plastic toys. |
Benda ini digunakan untuk membuat slip kemasan seperti itu. These were used to make those kinds of packing slips. |
Untuk menjalankan dengan kemasan. To run with the pack. |
Bayangkan Kamu memimpin sebuah perusahaan air kemasan botol. Well, imagine you're in charge of a bottled water company. |
Satu kemasan pasta gigi awal yang bagus tapi kau akan butuh lebih banyak. A tube of toothpaste is a good start, but you're gonna need more than that. |
Pergi ke atas dan membongkar kemasan barangku? To go upstairs and unpack? |
Dan, jika dibandingkan dengan air minum kemasan yang ”secara relatif lebih mahal”, air keran sebenarnya ”boleh dikata gratis”! And when compared with the “outrageously expensive” bottled alternatives, tap water is also “practically free!” |
Resolusi (kemampuan memisahkan campuran) pada sistem LPLC pasti lebih rendah daripada KCKT, karena bahan kemasan dalam kolom KCKT dapat lebih kecil, biasnya hanya 5 mikrometer sehingga meningkatkan luas permukaan fasa diam, meningkatkan luas permukaan interaksi dan pemisahan menjadi lebih baik. The resolution (or the ability to separate a mixture) on an LPLC system will always be lower compared to HPLC, as the packing material in an HPLC column can be much smaller, typically only 5 micrometre thus increasing stationary phase surface area, increasing surface interactions and giving better separation. |
Maaf yang saya kirimkan kemasan pikiran pembaca Anda. Sorry that I sent your mind reader packing. |
Di Amerika Serikat, roti lapis bacon, telur, dan keju juga telah dimodifikasi menjadi produk makanan kemasan sebagai Hot Pocket (170 kalori dan 7 gram lemak) dan Lean Pocket (150 kalori dan 4,5 gram lemak). In the United States, the bacon egg and cheese sandwich has also been modified into a prepackaged food product as a Hot Pocket (170 calories and 7 grams of fat) and a Lean Pocket (150 calories and 4.5 grams of fat). |
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Do you know about Indonesian
Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.