What does jujur in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word jujur in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use jujur in Indonesian.
The word jujur in Indonesian means honest, upright, frank. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word jujur
honestadjective Dia lebih tepat dibilang cerdik daripada jujur. She is not so much honest as clever. |
uprightadjectivenoun Secara lahiriah, Simon tampaknya seorang yang baik dan jujur. Outwardly, Simon seemed to be a good and upright man. |
frankadjective Mari kita sepakat untuk jujur satu sama lain. Let's agree to be frank with each other. |
See more examples
Jujur saya, ketika saya pikir saya sudah selesai dengan agama, saya justru menemukan bahwa agama begitu luar biasa. Frankly, in the days when I thought I'd had it with religion, I just found the whole thing absolutely incredible. |
Apakah pemerintah, meskipun jujur dan beritikad baik, sanggup menyingkirkan kejahatan terorganisasi? Are governments, though they be honest and well-intentioned, able to curb organized crime? |
" Orang-orang dengan mimpi yang jujur .. " " The ones with honest dreams.. " |
Perlu ada penekanan baru mengenai kejujuran, karakter, dan integritas di zaman kita. There needs to be a new emphasis on honesty, character, and integrity in our time. |
”Kejujuran sudah sangat langka,” kata wanita itu. “Honesty is something you don’t find very often,” said the businesswoman. |
Banyak di antara korban teror militer yang selamat tetap takut untuk berbicara terus terang dan jujur. Many surviving victims of the military’s terror have been too fearful to speak openly and honestly. |
19 Alangkah bahagianya kita memiliki Firman Allah, Alkitab, dan menggunakan beritanya yang ampuh untuk mencabut ajaran-ajaran palsu dan mencapai hati dari orang-orang yang jujur! 19 How happy we are to have God’s Word, the Bible, and to use its powerful message to uproot false teachings and reach honesthearted ones! |
Pria yang memberitahuku tentang dirimu yang ingin mendapat lisensi pialang...,... juga mengatakan kau ini orang yang jujur. The same gentlemen that told me that you try to get your brokers license also told me that you're straight arrow. |
Bukti-bukti dari hal ini dapat dilihat dalam setiap buku tafsiran yang jujur.” The proofs of this can be seen in any honest book of interpretation.” |
Apa yang dapat mereka lakukan dalam situasi ini untuk mempertahankan kejujuran mereka? What could they do in these situations to maintain their honesty? |
Dalam keadaan apa kaum muda kadang-kadang tidak berlaku jujur terhadap orangtua mereka? Under what circumstances do young people sometimes fail to be truthful with their parents? |
Jujur, aku merasa terbebani, aku cemas mungkin kau punya perasaan lain padaku. Honestly, I felt a bit burdened, worrying that you had a special feeling towards me. |
Jujur saja, apakah Anda menyampaikannya secara langsung? Honestly, did you deliver it in person? |
Kawan, jujur saja, aku ingat Obama tu tak guna. Yo, man, straight up, I really used to think Obama was a bitch, man. |
Dalam diri kita masing-masing ada kemampuan untuk menjadi seorang Allah––murni, kudus, jujur, berpengaruh, penuh kuasa, tidak bergantung pada kekuatan duniawi. In each of us there is the potentiality to become a God—pure, holy, true, influential, powerful, independent of earthly forces. |
Tolong jujur, apa aku mendengar nada kagum pada teroris itu? Please tell me I don't detect a hint of admiration for that terrorist. |
Ia berjuang sampai akhir, semakin bersemangat bahwa untuk memerangi korupsi dan kemiskinan, tidak hanya pejabat pemerintah yang perlu jujur, tetapi warga negara harus bergabung untuk membuat suara mereka terdengar. He fought till the end, increasingly passionate that to combat corruption and poverty, not only did government officials need to be honest, but citizens needed to join together to make their voices heard. |
Apakah sdr mengajar anak-anak sdr untuk menaati Yehuwa dlm hal ini, sebagaimana sdr mengajar mereka hukum-hukum tt kejujuran, moralitas, kenetralan, dan segi-segi lain dr kehidupan? Are you teaching your children to obey Jehovah on this matter, just as you teach them his law on honesty, morality, neutrality, and other aspects of life? |
Bagi kita konsep kejujuran dasar dilandaskan pada kehidupan dan ajaran Juruselamat. For us the concept of basic honesty is grounded in the life and teachings of the Savior. |
Dan tuan, anda adelah yang sangat beruntung.... sebab ade pekerja yang hebat, jujur.... dan sangat gagah perkasa And may I say, sir, you are a very lucky fellow to have in your employ such a brave, faithful and heroic young lad |
Jujur, menunjukkan rasa hormat dan hanya mengatakan apa saja yang ada di pikiran Anda. Be honest, show respect and just say whatever's on your mind. |
* Akan seperti apa jadinya masyarakat jika setiap orang bersikap jujur secara sempurna? * What would society be like if everyone were perfectly honest? |
Mereka jujur. " They are honest. " |
Pastilah orangtua anda juga akan menghargai jika anda dengan jujur dan tenang berkomunikasi dengan mereka. No doubt your parents would likewise appreciate your honestly and calmly communicating with them. |
Kau ingin aku jujur atau manis? Do you want me to be honest or nice? |
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Do you know about Indonesian
Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.