What does gendang telinga in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word gendang telinga in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use gendang telinga in Indonesian.

The word gendang telinga in Indonesian means eardrum, ear drum, tympanic membane, eardrum. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word gendang telinga


noun (membrane separating outer and middle ears)

Aku tahu gendang telingaku pernah robek, tapi apa semua bacaan itu berhenti begitu saja?
I know I blew an eardrum earlier, but did all the chanting just stop?

ear drum


Gendang telingamu bisa rusak.
You'll burst your ear-drums

tympanic membane



noun (membrane that separates the external ear from the middle ear)

Gendang telinga” ngengat ini masih bereaksi sewaktu ada suara dengan frekuensi 300 kilohertz.
The “eardrums” still responded when exposed to sounds at a frequency of 300 kilohertz.

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Apakah Anda meledak di gendang telinga?
Have they punctured your eardrums, huh?
”Gerakan gendang telinga akibat suara mendesis ini luar biasa kecilnya —hanya 1/100 juta sentimeter!”
“The eardrum motion resulting from this hissing sound is unbelievably small—only 1/100 of a millionth of a centimeter!”
Dia kena gegar dan gendang telinganya pecah.
She's got a concussion and a broken eardrum.
Timpanum (gendang telinga) tersembunyi di bawah kulit.
Tympanum hidden under the skin.
Suaramu mengganggu gendang telingaku.
Your voice is grating on my ear nubs.
Gendang telinga
Bajingan itu hancur gendang telinga saya.
The bastard shattered my eardrum.
Timpanum (gendang telinga) tidak jelas atau tidak tampak.
The tympanum is not evident or is indistinct.
Tulang rusuk serta hidungnya patah, tengkoraknya remuk, dan sebuah gendang telinganya ditusuk.
His ribs and nose were broken, his skull caved in, and an eardrum was perforated.
Tekanan angin yang sangat kuat akan menyebabkan pecahnya gendang telinga atau pendarahan pada paru-paru.
Wind overpressure causes eardrum rupture or hemorrhaging of the lungs.
Kau akan merusak gendang telingaku.
You're gonna pop my eardrum.
Itu adalah bunyi partikel udara yang menumbuk gendang telinga Anda”, kata Everest menjelaskan.
It is the sound of air particles pounding against your eardrums,” explains Everest.
Gendang telingamu bisa rusak.
You'll burst your ear-drums
Aku tahu gendang telingaku pernah robek, tapi apa semua bacaan itu berhenti begitu saja?
I know I blew an eardrum earlier, but did all the chanting just stop?
Gendang telinga (timpanum) jelas terlihat, antara 2/3 hingga 3/4 diameter mata.
Tympanum distinct, half to two third the diameter of eye.
Suara yang paling lemah yang dapat anda dengar mengerakkan gendang telinga anda sekitar empat atomik diameter.
The smallest sound you can perceive moves your eardrum just four atomic diameters.
Pada umumnya, ikan menangkap suara melalui tubuhnya, tetapi kebanyakan bangkong dan katak memiliki gendang telinga.
In general, fish receive sound through their bodies, but most toads and frogs have eardrums.
Yah, selain gendang telingaku berdering seperti lonceng gereja, aku baik-baik saja.
Well, aside from my eardrums ringing like church bells, I'm okay.
'Gendang telingamu sedang bermain gendang!
'Your eardrums are playing drums!
Ini termasuk pencangkokan gendang telinga dan menata giginya secara ekstensif.
This included eardrum grafts and extensive dental work.
Semua kaca pecahan itu, gendang telinga yang berdarah, bola mata pecah...
Or a jet flew through the living room, breaking the sound barrier.
Di sini gelombang suara menggetarkan gendang telinga, dan selanjutnya, gendang telinga menggetarkan tiga tulang pada telinga tengah.
At this point the sound waves cause the eardrum to vibrate, and the eardrum, in turn, causes the three bones in the middle ear to vibrate.
Mekanisme demikian biasanya bergantung pada jarak yang agak jauh antara dua gendang telinga.
Such mechanisms usually depend on a sizable distance separating two eardrums.

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Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.