What does kemaren in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word kemaren in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use kemaren in Indonesian.

The word kemaren in Indonesian means yesterday. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word kemaren



Bagaimana kalau kau ceritakan tentang pertengkaran dengan ibumu kemaren?
Why don't you tell us about the fight you had with your mother yesterday?

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Kemaren kan Ayah kasih aku uang jajan Boleh dibeliin buku Lucky Luke
You know my dad gave some pocket money yesterday.Can we buy Lucky Luke
Iya, muter2 yg kemaren baru dapet dikit.
Didn't get much of a tour the last time.
Apa kau sudah memberiku yg kemaren?
Did you give me yesterday's?
Kemaren malem gue " Mimpi "...
Hey, I had a dream last night.
Juga di Agustus, Horan menyatakan dia telah menghubungi Maren Morris untuk berkontribusi dilagunya berjudul "Seeing Blind".
In August, Horan revealed that he had contacted Maren Morris to contribute to his song "Seeing Blind".
Entah musim panas atau musim gugur kemaren?
Was it last spring or winter?
Seperti yang kemaren kita akan membaginya menjadi tiga.
Like always we'll divide it into three shares.
Itu sisa hasil perampasan musim panas kemaren.
It's all I have left from last summer's raids.
Aku masih bisa mengingatnya seperti baru terjadi kemaren.
I can still hear the sound if I let myself.
Tapi kemaren anda marah ketika aku panggil Kakek.
But you got mad at me once, when I called you grandpa.
Giliranku, kemaren.
Yesterday was my diaper day.
Baru beberapa waktu kemaren kita kehilangan Garrett Hedges.
It was right around the time we lost Garrett Hedges.
Aku tak bisa menelpon Su-jung dari kemaren
I can't reach Su-jung since yesterday
Ya mungkin kemaren kita kasih disinfektan
We get the garden disinfected
Aku minta maaf karena meninggalkanmu seperti itu kemaren.
I'm sorry about just leaving yesterday.
Kemaren kami menangkap.. Pembunuh yang kau bayar di Macau...
Yesterday we arrested the murderer you hired in Macau
Nggak, aku udah ngobrol sama mereka kemaren.
No, I talked with them yesterday.
Buat dua bulan kemaren.
It is for the last two months.
Apa kau bisa menceritakan kepadaku tentang yang kau bicarakan kemaren dengan lebih detail?
Can I hear what you said earlier in detail?
Dengar... aku tau Aku bersikap aneh kemaren malam,
Look... I know I wigged out last night,
Aku mengingatkanmu dari minggu kemaren
I reminded you last week
Dia yg mukul kamu pake botol kemaren ya?
Is he the one who hit you with a bottle the other day?
Katanya kemaren sih gitu.
We talked about it in the morning.
Ia menikahi Maren Welhaven, saudari dari penyair epik Johann Sebastian Welhaven pada 1831, dan memiliki 7 putri dan 7 putra. ^ Barbara Charton (2008).
He was married to Maren Welhaven, sister of the epic poet Johann Sebastian Welhaven in 1831, and had 7 daughters and 7 sons.
Aku nemu ini di mobil box kemaren
I found it in the back of the van

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So now that you know more about the meaning of kemaren in Indonesian, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Indonesian.

Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.