What does goyang in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word goyang in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use goyang in Indonesian.
The word goyang in Indonesian means shake, shaky, waggle. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word goyang
shakenounverb Saat dia menggoyangkan bulu tengkuknya kita akan ada di musim semi lagi. When he shakes his mane we shall have spring again. |
shakyadjective Ibu Amélie, Amandine, seorang kepala sekolah dari Gueugnon, selalu memiliki saraf yang goyang. Amélie's mother, Amandine, a schoolmistress from Gueugnon, has always had shaky nerves. |
wagglenounverb Teman-kibasan sayap lt Anda, tidak menggoyangkan sayap Anda. It's waggle your wings, not wiggle your wings. |
See more examples
Kau goyangkan maka pria akan bertekuk lutut. You shake these and you've got him wrapped around your fingers. |
# Semua goyang tempat ini # Everybody rock the place |
Ya, aku akan bergoyang! Yeah, I'm gonna shake it! |
Goyangkan bokongku. Shakin'my bacon! |
Semenit aku berada di kursi goyang, berikutnya aku berada di ladang jagung. One minute I was swinging on the swing set, next I'm in the middle of a corn field. |
Bergoyanglah, sayang. Come on, baby. |
Dalam astronomi, masalah goyangan lensa diperkuat oleh variasi dalam atmosfer dari waktu ke waktu, perubahan yang jelas posisi dari benda-benda dari waktu ke waktu. In astronomy, the problem of lens-shake is amplified by variation in the atmosphere, which changes the apparent positions of objects over time. |
Karena otot bayi belum sepenuhnya berkembang dan jaringan otak masih sangat rapuh, ”menggoyang-goyangkan bayi selama beberapa detik saja dapat mencederainya seumur hidup. Since a baby’s muscles are not fully developed and brain tissue is exceptionally fragile, “shaking a baby for only a few seconds can injure for life. |
Goyangannya yang ke sana kemari itu membuat beberapa pekerja Betel merasa pusing, tetapi gedung ini memang dirancang persis seperti itu untuk menghadapi gempa bumi, sehingga terhindar dari kerusakan. The swaying back and forth made some Bethelites queasy, but the building did just what it was engineered to do and came through the strong temblor undamaged. |
Angin menggoyangkan daun-daun, membuat sinar matahari pagi menari-nari di pucuk pepohonan. A breeze shudders the leaves, making the morning sunlight dance across the treetops. |
Sehingga saat rantainya digoyangkan rantai ini akan terbentuk menjadi susunan yang telah Anda program -- dalam contoh ini, bentuk spiral atau dalam contoh ini, dua kubus bersebelahan. So when you shake the chain, it then folds up into any configuration that you've programmed in -- so in this case, a spiral, or in this case, two cubes next to each other. |
Saat itu larut malam, dan sudah waktunya mengaduk, jadi aku mengangkat tutup panci, dan meletakkannya di meja dapur di sebelahku, dan tutup itu mulai bergoyang maju mundur membuat suara ini. And it was late one night and it was time to stir, so I lifted the lid off the cooking pot, and I placed it onto the kitchen counter next to me, and it started to roll back and forth making this sound. |
Kali ini setiap orang mulai bertepuk tangan ketika mereka menuturkan, “Wow, tidak bergoyang,” “Saya dapat melakukannya,” atau “Saya berhasil!” This time everyone started clapping when they said: “Wow, it’s not shaking,” “I can do this,” or “I did it!” |
Dia pelopor goyang bokong sinkope. She pioneered the syncopated booty shake. |
Jadi, Jojo, apa yang bergoyang? So, JoJo, what's shaking? |
Angin dingin yang lembut dari Danau Erie menggoyang bulu-bulu pada topi para wanita. A soft breeze off Lake Erie ruffled the ladies’ feathered hats. |
Seperti kicuit lainnya, mereka sering menggoyangkan ekornya dan terbang rendah dengan gerakan mengombak dan mereka memiliki panggilan yang tajam yang sering terdengar saat terbang. Like other wagtails, they frequently wag their tail and fly low with undulations and they have a sharp call that is often given in flight. |
Lupakan semua kesedihan, dan bergoyang sebanyak yang Kau inginkan. Forgot all sorrows, and sway as much you want. |
Tapi saya bilang bisa sedikit digoyang. But I suppose there's always a little wiggle room. |
10 ”Serangga Laut” yang Menggoyang Lidah 10 “Sea Bugs” for Your Dining Pleasure |
Salam hangatnya terkadang termasuk memberikan tos, menggoyang-goyangkan telinganya, dan dorongan semangat untuk melayani misi serta menikah di bait suci. His warm greetings occasionally include high fives, wiggling of his ears, and encouragement to serve missions and marry in the temple. |
Goyang ke atas. Shuffle on over. |
Saat dia menggoyangkan bulu tengkuknya kita akan ada di musim semi lagi. When he shakes his mane we shall have spring again. |
Goyanglah! Shake it! |
Pada tahun 1827, biolog bernama Robert Brown mengamati lewat mikroskop dan memperhatikan bahwa serbuk sari yang direndam dalam air tampak bergoyang-goyang. In 1827, a biologist named Robert Brown had peered through a microscope and noticed that pollen grains immersed in water jiggle about. |
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Do you know about Indonesian
Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.