What does kawałek in Polish mean?

What is the meaning of the word kawałek in Polish? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use kawałek in Polish.

The word kawałek in Polish means piece, fragment, bit, kawałek, kawałek, kawałek, kawałek, kawałek, kawałek, kawałek, kawałek, kawałek, strzęp, grudka, kawałek, kawałek, kawałek, kawałek, kawałek, część, cząstka, kawałek, rządek, kawałek, kawał, kawałek, kawałek obciętego paznokcia, dawać kawałek, kawałek kurczaka, kawałek mięsa drobiowego z okolic miednicy, kawałek po kawałku, kawałek po kawałku, kawałek ciasta, kawałek terenu, kawałek wykrojony ze szpondra, porządny kawałek, luźny kawałek liny, wąski kawałek tosta, kawałek drewna lub papieru do zapalania ognia, świec itp., trójkątny kawałek. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word kawałek

piece, fragment, bit


(separate morsel)

Matka pokroiła swojemu dziecku jedzenie na małe kawałeczki.
The mother cut her kid's food into smaller pieces.


(UK, regional (a distance, a way) (potoczny)

Farma jest kawałek stąd, wzdłuż drogi.
The farm is down the road a piece.


(large piece)

Father gets to eat the biggest chunk of meat in the stew.


(extract of sth published) (przenośny)

He sat at the table and read me snippets from the paper.



Na dnie torby są kawałki krakersów.
There are bits of crackers at the bottom of the bag.


(determined portion of a whole)

Podaj mi proszę kawałek szarlotki.
Please give me a piece of the apple pie.


(thin slice, portion)

"Would you like some cake?" "Oh, go on, then - just a sliver."


(cake: cut portion)

Ann helped herself to another slice of cake.

kawałek, strzęp

(UK (fabric scrap)

Glenn sewed the rags together to make cushion covers.


(butter: piece, lump)

Dana smeared a knob of butter on her bread.



Na ile kawałków mam pokroić to ciasto?
How many parts should I slice this cake into?


(cord, rope: piece)

Pass me a length of rope, so I can tie the boards together.


(small shard of ice, wood, etc.)

The children suck on ice chips in summer.


(informal, figurative (song) (potoczny)

The drummer doesn't play in the second number. There will be a rehearsal of all the numbers in the musical today.



Który kawałek mięsa poleciłbyś na gulasz?
Which cut of meat would you recommend for a stew?


(slang, figurative (sth taken)

Taxes took a big bite out of his salary.


(segment: of fruit)

I'm putting grapefruit and orange sections in the salad.


(bit or part of something)


(chocolate bar, biscuit) (czekolada)

She broke off a finger of her biscuit and dunked it in her coffee.


(flat piece)

With our soup, we had bread rolls and a pat of butter.

kawał, kawałek

(food mass)

Dan made a meat loaf for dinner.

kawałek obciętego paznokcia

(often plural (piece cut from fingernail or toenail)

Trim your nails over the wastebasket so the clippings don't get on the carpet.

dawać kawałek

(give sb a share)

After she won the money, she said she would cut me in for some of it.

kawałek kurczaka

(fried chicken piece)

I'd like an order of nuggets with fries and a large soda.

kawałek mięsa drobiowego z okolic miednicy

(part of chicken)

kawałek po kawałku


Following the accident, Sheila recovered her memory piece by piece.

kawałek po kawałku

(one fragment at a time)

She very carefully picked up the shards of glass piece by piece.

kawałek ciasta

(literal (slice or chunk of cake)

kawałek terenu

(area of land: patch)

Na końcu ogrodu jest ładny kawałek terenu, który planuję zamienić w zagon warzywny.
There's a nice plot at the bottom of the garden that I plan to turn into a vegetable patch.

kawałek wykrojony ze szpondra

(beef: type of steak)

I'd like some skirt of beef please, butcher.

porządny kawałek

(cake: thick slice)

Jeremy brought Martha a cup of coffee and a slab of his home-made lemon cake.

luźny kawałek liny

(rope: looseness)

Robert gathered up the slack to pull the rope tight again.

wąski kawałek tosta

(thin piece of bread)

kawałek drewna lub papieru do zapalania ognia, świec itp.

(taper for lighting fire, candle, etc.)

The chemistry teacher used a spill to light the Bunsen burner.

trójkątny kawałek

(piece: of cake, etc.)

Dan served his guests coffee with a wedge of cake each.

Let's learn Polish

So now that you know more about the meaning of kawałek in Polish, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Polish.

Do you know about Polish

Polish (polszczyzna) is the official language of Poland. This language is spoken by 38 million Polish people. There are also native speakers of this language in western Belarus and Ukraine. Because Poles emigrated to other countries in many stages, there are millions of people who speak Polish in many countries such as Germany, France, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, Brazil, Canada, United Kingdom, United States, etc. .. An estimated 10 million Poles live outside of Poland but it is not clear how many of them can actually speak Polish, estimates put it between 3.5 and 10 million. As a result, the number of Polish-speaking people globally ranges from 40-43 million.